They went to Victor Vaughn's new company and Harry is involved too. I say good move for them. Wonder how many more will jump ship with them (reps and RDs)? If you got the call would you go knowing the success Victor brought to Shire.
What do you think we are delivering today? We are more scripted now than we have ever been.
Good luck with that. The environment in the late 90s early 00s was much more pharma friendly. If these guys still believe in the old model of scripted messages, super frequency on As and no managed care coverage then it won't be long until you come begging for your old job back. Plus they don't even have products yet. Lots of ???s with this one.
What is the name of the new company?
Company name?
Can we get rid of Clarissa. What a joke.
I think she's nice and it's good to see a woman in the power position. But I don't really know what she does at corporate.
What is the name of the new company? What is the name of the company everyone is leaving to go to ? Just answer the question Damn it .