anyone have any info on surgical principals?

Yes, the owner specializes in hiring managers that have DWI's and Drug convictions, this way he can beat them because they can't leave. Product lines are problematic, quality issues, they don't recall products that should be, just sell them is the attitude. They say you can increase your earning by growing the business, this is short term, accounts you have earned become house accounts after 1 year. If you care about your reputation, this is not the company to represent, if you don't care about anything, go for it. No expenses covered, horrible health insurance, you drive you own car with all travel expenses out of your wallet/purse. You would be lucky to find a rep that has been working for SPI for over 2 years. Turn and burn.

The last post has a lot of truth to it! I have only heard of one manager fitting that bill but the products, company culture, pay is all true! I have always wonder why the managers have been around for so long. It has to get old hiring a new rep for a territory every 6-10 months. Also the yearly pay they post on MedReps is complete BS! Realistic earnings are 60-70K. What expense allowance given (450.00) is added to your paycheck, so it is taxed. If you are desperate than maybe think about it....

There are a select few out there that are intent on bashing this company. Much like others do on this site with other companies. SPI is not a perfect company, but they are a solid company to work for and a great opportunity for those looking to break into the industry and make very good money. The comp plan is comparable to other companies in the industry, and with hard work you can make a very good income with average benefits.

There are a select few out there that are intent on bashing this company. Much like others do on this site with other companies. SPI is not a perfect company, but they are a solid company to work for and a great opportunity for those looking to break into the industry and make very good money. The comp plan is comparable to other companies in the industry, and with hard work you can make a very good income with average benefits.

They are not a solid company. Comp plan sucks. Everything posted about this company is true.
The quote above is by the owner himself . They run the good salespeople off with there crappy ever changing sales quotas. They deduct any amount they want from your check for obscure reasons that you have never heard of. What kind of company hires a rep that was a obgyn doc that lost all his credentials because he was a drug addict. Horrible culture , climate, product line. It's all crap. They will even challenge your unemployment if you file on them. They did not care that I could not feed my daughter. They are all horrible people with miserable lives. Complete idiots. Run from this company .

The last poster is right. If you can't sell, you will not be happy here. I work here too, and I am not the owner... :) I have been with the company for over a year now.

The comp plan is more complicated than most other med device companies out there, but if you have a grade school education, you can understand it. But I think changes could be made to it to simplify things. The comp plan is always changing, but it appears to be that way to challenge reps, and keep you motivated to grow rather than get comfortable. But at some point in any sales organization, the carrot needs to stop moving...

SPI is ran more like a sales organization. If you can sell and continue to grow your territory you will do well and make money and be happy. If you are looking for a place to take over a territory and babysit business, this place is not for you. If you want to do that, go sell pharma. This is med device, they expect results here. All of the reps I know that are successful here are true sales people, and they are happy. But like any sales force, those that are struggling are not happy and leave quick. I have found this is true in this industry, no matter what company you work for.

Take the comments on this thread with a grain of salt(both positive and negative). A few people on this site seem to be on a mission. I will continue to grow my territory and be successful and make money. But, if for some reason I stop having success and the managers come down on me, I might change my tune.

The last poster is right. If you can't sell, you will not be happy here. I work here too, and I am not the owner... :) I have been with the company for over a year now.

The comp plan is more complicated than most other med device companies out there, but if you have a grade school education, you can understand it. But I think changes could be made to it to simplify things. The comp plan is always changing, but it appears to be that way to challenge reps, and keep you motivated to grow rather than get comfortable. But at some point in any sales organization, the carrot needs to stop moving...

SPI is ran more like a sales organization. If you can sell and continue to grow your territory you will do well and make money and be happy. If you are looking for a place to take over a territory and babysit business, this place is not for you. If you want to do that, go sell pharma. This is med device, they expect results here. All of the reps I know that are successful here are true sales people, and they are happy. But like any sales force, those that are struggling are not happy and leave quick. I have found this is true in this industry, no matter what company you work for.

Take the comments on this thread with a grain of salt(both positive and negative). A few people on this site seem to be on a mission. I will continue to grow my territory and be successful and make money. But, if for some reason I stop having success and the managers come down on me, I might change my tune.

