Any reason to do more than minimum?

Maybe I've got it wrong, but for the past 20 years I've just assumed a make believe job requires make believe work. It's gotten me this far but mutha keeps making it more difficult to make believe. Don't know if I can make believe much longer.

Sure you can...hang in there...go thru the motions...don't let mother take control of you. Think "severance, severance, severance..." It will be worth it, "old-timer":)

That's the spirit S2 welcome aboard. Just don't get the PIP treatment. If you are in the lower 10% at least once and cannot suck up consider yourself a candidate.

Thankfully, not in the lower 10% Don't expect to be PIP'd. Just hanging in there until the everybody else. Over and out, comrade.

Truly unbelievable how horrible working as a rep for Merck has become. I honestly don't know how any sane person can put up with such abuse and bs. No way.
good point...i am planning my escape route...will probably have to live with 1/3rd to 1/4th of what I am used to making...(at least for a few years...)

my sanity is worth more than this ridiculous make believe job...

then, look how they treat us when they get the chance.....

Merck Discriminated Against A Non-Hispanic Worker?
By Ed Silverman // March 4th, 2011 // 9:28 am
That’s the contention made by Sylvio Baltodano, a former Merck sales administration and compliance manager who worked outside San Juan, Puerto, and claims he was fired because non-Hispanics were held to higher standards than their Hispanic counterparts. He was fired in October 2006 and, subsequently, filed a lawsuit, which was just reinstated by a federal appeals court.
What happened? Having bounced around Central America and Miami for Merck before landing in Puerto Rico in 2003, Baltodano and another non-Hispanice were told by a supervisor that they “would have to work harder than their Puerto Rican co-workers in order to advance,” according to the ruling. One example offered: he later learned that employees from Puerto Rico were given time off to complete their certification exams, but he was not.
Another example: Baltodano testified that, in May 2004, at a cocktail party during a three-day meeting, he told his latest supervisor, Nilda Vazquez, that some sales reps found her aloof and unapproachable. She did not respond, but six months later, she told him she did not “appreciate his comment and that he should be more careful because he was not from Puerto Rico,” the ruling states.
There were other workplace issues, however. Baltodano was cited for failing to complete a product certification by an agreed-upon time and was cited more than once for not submitting expense reports on time. He was subsequently fired and Merck provided a bad reference, which undermined a subsequent job offer he received. And so Baltodano filed suit, claiming discrimination, defamation and a breach of contract.
This may seem like a run-of-the-mill employment dispute, but in its ruling, the appeals court points out that Merck behaved in a counter-productive fashion during the initial proceedings, which resulted in a summary judgment by a lower court. To wit, the drugmaker was repeatedly required to submit evidence offering that described disciplinary actions taken against Merck managers who failed to submit expense reports or follow scheduling for product certification. Vazquez had been asked the same thing in a deposition, but was unable to recall, which prompted the request for the information.
The appeals court noted in its ruling that Merck “fought tooth and claw to keep from disclosing certain information even after agreeing to disclose it…Merck has never definitively said that the requested and promised but still-unproduced evidence is unavailable - indeed, Merck’s careful documentation of Baltodano’s missteps would suggest otherwise. Instead, it has played at multiple personalities, appearing cooperative one moment and combative the next.”
“If discovery were to disclose that Merck routinely allowed other business managers to file late expense reports and to delay their product certifications without consequence, then Baltodano’s termination could be seen as mere whim, or else (as Baltodano alleges) the result of discriminatory animus rather than any discernible and defensible business motive. Merck’s dilatory tactics and failure to abide by its own agreement to produce evidence deprived Baltodano of a fair chance to obtain evidence detailing Merck’s treatment of other, similarly situated business managers - evidence which could rebut Merck’s claim of just cause dismissal.”
Ironically, neither Merck nor Baltodano apparently offered much evidence - one way or the other - to address specifics concerning discrimination and defamation. But as the appeals court wrote, Baltodano “has not yet been given a fair chance to develop the record due to Merck’s stonewalling.” And this begs a question - what did Merck not want the court or anyone else to see? Perhaps further discovery might yield a pattern of discrimination, opening the proverbial floodgates to further litigation. That remains to be seen, but the court ruled Baltodano should now have his chance and sent the case back to a lower court for a complete airing (read the ruling here).

