Any truth to Zimmer's trabecular implant?

It was an IFU update, not a change of protocol letter. Confidence in this product could not be "higher". TM technology has been proven in the Orthopeadic space for 14 years. Keep grasping at straws. It just makes you look dumb.

Zimmer's big mistake is thinking (and reps repeating) that orthopedic success = oral success.

Remember the unmitigated disaster known as Infuse (one of Medtronic's single most profitable ortho products which is now sold by BioHazards)?

Remember ortho giant Stryker's dental implant division?

Your implants' reported fractures already are causing plenty of concern with a very overpriced implant with a first generation connection.

Its ironic that the company who has been getting it's backside handed to them by a (up until this year) mail-order company for the past 5 years is now talking a lot of smack.

We'll see who is laughing when some long term oral-max results come out.

Who is looking dumb now?


When the "HAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha" guy trumps you by making sense, things can't be very good for you. ANY problems, real or perceived with this implant will spell disaster for it. It's simply too much of a leap design-wise and too expensive from a pants-dropper like Zimmer. Their customer base does not live in the premium segment. (see Keystone/Lifecore giveaway tactics prior to release of Genesis at premium--doesn't work.)

Then please tell me why both of you losers are so afraid of this technology?? Probably because it can't be copied. Oh yeah, that means you no longer have jobs. Right? Really sucks to be both of you guys right now.

Then please tell me why both of you losers are so afraid of this technology?? Probably because it can't be copied. Oh yeah, that means you no longer have jobs. Right? Really sucks to be both of you guys right now.

This guy just isn't too bright.

Niznick. Does that name ring a bell? He's the guy who has single-handedly changed your company from one of the most respected and innovative companies in the industry into some of the biggest discounters in the market today. That and the millions of dollars in federal fines your ortho division garnered thank to their "consulting agreements" in their "orthopaedic space".

Sooner or later, anything can be copied. If Niznick didn't say that somewhere along the line- he surely thought it!


News flash to all you Implant Direct guys, you dont work for Niznick anymore. Seriously, he's gone! Keep talking about discounts as well Mr. $150 for the greatest implant on the market. Dumb Ass. We are all laughing at you - EVERYONE else is getting double that. You really think that makes you a player?? Really think you have any basis for discussing ortho?? YOU WORK FOR A CLONE IMPLANT COMPANY!! Come on boy, wake up. I love reading what you punks think about implant design and what the market needs. LOL I guess youre a bunch of engineers too. Hey keep your knee pads handy - I'm sure Niznick will start another company making clones of his clones.

This guy just isn't too bright.

Niznick. Does that name ring a bell? He's the guy who has single-handedly changed your company from one of the most respected and innovative companies in the industry into some of the biggest discounters in the market today. That and the millions of dollars in federal fines your ortho division garnered thank to their "consulting agreements" in their "orthopaedic space".

Sooner or later, anything can be copied. If Niznick didn't say that somewhere along the line- he surely thought it!


Sure and you work for BioHorizons who sells their shit product for less than $200 throughout the Country. Might as well be a Clone. Wes, nobody cares about what you think anymore. Keep your knee pads on, I just heard the President open his office door. Enjoy your new cubicle at BH and keep listening to that Atomic Fart App on your iPhone. You couldn't hack it anymore in Sales so you took a Marketing gig. Classic. You might as well start signing your posts as W2 Director of Corporate Horse Shit. Cheers!

Sure and you work for BioHorizons who sells their shit product for less than $200 throughout the Country. Might as well be a Clone. Wes, nobody cares about what you think anymore. Keep your knee pads on, I just heard the President open his office door. Enjoy your new cubicle at BH and keep listening to that Atomic Fart App on your iPhone. You couldn't hack it anymore in Sales so you took a Marketing gig. Classic. You might as well start signing your posts as W2 Director of Corporate Horse Shit. Cheers!

OK, Mr personality, first things first. I don't work for BioHazards. My name isn't Wes.

You Zimmer boys all write the same stuff. Blah blah blah Niznick. Blah blah blah clones. Blah blah blah nobody cares. Blah blah blah Shine box.

Judging from the last two posts prior to mine, all you Zimmer boys seem to talk about revolves around fart apps and knee pads. Just like at you last job at Hertz...or Yellowbook... or Verizon... Still arranging your wall plaques?

You still haven't had a good reply on my legitimate criticisms of your relic of a company.


OK, Mr personality, first things first. I don't work for BioHazards. My name isn't Wes.

You Zimmer boys all write the same stuff. Blah blah blah Niznick. Blah blah blah clones. Blah blah blah nobody cares. Blah blah blah Shine box.

Judging from the last two posts prior to mine, all you Zimmer boys seem to talk about revolves around fart apps and knee pads. Just like at you last job at Hertz...or Yellowbook... or Verizon... Still arranging your wall plaques?

You still haven't had a good reply on my legitimate criticisms of your relic of a company.