You sir are an idiot . Nothing was mentioned about the inability to sell. Maybe your grade school education did not focus on reading comprehension . If you have been with them a year your time is up. You will get a threatening letter in January and if you don't meet all their criteria they will stop playing your "expenses " and start docking monies from your check.
Nobody is happy at SPI , nobody makes money . You must be sniffing something with the El Paso rep or you are a desperate DUI hire that can't do better. If this is your idea of true medical device sales you must have sold used cars or cemetery plots. Wake up , you are working with a bevy of assholes. A solid medical device company sees its employees as assets not cattle for slaughter . Get out the tuning fork because you tune will soon be changing!

hows the Knock off V-care going for you . Those cups and balloons still breaking. Hey but you got Mediflex now . As bad as they are they will never be as bad as the BLUE ENDO BOYS

The last poster is right. If you can't sell, you will not be happy here. I work here too, and I am not the owner... :) I have been with the company for over a year now.

The comp plan is more complicated than most other med device companies out there, but if you have a grade school education, you can understand it. But I think changes could be made to it to simplify things. The comp plan is always changing, but it appears to be that way to challenge reps, and keep you motivated to grow rather than get comfortable. But at some point in any sales organization, the carrot needs to stop moving...

SPI is ran more like a sales organization. If you can sell and continue to grow your territory you will do well and make money and be happy. If you are looking for a place to take over a territory and babysit business, this place is not for you. If you want to do that, go sell pharma. This is med device, they expect results here. All of the reps I know that are successful here are true sales people, and they are happy. But like any sales force, those that are struggling are not happy and leave quick. I have found this is true in this industry, no matter what company you work for.

Take the comments on this thread with a grain of salt(both positive and negative). A few people on this site seem to be on a mission. I will continue to grow my territory and be successful and make money. But, if for some reason I stop having success and the managers come down on me, I might change my tune.

Dude, you need to quit drinking the Kool Aid, and wake up. The shit TW pulls is borderline criminal. And how the managers do the unethical shit he has them do, I have to question. Maybe TW does have them by the balls because of previous transgressions, as has been alluded to.

All I know is they will fuck you in a heartbeat. Just wait till you dont meet your baseline # one month. Then you will see the real SPI way.

This is comical, and shows how out of touch this company is with reality. When I called one of the customer references I asked for while interviewing, the female customer said "I wouldn't piss on that manager if he was on fire. Whatever you do, do not take this job." Wow, how is that for customer satisfaction, and from a female at that.

I am finally with a real company that sells real products. While no company is perfect, SPI takes it to another level with all their bullshit. You need to open your eyes, and take a look around at what is really going on. Do you really think the high turnover rate is simply poor sales people. Dude, get real

LMAO. As a formal two year employee (which is considered a "senior position" at this company, I thought I'd just pop in to see if anything had changed with SPI. It sounds TW is still up to his old tricks and is still regarded to as the sleaziest, most unethical A-hole the industry. I feel for those that go to work at SPI with high expectations, only to have them crushed and burned to the ground like house built next to an active volcano. SPI employees - what can I say, I'm sorry for your loos. SPI applicants - you have no idea what "bad" is until you sign on and actually experience what hell on earth is like. And to TW, aka El Presidente (his self given title) - life is funny. What comes around...well you know the saying. I have a feeling that something, I'm not sure what, but something will make your life an absolute living hell (if it hasn't already) and will continue to do so until all of those that you completely screwed over throughout your life are vindicated. Until then, go F yourself since I'm sure you check these boards just to hear or see your name.

LMAO. As a formal two year employee (which is considered a "senior position" at this company, I thought I'd just pop in to see if anything had changed with SPI. It sounds TW is still up to his old tricks and is still regarded to as the sleaziest, most unethical A-hole the industry. I feel for those that go to work at SPI with high expectations, only to have them crushed and burned to the ground like house built next to an active volcano. SPI employees - what can I say, I'm sorry for your loos. SPI applicants - you have no idea what "bad" is until you sign on and actually experience what hell on earth is like. And to TW, aka El Presidente (his self given title) - life is funny. What comes around...well you know the saying. I have a feeling that something, I'm not sure what, but something will make your life an absolute living hell (if it hasn't already) and will continue to do so until all of those that you completely screwed over throughout your life are vindicated. Until then, go F yourself since I'm sure you check these boards just to hear or see your name.
Bravo!!! Well said!!!