I think yoiu have it all wrong. I think people now do the minimum because of how hard it is to do business. And by that I mean all the stupid things we are asked to do plus the things that we are no longer able to do. Political correctness, legal department, office of compliance, etc. are all hinderances to doing business. Merck was not always this way. What good does it do to go out there and bust your butt when Merck reps will have their salaries cut next year during the "harmonization" process? Or, how about getting differentiated by not only your manager, but by a manager who doesnt even work with you? Or, how about the MGAM putting in their 2 cents worth? Never mind the fact those people do nothing except teleconferences. Look at other sales industries and what they do to get business. Our industry has become pathetic, and nobody cares! Its all make believe. We now have all these counterparts which we are constantly stepping over during this 2 week routing. Between the both of us, we are in our clinics every week. How long can that go on before customers rebel? We have a couple territories that are 1-up with an overlap that all cover the same customers. We only need one person to do that job. Same with mine. I dont need a partner to cover my clinics. But, nobody cares! I think something really big has to happen to make the CEO and board really see what life is like out in the field. It totally sucks balls. I used to work so much harder and actually felt good about working for this company. No longer. I am just doing time and doing the minimum, and feeling guilty about it. But, nobody really cares anymore about doing anything the right way, which shouldnt be such a mystery. The end

Well said! The only thing I would add is that the fear they instilled with the "enrollment process" has paralyzed everyone with any new and novel ideas (ie safe to speak up, especially if you do not agree, is a joke)

I agree, its sad. Work ethic this is what our country was built on. The slackers, the entitlement group are really the losers. Wanting a big income, the big house, school without the grades, free tuitions. Getting it all for nothing or the bare minimum. No personal pride and no willingness to put in all it really takes.

Shut up loser. Have you actually talked to anyone that worked their butt off for the company and drank the Koolaid and still got laid off the last couple of years? The stupidity of some Merck sheep is laughable.

good point...i am planning my escape route...will probably have to live with 1/3rd to 1/4th of what I am used to making...(at least for a few years...)

my sanity is worth more than this ridiculous make believe job...

Let me guess 15, 20 or more years in, spouse with good income, no mortgage and a big $$$ at departure. No one else would come up with any escape route unless they had no money issues. Sanity is always a consideration but insanity is walking away without another gig in the the wings.

Why should I work more than Part-Time. I maybe work Part-Time and get a full Time check. My manager sucks she has no clue what I do. Even if I worked harder nobody would know or even care.

I don't agree with the above. I think you do the minimum and use the extra time to do something for society or your family. Maybe volunteer at a homeless center or coach your kids sports team. Merck doesn't care about you so why invest more of your time than necessary. Give that valuable resource to an organization who will appreciate it.

I don't agree with the above. I think you do the minimum and use the extra time to do something for society or your family. Maybe volunteer at a homeless center or coach your kids sports team. Merck doesn't care about you so why invest more of your time than necessary. Give that valuable resource to an organization who will appreciate it.

Do not forget that by doing less, this effectively increases your pay for unit work.

Give yourself a raise, since the company won't.

This is precisely the way it's done in our new Merck, one Merck, whatever Merck. Talk about a new commercial model - if I give myself any more "raises" I'll have to start working every other week!! I hope I never have to find a real job.

Do not forget that by doing less, this effectively increases your pay for unit work.

Give yourself a raise, since the company won't.

Hard to believe how some in my district are now S-2 with territory MS in the toilet, others in the district who were placed as S-1 have good MS growth in 2010. Hard to let go that Merck doesn't view this as an important difference. I guess I will have to work on my posturing and bullshitting abilities for my 2011 PMP.

Hard to believe how some in my district are now S-2 with territory MS in the toilet, others in the district who were placed as S-1 have good MS growth in 2010. Hard to let go that Merck doesn't view this as an important difference. I guess I will have to work on my posturing and bullshitting abilities for my 2011 PMP.

May have been the flip and flush with another manager. Did your manager pass Evaluations 101?