anyone have any info on surgical principals?

As a previous poster stated "IF you have right territory, right manager, you can make some money"
Those are some big IFs. If is the biggest word in the world. If only this happened, If I had done this...................I only knew of a couple of territories that did ok when I was there.

Having said that, I can tell you that 99% of all that is posted on this board is completely accurate. And, having my manager, and the owner pull the criminal type shit they did to me, yes, I would advise anyone to stay far away from this company. I also knew of other reps that were not paid what they were supposed to get. see all the other posters that have their horror stories of this company. it sure sounds to me, you are the exception rather than the rule.

So dont act all sanctimonious on us. And to characterize anyone who did not do well, and left is a poor sales rep shows how little character you have. You said it first "IF right Territory, IF righ mgr"


IF? Pfff please. There isn't a future with this company. If you are desperate and need the money, take the job, but just remember that quality of life is very important. I left this company after 6 months. I knew I had made a mistake within my first month of hire. I am now with a company that I love, and I am well respected and am making double if not triple what SPI paid me.... don't sell yourself short. If the managers at SPI were as good as they claim to be with their "sales process", they wouldn't be working for SPI. That is a fact.

I have been at spi for almost a year. The lies we are told about the comp plan during the interview process are criminal. Hitting any or all of your ramp is highly unlikely. Quota changes frequently and bonuses are unattainable. Accounts become 'house accounts' every 6 months these days. If you lose an account or have to lower the price on a device at an current account, the commission that would have been paid, not only doesn't get paid, (that would be fair) but is actually deducted from your base salary. Yes, it is possible (read: it happens) to not receive a pay check because you had to lower the price of a device in order to keep the business. Everything spi sells is a price play, and barely even that these days. If you can sell inferior devices that save big hospitals $100's a year, and are willing to make $60-70k per year, climb aboard soldier!

I'm interviewing too. Nothing on here is positive! It can't be that bad, can it?

Yes, it can.

Look at the post below yours from a current rep there. That says it all, perfectly.

I went thru some of the same hell that poster is describing. I once didnt get paid a capital commission because Tim felt I didnt deserve it because the hospital had been waiting on the funds for six months, and I had only been there two months. True Story!!!

If you are DESPERATE just to have ANY kind of income coming in, the take it. You will see soon enough

And yes, there are a few territories that make money, and a few reps who do well. How well? I dont know. If you think you can be the exception, rather than the rule, by all means, give it a go.

And if you do take it, please post your experiences after month one.

I got a job offer and don't know if I should take it based on what has been said about this company. It seems like there is a ton of opportunity and the money seems right. Any real insight would help. Thanks in advance!

I started at SPI a few months ago and couldn't be more disappointed. The management has no clue and there is no way anyone makes what they say you will make. I feel like I was lied to every step of the way. I had a great job, and I left it for this place. I hate the fact I am going to have a 6 month job on my resume and I'm going broke doing it. The owner has no idea what it's really like out there and is stuck 20 years ago when you could sell something on the spot. My only advice to anyone considering a job at SPI is to contact a former employee through LinkedIn and ask them about their experience. I'm sure it's universally bad. I can't believe I work here.

I'm having a good laugh at this thread because it's all true and apparently nothing has changed since 2007. I can't believe TW isn't bankrupt or in prison, fucking criminal. Back in my day we were getting charged for the samples we were given so if a doctor wanted to try my disposable product in the OR, it cost ME money. One time I showed up at the hospital with a surgical laser in the back of TW's pickup with a blanket on top. I was able to offer a significant discount but amazingly the deal didn't work out. I guess they weren't buying from the Beverly Hillbillies that day. KK, the sales guru, was gonna help me land the deal but his used car salesman vibe crushed our hopes. TW must have compromising photos of him, that's the only explanation of why he would stay so long.

One poster talked about wearing a suit in he OR and that was true as well. No other reputable reps walk around the hospital in suits. Ironically, it has the opposite effect and makes you look less trustworthy and smarmy.

Run away from this shithole as quickly as possible.

Considering one of the jobs on Medreps for Surgical Principals Inc.? Everything that has been said in the previous posts are true.

Leadership: There is none. TW is absolutely worthless and delusional. He is the most condescending person I have ever met, and truly has some bad things coming to him if there is Karma in this world. People have been talking about his criminal behavior, I have seen it first hand. Its called territories 00 and 07. They have more capital sales in them then all of the other territories combined. Why? Because he uses these to steal from his reps. I had several occasions where my customers received quotes from me, and were shipped product, only for them not to show up on my sales report.

