Anyone on a PIP for poor Entresto sales?


Is there anyone on a PIP for poor performance with Entresto?
With the company's lousy forecasts and higher than expected physician apathy they should be on one!
I guess Basel has them on one..

Is there anyone on a PIP for poor performance with Entresto?
With the company's lousy forecasts and higher than expected physician apathy they should be on one!
I guess Basel has them on one..
Haven't heard. But I do know some of their best reps got a 1 based on low performance. They are the ones that followed the brand teams direction regarding dosing, entresto central, didn't break the rules. If they look real close the reps that are doing well are the non compliant cheaters!

Please don't call everyone doing well a "cheater", some of us actually work fairly, and really deliver the correct data to our physicians. This site is skewed to the negative side of pharma business. I have a great district team, and we're doing well because we work hard and put in the proper amount of "EFFORT"! Go work elsewhere if you can't turn things around in your territory. Good Luck to you.

Too soon to PIP anyone! Wouldn't happen til year's end. If you get a "1" rating in performance, then expect a PIP. Focus on what you can control on a daily basis, work hard to sell Entresto every day, eventually we'll get this drug moving, it will just take a while longer than the company and stockholders would like. It's going to be a bumpy journey!!!

Too soon to PIP anyone! Wouldn't happen til year's end. If you get a "1" rating in performance, then expect a PIP. Focus on what you can control on a daily basis, work hard to sell Entresto every day, eventually we'll get this drug moving, it will just take a while longer than the company and stockholders would like. It's going to be a bumpy journey!!!
Good speech sparky! same bullshit they used to say about garbage like valturna, until they finally decided it probably wasn't worth it to kill patients. This 20th diovan combo is going NOWHERE because the bogus seeded trial & everything about this diovan combo is one GIANT S C A M ! ! !

Please don't call everyone doing well a "cheater", some of us actually work fairly, and really deliver the correct data to our physicians. This site is skewed to the negative side of pharma business. I have a great district team, and we're doing well because we work hard and put in the proper amount of "EFFORT"! Go work elsewhere if you can't turn things around in your territory. Good Luck to you.

Im not sure a rep with 100 start 8 months into a launch is doing well. And if a rep has 50 8 months into a launch are they doing poorly?

Please don't call everyone doing well a "cheater", some of us actually work fairly, and really deliver the correct data to our physicians. This site is skewed to the negative side of pharma business. I have a great district team, and we're doing well because we work hard and put in the proper amount of "EFFORT"! Go work elsewhere if you can't turn things around in your territory. Good Luck to you.
This poster is definitely guilty of being noncompliant! Probably had scripts before launch when we were told under no circumstances to you speak about a drug until FDA approved.

wake up people and leadership team. Which areas are doing decent? Urban, with higher educated, higher income, and more compliant patients! Poorer Rural areas are automatically at a disadvantage due to poor patient compliance, non reporting pharmacies, provider indifference toward the patient, and the patient not being able to afford a branded co-pay. These patients require even more additional paperwork and some are just not willing to go the extra mile! No matter how good the drug is! And not to mention Novartis does not target these areas for additional resources such as a RAM, RSD.

wake up people and leadership team. Which areas are doing decent? Urban, with higher educated, higher income, and more compliant patients! Poorer Rural areas are automatically at a disadvantage due to poor patient compliance, non reporting pharmacies, provider indifference toward the patient, and the patient not being able to afford a branded co-pay. These patients require even more additional paperwork and some are just not willing to go the extra mile! No matter how good the drug is! And not to mention Novartis does not target these areas for additional resources such as a RAM, RSD.
Totally agree. And would Novartis roll out PIP's on these reps, Regardless of the special realignment situation? Or do they even care?

Please don't call everyone doing well a "cheater", some of us actually work fairly, and really deliver the correct data to our physicians. This site is skewed to the negative side of pharma business. I have a great district team, and we're doing well because we work hard and put in the proper amount of "EFFORT"! Go work elsewhere if you can't turn things around in your territory. Good Luck to you.

agree not everyone is a "cheater" however I know our team is ALL putting in the effort and the extra time with the right data and we are not doing well . I think a lot has to do with the area, your access, managed care, and several other things . You cannot discount those issues either. Just my opinion.

wake up people and leadership team. Which areas are doing decent? Urban, with higher educated, higher income, and more compliant patients! Poorer Rural areas are automatically at a disadvantage due to poor patient compliance, non reporting pharmacies, provider indifference toward the patient, and the patient not being able to afford a branded co-pay. These patients require even more additional paperwork and some are just not willing to go the extra mile! No matter how good the drug is! And not to mention Novartis does not target these areas for additional resources such as a RAM, RSD.

We are an urban area and not doing well. In general it's a slow uptake for so many reasons you cannot blame just one or your area or reporting issues ... Great drug but the market is so different then when they launched other drugs. Unfortunately we will all soon pay the price ... I don't even think corporate knows what to do but the bottom line is if we don't generate business which may or may not be in your control we they have to do something because the shear number of reps they cannot support ... Expansion a HUGE mistake .