You do work for a "Clone Implant Company". Keep pushing that worthless garbage. You will never be able to copy TM so I guess that means you will just fade away into the sunset with the old man you started your Company. Have fun in early retirement. Nobody cares what you have to say as it is all uninformed bullsh!t.

You do work for a "Clone Implant Company". Keep pushing that worthless garbage. You will never be able to copy TM so I guess that means you will just fade away into the sunset with the old man you started your Company. Have fun in early retirement. Nobody cares what you have to say as it is all uninformed bullsh!t.

OK, Beavis. I've already been clear that I don't work ID, either.

Now, since you still don't seem bright enough, I am going to retype my challenge to you. Which of the following is uninformed bullsh!t that drives you to the point of absolute incomprehensibility?

Feel free to start defending yourself here any time...
Zimmer's big mistake is thinking (and reps repeating) that orthopedic success = oral success.

Remember the unmitigated disaster known as Infuse (one of Medtronic's single most profitable ortho products which is now sold by BioHazards)?

Remember ortho giant Stryker's dental implant division?

Your implants' reported fractures already are causing plenty of concern with a very overpriced implant with a first generation connection.

Its ironic that the company who has been getting it's backside handed to them by a (up until this year) mail-order company for the past 5 years is now talking a lot of smack.

We'll see who is laughing when some long term oral-max results come out.

Who is looking dumb now?


OK, Beavis. I've already been clear that I don't work ID, either.

Now, since you still don't seem bright enough, I am going to retype my challenge to you. Which of the following is uninformed bullsh!t that drives you to the point of absolute incomprehensibility?

Feel free to start defending yourself here any time...
Zimmer's big mistake is thinking (and reps repeating) that orthopedic success = oral success.

Remember the unmitigated disaster known as Infuse (one of Medtronic's single most profitable ortho products which is now sold by BioHazards)?

Remember ortho giant Stryker's dental implant division?

Your implants' reported fractures already are causing plenty of concern with a very overpriced implant with a first generation connection.

Its ironic that the company who has been getting it's backside handed to them by a (up until this year) mail-order company for the past 5 years is now talking a lot of smack.

We'll see who is laughing when some long term oral-max results come out.

Who is looking dumb now?


Your facts are ass backwards and I don't need to take time to defend petty bullsh!t like this that does not even relate to the New Technology. keep grasping at straws, when you lose your job ID will definitely hire you. I would say you are looking dumb now. Just sold 5 more TM's today.

OK, Beavis. I've already been clear that I don't work ID, either.

Now, since you still don't seem bright enough, I am going to retype my challenge to you. Which of the following is uninformed bullsh!t that drives you to the point of absolute incomprehensibility?

Feel free to start defending yourself here any time...
Zimmer's big mistake is thinking (and reps repeating) that orthopedic success = oral success.

Remember the unmitigated disaster known as Infuse (one of Medtronic's single most profitable ortho products which is now sold by BioHazards)?

Remember ortho giant Stryker's dental implant division?

Your implants' reported fractures already are causing plenty of concern with a very overpriced implant with a first generation connection.

Its ironic that the company who has been getting it's backside handed to them by a (up until this year) mail-order company for the past 5 years is now talking a lot of smack.

We'll see who is laughing when some long term oral-max results come out.

Who is looking dumb now?


You are so dumb it blows my mind. Please stop posting this ridiculous nonsense. "Nobody cares what you have to say". Honestly, go back to your hole in the ground Implant Company that hires worthless Reps like you to work for them and spend the day on CafePharma pushing worthless comentary that nobody cares about.

You are so dumb it blows my mind. Please stop posting this ridiculous nonsense. "Nobody cares what you have to say". Honestly, go back to your hole in the ground Implant Company that hires worthless Reps like you to work for them and spend the day on CafePharma pushing worthless comentary that nobody cares about.

And yes, ladies and gentlemen, you can plainly see that the Zimmer reps still cannot defend their company nor their product. Yet another example of the fine talent emanating from the chasm of knowledge at the Zimmer Institute!! I gave a well thought-out argument on many levels against you, and this is the best you can do????

Did you write "comentary"? Really?

I feel like I am in a room of amateurs!


And yes, ladies and gentlemen, you can plainly see that the Zimmer reps still cannot defend their company nor their product. Yet another example of the fine talent emanating from the chasm of knowledge at the Zimmer Institute!! I gave a well thought-out argument on many levels against you, and this is the best you can do????

Did you write "comentary"? Really?

I feel like I am in a room of amateurs!


You are so focused on spelling and gramar. Your argument is horse sh!t at best. Why don't you quit the Implant game and go try out for Jeopardy? I'm sure you would do well. Nobody cares what you have to say so get a life and stop.

What does Infuse have to do with TM???? Talk about trying to make a point that falls flat. Comparing BMP to an inert metal is about as dumb as it gets. Do you understand why using BMP off label in the jaw poses problems vs. using a proven metal with years of research????

I don't work for Zimmer but you are just an idiot.