Training: One week in Tacoma where you will be threatened and belittled all while learning the "Sales Process". Which is basically taken directly out of "How to sell vacuum cleaners in the 1980's". But TW thinks he is the only one doing this sales process. This is one thing that is true, he is the only one still using it... And it doesn't work. If it did, this company would actually have growth, not recession.

Tenure: The average reps stick around about 4-6 months. Most quit, the rest are fired or forced out after one of their famous probation letters that states they no longer have to pay you. So again, you work in fear and TW plays God with your livelihood.

Management: A JOKE. Its not the managers fault though. None of them have any previous management experience, and you think TW is going to pay to get them the proper training they need? Hell no! This is where TW and his cheap ass ways will consistently keep him chasing success. TW just teaches his managers to work with fear and hire and fire. But as one of the Glass Door reviews says about this company, the biggest benefit of this shit hole company is that you can probably work somewhere else at the same time and pocket two checks(I know 2 managers doing this right now).

Customer Service: None existent. But that is a good thing, because you do not want these people talking with any of your customers. They must all be rejects from Walmart, because they have no clue how to treat people with respect. Skyhigh turnover in Customer Service as well, but why wouldn't there be? You have to work around TW all day while making $8.00 an hour...

Benefits: LOW, flat reimbursement each month. No reimbursement for gas, hotels, lunches for docs, cell phone, ect. You will quickly learn just how cheap TW is from day one, and it only gets worse. But this is another lie they will cover up in the interview process.

Pay: What they post on medreps is a complete lie. $110-130K, no way. I can tell you first hand the top reps are making more like 90K, the other 90% are making somewhere between 30K-60K. That's right, 30K! I know several people that received less than 3k for there last several months of work, and these are good sales people. One guy made less than $500 one month, and that was in no way his fault. The 4K monthly starting salary is actually a draw(again, they won't disclose this in the interview process). The 4K a month "salary" they say you start with quickly starts to get the TW tax once you need supplies and samples for the OR. That's right, you get to pay for the products used in cases! What type of REAL medical device company does this? It would make sense if you were a 1099 and making 200K, but not while making less than 50K and w2. Comp plan is a joke, not 1 person is at plan. Believe me when I say this, not 1 person is at plan, not even the top 2-3 reps will be close to hitting plan this year!

Contracts: No GPO contracts, just another sign of the lack of support and cheapness.

Products: Most are cheap knockoffs or just not needed. Almost all have issues. I literally would sit in the OR during a trial and pray that the products wouldn't fail. Below are some of the products and why they don't sell or have sky high attrition within accounts

Uterine Manipulator: Joke of a product, needs to be recalled. If TW actually reported all of the issues this product had, the FDA would recall it immediately, and probably put him in jail. Instead, he covers up all of the issues, or just ignores them and makes his wallet the number one priority instead of patient safety. The product lacks features the customers clearly want, and is 100% a cost sell, but the problem is the cost savings are minimal. Most accounts that do actually convert will quickly go back to their previous product before you will get paid a commission on them.

Endo Bags: Decent product, however nobody actually wants it. The cost savings are minimal, no GPO contracts support it, and surgeons won't back it.

Lap Scissors: Shit product. Constant issues, handles will cost you a paycheck every month if you sell them. Staff hates them, high turnover product.

Suture Grasper(Carter Thomason Device): ME TOO product all the way. No real strategy on how to sell this produt, its a race to the bottom, and SPI already lost the race. On top of that, TW's "cost" for this product, limits reps to capture that bottom price to actually compete. And when all you have is price to compete on, and you can't win with price, of course you won't get that sale.

LapPakOR and CTS: Answer to questions nobody asked. Plus both have several product failures and won't work in 90% of cases.

Lap electrodes: Cheap knockoffs, sold on price, but still can't win on price. Worst in the industry.

Electric Scope Warmer: Shit product. Consistantly over heats and under heats the scope. Scopes are always fogging, but of course management says its a great product and this never happens anywhere else, so keep selling it.

HolstOR: Answer to question nobody asked, plus most of the newer energy devices either do not require, or come with their own (Another example of how TW is living in the dark).

Mediflex Retractor Systems: So rarely used because so few docs are doing open surgery. And if they are, their old systems are still working just fine and don't need your $50 replacement parts.

Sunoptics and Carewise: Decent products, however both are behind the technology curve and will be obsolete in the next few years.