This will be interesting. Several of us have asked for help. We get nothing, no answers, no suggestions on what to do differently. Basically no support......from the company or any other division! It would cost the company way more to fire a seasoned rep, that has already built trust and developed relationships with customers!

This will be interesting. Several of us have asked for help. We get nothing, no answers, no suggestions on what to do differently. Basically no support......from the company or any other division! It would cost the company way more to fire a seasoned rep, that has already built trust and developed relationships with customers!

Ditto !

The only territories doing well are those with KOLS/Paid speakers. Take Lisa B she has to be stupidest rep I've ever met. She couldn't tell me at a role play the difference between RRR vs NNTT and can't even remember the dosing of Entresto. However she is going to presidents club this year because Dr Gass is writing 100s of TRX. Dr Gass has been paid already over 100k for his speaking engagements since launch.

This was the case also with Tekturna and Valturna and even with Reclast to a certain degree. If you territory is attached to a teaching hospital or you have a strong speaker, you are more likely to be making money, than those that are not so lucky.

Once again is not how hard you work, it's where the territory is located.

Here is a fun fact for all of you. In 2011 the #4 and #7 president club winners were open territories. One was Manhattan, the other North Jersey.

The only territories doing well are those with KOLS/Paid speakers. Take Lisa B she has to be stupidest rep I've ever met. She couldn't tell me at a role play the difference between RRR vs NNTT and can't even remember the dosing of Entresto. However she is going to presidents club this year because Dr Gass is writing 100s of TRX. Dr Gass has been paid already over 100k for his speaking engagements since launch.

This was the case also with Tekturna and Valturna and even with Reclast to a certain degree. If you territory is attached to a teaching hospital or you have a strong speaker, you are more likely to be making money, than those that are not so lucky.

Once again is not how hard you work, it's where the territory is located.

Here is a fun fact for all of you. In 2011 the #4 and #7 president club winners were open territories. One was Manhattan, the other North Jersey.

Another FCA waiting to happen , keep your documents & find a good WB attorney

The only territories doing well are those with KOLS/Paid speakers. Take Lisa B she has to be stupidest rep I've ever met. She couldn't tell me at a role play the difference between RRR vs NNTT and can't even remember the dosing of Entresto. However she is going to presidents club this year because Dr Gass is writing 100s of TRX. Dr Gass has been paid already over 100k for his speaking engagements since launch.

This was the case also with Tekturna and Valturna and even with Reclast to a certain degree. If you territory is attached to a teaching hospital or you have a strong speaker, you are more likely to be making money, than those that are not so lucky.

Once again is not how hard you work, it's where the territory is located.

Here is a fun fact for all of you. In 2011 the #4 and #7 president club winners were open territories. One was Manhattan, the other North Jersey.
I've been doing this for along time and have a very good track record. This is so true regarding KOLs/ speakers. Over our way, the best performing territory has 3-5 speakers. And it just so happens some other territories doing well, these speakers have offices in their territories, getting 100% credit as well. The areas struggling have 0-1 speakers. If you're a ABL nominating speakers, I guess this is a good strategy to play the system!

I've been doing this for along time and have a very good track record. This is so true regarding KOLs/ speakers. Over our way, the best performing territory has 3-5 speakers. And it just so happens some other territories doing well, these speakers have offices in their territories, getting 100% credit as well. The areas struggling have 0-1 speakers. If you're a ABL nominating speakers, I guess this is a good strategy to play the system!
You people are pathetic. The only tactic this entire organization knows is bribing & every award, promotion & raise are predicated on who's bribing the most & best. What a joke. Can't wait till you are all sitting in front of the DOJ.

You people are pathetic. The only tactic this entire organization knows is bribing & every award, promotion & raise are predicated on who's bribing the most & best. What a joke. Can't wait till you are all sitting in front of the DOJ.
"Judge, I was taking our own medication, mostly the cherry flavored Kool-Aide, and it just made me act stupid. Sorry. But it did feel great for a while" !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only territories doing well are those with KOLS/Paid speakers. Take Lisa B she has to be stupidest rep I've ever met. She couldn't tell me at a role play the difference between RRR vs NNTT and can't even remember the dosing of Entresto. However she is going to presidents club this year because Dr Gass is writing 100s of TRX. Dr Gass has been paid already over 100k for his speaking engagements since launch.

This was the case also with Tekturna and Valturna and even with Reclast to a certain degree. If you territory is attached to a teaching hospital or you have a strong speaker, you are more likely to be making money, than those that are not so lucky.

Once again is not how hard you work, it's where the territory is located.

Here is a fun fact for all of you. In 2011 the #4 and #7 president club winners were open territories. One was Manhattan, the other North Jersey.