Surgical Principals is a terrible company to work for. If you care about your career and reputation, steer clear of this company at all costs. The most money you could possibly earn annually as a rep is maybe 70-80K (That's pushing it...I mean really pushing it). Your pay will be $4000 monthly salary as long as you meet minimum sales goals. Commission is 40% of new business. New business only qualifies as no sales in the past 12 months. Your auto allowance is taxed and added to your paycheck, so after taxes you're looking at $3200 p/month. In an industry where you're calling on surgeons, you're not allowed to do breakfast, lunch or dinners for your surgeons or their staff. The company does not believe in GPO contracts which makes sales almost impossible within major hospital systems. You will be selling extremely cheaply made disposables and mediflex retractor systems. The hiring manager is a nightmare to work with. The most unprofessional, bland and worst human being you can imagine. Micromanages you on a daily basis. To add insult to injury, this is a suit and tie company. You're not allowed to wear scrubs or company issued scrubs, so you walk into hospitals looking like an insurance salesman, which is bad for business. It's a shame TW doesn't make the necessary changes to improve his business because I honestly believe he is a good guy, but not the brightest when it comes to selecting managers. Also, this company is run out of a car garage and doubles as a catering event center for weddings and parties...customer service for SPI wear shorts and t shirts in the office and probably have a high school diploma... if that. In conclusion, stay FAR AWAY from this company.

Karl Keller is the regional manager in the southwest territory. The man thinks he is an expert salesman, but he makes you role play out of his hotel room which is kind of freaking weird. Never in my 8 years of medical sales have I ever had to role play in someone's hotel room. While working with him, my clients kindly asked me never to bring him into my accounts as he was hated by most people in the territory. He acts like he'd God's gift to sales but he wears cheap suits and if he was as good at his job as he thinks he is, he would be working for a bigger and better company. He's a huge smart ass and is lucky that I was professional enough to not have rearranged his face on numerous occasions or left him stranded on the side of a road during ride alongs. I lasted a whole 6 months but began looking for new employment 3 weeks into my start date. You'll make 40 to maybe 60K tops if you decide to join this sorry excuse for a company. This company is run out of a car garage and at times you have to take crap from Staci Butler, the "HR/office manager" who has maybe a 7th grade education. Although I don't wish harm upon anyone, I wouldn't mind seeing this company go out of business. Karl, you should have a couple of drinks and drive home. Potential candidates...I highly encourage you to not go anywhere near this company. Their products area race to zero. ..price play with applied medical and progressive medical, but at least those other 2 mediocre companies have GPO contracts. Good luck to you in your job search.

I was laid off a 6 months ago from my previous medical device sales position, and struggling to find another one. Categorizing the interviewing process as grueling is an understatement. During the interim, I have been 2nd choice with 3 reputable companies, multiple interviews, 2-3 month process each. I've become disenchanted. I read the threads as I have an upcoming interview with Surgical Principals, and feel like I'm in a catch 22 as desperation is starting to emerge... Contemplating cancelling the interview as I'm not one to compromise my integrity nor concede to something of lesser value, yet I fear I will go another 6 months of interviewing to no avail. I don't know what to do....

They always tell you that you were 2nd choice, it's an easy way to let you down. If you can't get an offer from SPI that will be very telling as they appear to hire the bottom of the barrell.

Medical is going in the crapper my advice is to get out. Wait a second, you're already out....

I was laid off a 6 months ago from my previous medical device sales position, and struggling to find another one. Categorizing the interviewing process as grueling is an understatement. During the interim, I have been 2nd choice with 3 reputable companies, multiple interviews, 2-3 month process each. I've become disenchanted. I read the threads as I have an upcoming interview with Surgical Principals, and feel like I'm in a catch 22 as desperation is starting to emerge... Contemplating cancelling the interview as I'm not one to compromise my integrity nor concede to something of lesser value, yet I fear I will go another 6 months of interviewing to no avail. I don't know what to do....

Im there with ya. have gone through the same thing over a longer period. Take it, and keep looking.. Get the paycheck.

Get the job, the poster earlier is right. Its easier to get a job, when you have a job. As for SPI, if you have the right manager, it really is a pretty decent place to work. No job is perfect, and I could see how KK would not be fun to work for if all of the comments on this site are true.

Starting pay is just so so, but if you work hard you can increase your base to about 80-90K depending on how well you start out within the first couple of months. With commissions you can be looking at 120k+ pretty easy. I was making this before I left the company.

Obviously all the people that have bashed this company, no longer work for the company. And all of those people were not successful within the company, otherwise they would have made more than 60K. I know there were reps making 50-70k while I was there, and others making high 100's. Its sales. The top reps make good money, the good reps make fair money, and the poor reps end up leaving.

Take the job, and hopefully you have a good manager. If you have the right manager, and the right territory, you can make money with this company. I did, and I was happy. I left to get a job with a company with a little more technically advanced product line, which is want I was looking for from the beginning.