To sum up, if you desperately want to get into medical sales and can not get a job anywhere else, these guys will take you. Just know going in you will not be respected, not paid what is promised or deserved, you will not be well trained, and you may burn bridges with OR staff after your product failures cause some major issues.

This is how things have been with SPI for over 20 years, nothing will ever change. But if you want to take the word of the hiring manager, go for it. You will be back here to warn the next guy...

I think it's important to state over and over again what a thief TW is so that anybody researching Surgical Principals will have a crystal clear picture of the company and the owner.

Just before I left I completed a clinical trial on a piece of Capital equipment that was purchased and I was owed about $2,500 in commission. TW asserted that I hadn't finished in-servicing (training) the staff before I resigned so I wasn't owed the commission. I drafted a letter that was signed by the surgeon stating I had fulfilled my obligation to the hospital. This meant nothing to TW, of course, who refused to pay me. He knew I wasn't likely to go to small claims court for such a small number, so he didn't budge.

I honestly don't know how Surgical Principals reps are allowed in the OR anymore. The products they sell have so many problems, which TW always denies, and never supports. Failures are the fault of the rep, naturally.

Please, please, please, run from this terrible company.

Considering one of the jobs on Medreps for Surgical Principals Inc.? Everything that has been said in the previous posts are true.

Leadership: There is none. TW is absolutely worthless and delusional. He is the most condescending person I have ever met, and truly has some bad things coming to him if there is Karma in this world. People have been talking about his criminal behavior, I have seen it first hand. Its called territories 00 and 07. They have more capital sales in them then all of the other territories combined. Why? Because he uses these to steal from his reps. I had several occasions where my customers received quotes from me, and were shipped product, only for them not to show up on my sales report.

Training: One week in Tacoma where you will be threatened and belittled all while learning the "Sales Process". Which is basically taken directly out of "How to sell vacuum cleaners in the 1980's". But TW thinks he is the only one doing this sales process. This is one thing that is true, he is the only one still using it... And it doesn't work. If it did, this company would actually have growth, not recession.

Tenure: The average reps stick around about 4-6 months. Most quit, the rest are fired or forced out after one of their famous probation letters that states they no longer have to pay you. So again, you work in fear and TW plays God with your livelihood.

Management: A JOKE. Its not the managers fault though. None of them have any previous management experience, and you think TW is going to pay to get them the proper training they need? Hell no! This is where TW and his cheap ass ways will consistently keep him chasing success. TW just teaches his managers to work with fear and hire and fire. But as one of the Glass Door reviews says about this company, the biggest benefit of this shit hole company is that you can probably work somewhere else at the same time and pocket two checks(I know 2 managers doing this right now).

Customer Service: None existent. But that is a good thing, because you do not want these people talking with any of your customers. They must all be rejects from Walmart, because they have no clue how to treat people with respect. Skyhigh turnover in Customer Service as well, but why wouldn't there be? You have to work around TW all day while making $8.00 an hour...

Benefits: LOW, flat reimbursement each month. No reimbursement for gas, hotels, lunches for docs, cell phone, ect. You will quickly learn just how cheap TW is from day one, and it only gets worse. But this is another lie they will cover up in the interview process.

Pay: What they post on medreps is a complete lie. $110-130K, no way. I can tell you first hand the top reps are making more like 90K, the other 90% are making somewhere between 30K-60K. That's right, 30K! I know several people that received less than 3k for there last several months of work, and these are good sales people. One guy made less than $500 one month, and that was in no way his fault. The 4K monthly starting salary is actually a draw(again, they won't disclose this in the interview process). The 4K a month "salary" they say you start with quickly starts to get the TW tax once you need supplies and samples for the OR. That's right, you get to pay for the products used in cases! What type of REAL medical device company does this? It would make sense if you were a 1099 and making 200K, but not while making less than 50K and w2. Comp plan is a joke, not 1 person is at plan. Believe me when I say this, not 1 person is at plan, not even the top 2-3 reps will be close to hitting plan this year!

Contracts: No GPO contracts, just another sign of the lack of support and cheapness.

Products: Most are cheap knockoffs or just not needed. Almost all have issues. I literally would sit in the OR during a trial and pray that the products wouldn't fail. Below are some of the products and why they don't sell or have sky high attrition within accounts

Uterine Manipulator: Joke of a product, needs to be recalled. If TW actually reported all of the issues this product had, the FDA would recall it immediately, and probably put him in jail. Instead, he covers up all of the issues, or just ignores them and makes his wallet the number one priority instead of patient safety. The product lacks features the customers clearly want, and is 100% a cost sell, but the problem is the cost savings are minimal. Most accounts that do actually convert will quickly go back to their previous product before you will get paid a commission on them.

