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Anyone here know what Amylin is?

No not the company. Check out wikipedia. Wow.

Yes. It is a short peptide.

Because of the cutbacks in R and D at Lilly many years ago, we did not hire the adventurous chemists we needed to explore these areas. Six sigma seemed like a better bet. John

PS But, no more. Take that however you want it.

John... You should consult with your peers from Harvard. The biz school even feels six sigma is a dinosaur of a concept. Cut the black belts. Invest that $ elsewhere.

John... You should consult with your peers from Harvard. The biz school even feels six sigma is a dinosaur of a concept. Cut the black belts. Invest that $ elsewhere.

We're sorry, John is unavailable; he is busy stuffing A combination of exfoliated (shed) epithelial cells, transudated skin oils, and moisture occurring in both female and male mammalian genitalia, into sandwiches.

We're sorry, John is unavailable; he is busy stuffing A combination of exfoliated (shed) epithelial cells, transudated skin oils, and moisture occurring in both female and male mammalian genitalia, into sandwiches.

Just keep sucking that Ivy. Mmmm juicy.

A veritable dipeptide. Imagine that. LIKE aspartame, but not sugary sweet. Brain candy.

The horomone secreted with insulin from the B-cell--& part of the reason GLP-1 drugs will start to clean our clock in the rapid insulin space. Why go through all the crap to start humalog when the patient can get their own insulin, plus amylin, plus GLP-1 with a weekly or daily shot--less finger sticks--no carb counting--weight loss instead of gain & less hypo???? The only drawback is some short-term gi upset . . .

It's also a company we used to co-promote GLP-1 with before our leadership screwed that up for us last year, and now they are the hottest item for takeover by all the companies in the industry. Don't know what you've got til it's gone!

The horomone secreted with insulin from the B-cell--& part of the reason GLP-1 drugs will start to clean our clock in the rapid insulin space. Why go through all the crap to start humalog when the patient can get their own insulin, plus amylin, plus GLP-1 with a weekly or daily shot--less finger sticks--no carb counting--weight loss instead of gain & less hypo???? The only drawback is some short-term gi upset . . .

It's also a company we used to co-promote GLP-1 with before our leadership screwed that up for us last year, and now they are the hottest item for takeover by all the companies in the industry. Don't know what you've got til it's gone!

Gee, maybe you should be asking your new Distinguished Medical Fellow, Kendall. I bet he knows all about hormones, in addition to sampling the Lilly Reps he was a principle investigator.