any word yet

The severance will not be that small.... I do not agree with how they are handling the announcements. The Dm's were going nuts waiting and now they are at peace. So work as usual tomorrow and thursday Am will determine out fate....

I agree- everyone I've talked to is fed up with how DSI is handing this layoff. A layoff is bad enough but handle it as classy as possible like EVERY other pharma company- when you announce it, tell people quickly. I'm a top performer & competing for platinum- usually 110% motivated, but I'm not doing crap tomorrow.. This is out of control ridiculous.. "business as usual".

Also, there better not be near the % of reps let go as managers or big Bill has a new title & we all know what that is...

I agree, It's pretty sad that so many of us- "72" when I logged on, are trying to grasp any information to our fate! What a great company we all work for when we have to turn to cafe pharma for information. I'm starting to hope I am one that is let go, and I honestly like my job.

I heard Jon Kleu or Bill McLean will leave a VM tomorrow to say when reps find out and how so we can go out and drive numbers one or two more days!! Maybe you can even keep your job till the end of the month if you get axed!! yay

That is a stupid post about needing PC2. Let's stick to the real issue. MANAGEMENT! This has always been a want to be pharma company. Play on the porch with the big boys. We are small pharma wanna be's!

pc1: no drug of their own, been around the longest, have the highest salaries. its disgusting because pc1 built this company. but i could see them cutting pc1... they didnt care about longevity when laying off mang.