Endo Bags: Decent product, however nobody actually wants it. The cost savings are minimal, no GPO contracts support it, and surgeons won't back it.

Lap Scissors: Shit product. Constant issues, handles will cost you a paycheck every month if you sell them. Staff hates them, high turnover product.

Suture Grasper(Carter Thomason Device): ME TOO product all the way. No real strategy on how to sell this produt, its a race to the bottom, and SPI already lost the race. On top of that, TW's "cost" for this product, limits reps to capture that bottom price to actually compete. And when all you have is price to compete on, and you can't win with price, of course you won't get that sale.

LapPakOR and CTS: Answer to questions nobody asked. Plus both have several product failures and won't work in 90% of cases.

Lap electrodes: Cheap knockoffs, sold on price, but still can't win on price. Worst in the industry.

Electric Scope Warmer: Shit product. Consistantly over heats and under heats the scope. Scopes are always fogging, but of course management says its a great product and this never happens anywhere else, so keep selling it.

HolstOR: Answer to question nobody asked, plus most of the newer energy devices either do not require, or come with their own (Another example of how TW is living in the dark).

Mediflex Retractor Systems: So rarely used because so few docs are doing open surgery. And if they are, their old systems are still working just fine and don't need your $50 replacement parts.

Sunoptics and Carewise: Decent products, however both are behind the technology curve and will be obsolete in the next few years.

To sum up, if you desperately want to get into medical sales and can not get a job anywhere else, these guys will take you. Just know going in you will not be respected, not paid what is promised or deserved, you will not be well trained, and you may burn bridges with OR staff after your product failures cause some major issues.

This is how things have been with SPI for over 20 years, nothing will ever change. But if you want to take the word of the hiring manager, go for it. You will be back here to warn the next guy...

This is the most detailed and accurate description of SPI. 100% accurate...

If SPI offered good training or good pay, it might be worth joining. If they only were honest about the medreps postings in regards to the pay, they would probably keep more people. You will never make "100-130K". Expect somewhere between 50-60K or less, and your last monthly paycheck once you quit or get fired will probably be somewhere between $500-$2000(even though you are clearly owed 5k+). Tim does this because he doesn't expect you to take him to small claims court. But since he fires 40+ reps each year(and only has about 15 reps on hand at any given time), that saves him on average $5000 each rep, or $200,000 a year. Pretty good cash flow for TW. He needs that extra cash to cover his ass on the products that will fail 9/10 times in trials each year. Something has to pay for the newest knock-off that Timmy plans on buying from another failing company.

I can hear old Timmy talking about the past reps that "couldn't cut it", now...

He thinks they didn't work hard, or didn't use his "Sales Process".

I am sure his wife hears these things every day if she ever questions why people keep leaving. But the real question is Timmy, who is the common denominator here over the last 20 years?

Look in the fucking mirror.

Any manager here needs to question their dignity and integrity. All the lies in the world are not worth the paycheck.

the you may know these people on LinkedIn today, showed KK, and TC have new jobs. Wonder if TW did them the same way he does everyone else. Looks like both have been gone about a year or so. Interesting!!!!

This place is nothing more than a paid internship for medical device(at best you will make 80-90k, most likely 40-50k) Forget about the 100-130k they promise. The "Salary" is actually a draw, but they won't tell you that. Even the management is too emabarrased to bring this up in the interview process... You will never be respected in the OR, if anything you will be kicked out. All products are problematic, if not dangerous.

Advice to management: Stop leading by fear and actually demand some management training from TW. It's not your fault you don't know how to manage a sales staff. The entire "Management" staff was promoted after everyone relevant quit. Any place where "Senior Reps" are a year old, is a place to run from.

Advice to TW: Sell your POS company that is clearly not growing to someone that cares about patient saftey, because you obviously ignore the recalls that should have been made 6-12 months ago.

Advice to future reps: Everything on here is true. The only ones saying different are the hiring managers, and that is because they are desperate to try to find anyone that can't get hired by a real med device company. If you decide to take a job here, you will see old TW is the same man he has been over the last 20 years.

I can't belive TW isn't jail.

Consider yourselves warned!