What does Infuse have to do with TM???? Talk about trying to make a point that falls flat. Comparing BMP to an inert metal is about as dumb as it gets. Do you understand why using BMP off label in the jaw poses problems vs. using a proven metal with years of research????

I don't work for Zimmer but you are just an idiot.

OMG. Are you people for real?

OK, here we go, line by line. Read slowly and understand.

Assuming ortho success and oralmax success has been a mistake for many Extremely successful companies for a very long time. FACT

Example one- Infuse. Proven product. Years of research. Continued success today in ortho. Overpriced failure in oral.

Example two- Stryker's implant division. Extra points if you brain surgeons can figure out what that implant is.

Are you with me still? Need me to repeat anything?

New ortho metal has had a number of rumored fractures already. And (another point), you are throwing on the original first generation connection. Finally, the big error on MDT's part- pricing it way outside the market threshold. Seriously? $500??

Point about Zimmer being bitch-slapped by mail-order copycat king Niznick the past 5 years? reality.

OK, now can any of you numbskull Zimmer folks come up with any arguement against this besides calling me an idiot and telling me that I keep winning so please take my ball and go home?

OMG. Are you people for real?

OK, here we go, line by line. Read slowly and understand.

Assuming ortho success and oralmax success has been a mistake for many Extremely successful companies for a very long time. FACT

Example one- Infuse. Proven product. Years of research. Continued success today in ortho. Overpriced failure in oral.

Example two- Stryker's implant division. Extra points if you brain surgeons can figure out what that implant is.

Are you with me still? Need me to repeat anything?

New ortho metal has had a number of rumored fractures already. And (another point), you are throwing on the original first generation connection. Finally, the big error on MDT's part- pricing it way outside the market threshold. Seriously? $500??

Point about Zimmer being bitch-slapped by mail-order copycat king Niznick the past 5 years? reality.

OK, now can any of you numbskull Zimmer folks come up with any arguement against this besides calling me an idiot and telling me that I keep winning so please take my ball and go home?

You can't compare any of those products to TM. Nice try. Just because a product is used in ortho first doesn't mean they are connected.

The problem with BMP is that no real research was done in dental. If you read the literature that got Infuse FDA approved, it clearly states "Infuse gets comparable results in bone regeneration to the "gold standard", autogenous bone. That's it. That's all it was shown to do. Then Medtronic reps and talking heads go out and spout off how great it is and they use it everywhere. Problem is, all those areas are OFF LABEL uses for the product. And little print that was never talked about pointed out how it could multiply any type of cells present in the area it is placed, even CANCER cells.

So the reason BMP failed has nothing to do with TM or your prediction of its failure in dental.

As for Stryker, I have no clue what implant you are talking about but they don't have a name in dental, Zimmer obviously does. It also has a done of legit research to back up its safety and efficacy IN DENTAL APPLICATIONS.

You are obviously scared of the product or you wouldn't be so focused on it. And like you said, it's $300 more than your ID implant you pedal around. By the way, Zimmer is still going strong and is not fading as you would like to think.

P.S.: I still don't work for Zimmer so I don't have a dog in this fight. I just had to point the truth out.

And yes, ladies and gentlemen, you can plainly see that the Zimmer reps still cannot defend their company nor their product. Yet another example of the fine talent emanating from the chasm of knowledge at the Zimmer Institute!! I gave a well thought-out argument on many levels against you, and this is the best you can do????

Did you write "comentary"? Really?

I feel like I am in a room of amateurs!


You are in a room of amateurs - everyone else calls it a regional meeting. Your argument is petty and devoid of basis (not that you'll know what I mean). Yesterday it was TSV, today its TM. Funny or as you put it......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahahaha!! No one really cares about the list of crap your manager told you to say. You want these guys to defend Zimmer from who? you? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahahaha!! Who do you work for? I'll personally rip your implant apart.....but you wont say and just come back with more blah blah blah because your a big man at a computer! By the way, based on that "well thought out argument", you must be with Straumann. Thats about what I got from there rep before he went away. blah blah blah

Would hate to see if this implant, or BH with the micro threads, experienced peri implantitis. Tough to impossible to resolve with these surfaces.

I do not sell implants!

Would hate to see if this implant, or BH with the micro threads, experienced peri implantitis. Tough to impossible to resolve with these surfaces.

I do not sell implants!

Yes you do not sell implants nor do you place them. If any Implant's rough surface becomes exposed to the oral cavity, bacteria has the opportunity to jump onto the Implant and eat all the integrated bone away. The key is to have a solid Prosthetic conection and proper Implant body design to reduce the opportunity for Crestal Bone Loss. Nothing exists on the market that is superior to Zimmer's TSV, TSVT and now TM as far as Prosthetic conection and Implant body design. Zimmer also has plenty of Study Data to back those claims including a 10 year Post Surgical Analysis of 267 Implants placed on 60 Patients. Only the best with Zimmer.