Any insider info on upcoming Layoffs?

Then why spend a ridiculous amount of money sending a the entire company wide sales force to Vegas in Feb? Everyone is booking flights as we speak. Layoffs in Jan just don’t make sense
Ahahahaha you think that matters!? Look what they did in PO. The completely divested from prostate cancer a week after they got back from their combined region meetings. I know someone over there and apparently they even had a segment with leadership praising the bright future they had then they all came home to find out half of them were let go while the other half went to the company they sold to.

Don’t worry, we’re saving money by not expensing any meals and only eating at the Wynn.

I wonder how the company feels paying for certain markets to have their own break off meetings where they’re expensing for overnight hotel rooms and food..

Don't worry there's no real food provided at our NSMs. There's just unlimited alcohol! Its just like last year in Florida. Senior management sets the tone of the culture. Last year they could all be seen at the lobby bar closing it down while drinking straight shots of Tequila, then staggering drunk to their rooms. All those drinks were charged to the company. What an example! Way to show leadership!.

Don't worry there's no real food provided at our NSMs. There's just unlimited alcohol! It's just like last year in Florida. Senior management sets the tone of the culture. Last year they could all be seen at the lobby bar closing it down while drinking straight shots of Tequila, then staggering drunk to their rooms. All those drinks were charged to the company. What an example! Way to show leadership!.

You must be a blast at a party. Another Karen who likes to criticize because they hate fun!