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Please can someone with a degree in rocket science take a look at the severance details on the intranet?
What "band" are we in? it looks like we get 2 weeks severance if we've been here less than 2 years. Then severance doubles with every couple of years. I guess we will get 1 wk of vacation and then do we get paid at full incentive comp for Jan and Feb - since that data will not be available by the time the axe us?

You only get paid what you have accumulated for this year, which is about one day, maybe. not the two weeks you think.

IC is only paid to people still employed the day they cut the IC checks, so for some of us we get nothing for Jan, Feb; if laid off you won't even get oct,nov, dec! check your company policy, it sucks.

Did everyone get a message from their manager with the "business as usual" message?...I guess that was the instructions handed down by the illuminati a.k.a upper management.

They can't possibly jip us of our Oct-Dec. 2010 IC payout. That is a major lawsuit. That would be the shadiest thing I have ever heard of. Been through a few re-orgs and downsizings and i have never seen that. I will be super pissed and disgruntled!

Hey dumbass #37 pc2 used to sell welchol and with diabetes indication so suck it. In fact, pc2 and specialty are only divisions in this loser company that know how to sell all their drugs. You clearly haven't been around long enough to know this information, so maybe you should be the clean cut.

They can't possibly jip us of our Oct-Dec. 2010 IC payout. That is a major lawsuit. That would be the shadiest thing I have ever heard of. Been through a few re-orgs and downsizings and i have never seen that. I will be super pissed and disgruntled!

you are already super pissed and disgruntled douchie! search your little laptop for IC payout procedure, u get zip if u ain't employed.period...shady but true.