Any info on Gary Stark?

Ask the people inhouse who worked with him or had to work for him, they will validate what most have said on here. Worst Manager of people one could imagine.

The problem with your assessment is that Gary did not have any direct reports in house? Very interesting that you did not know that? You must not know him very well. Only after he left did Sales Ops receive additional manpower.

Hmmmm??? I think you do not know what you are talking about?

The problem with your assessment is that Gary did not have any direct reports in house? Very interesting that you did not know that? You must not know him very well. Only after he left did Sales Ops receive additional manpower.

Hmmmm??? I think you do not know what you are talking about?

I am not the above poster but, I do believe he had admin that essentially worked for him, I don't know about anyone else. All I can say is that once he went in house, no one but a couple of people, had anything positive to say about him both in the field and in house. Was he not the one responsible for that awful comp plan one year?

No admin. Oh yes, he created all the comp plans and he ran the marketing strategy, in his spare time he developed the R&D? What are you talking about? Your trashing a person who just worked for DB and AP. They made the decisions... He did the background work, models and other data collection. You are giving him far too much credit.. And the comp plans were basically designed by AVP, some RMs and Senior Leadership. So is everyone an idiot? And the plan you are talking about worked well for some and not others... Key Account Mgr, Prime, Strategic. goof concept, some RMs classified reps in wrong categories and screwed them SO, blame all the RMs.
Always have people that complain... no matter what. What did DB and AP think of his work? Who cares what the CSS in Lincoln, Nebraska thought? What do they know? Did the company grow in that time period, yes! With an understaffed salesforce! Thank goodness we made it through that period and have good numbers with headcount now. You would probably post that everyone from 1968 to today have screwed you over if you were here that long. We have good management today - and we had and have now good leadership - different story when your in house .

Everything on this site is negative. Everything - do you really think it can be trusted or good information if everything is negative?

Gary was a great asset at USSC. You all do not have a clue?

This is a haven for negative losers!

First Gary never worked for USSC. When Tyco purchased USSC in 98 it became USS.

Second, Gary was a tool for DB and AP and Marketing strategy in the mid 2000s. He had no power and made no decisons, his main failures were in the field where his reps hated him.

Third- Gary was a nice person, but discussions on this board are not personal, it was about his record at USS.

First Gary never worked for USSC. When Tyco purchased USSC in 98 it became USS.

Second, Gary was a tool for DB and AP and Marketing strategy in the mid 2000s. He had no power and made no decisons, his main failures were in the field where his reps hated him.

Third- Gary was a nice person, but discussions on this board are not personal, it was about his record at USS.

AP and DB made all the decisions, leave Gary alone

To have this many messages about one guy is an indication that this is purely one vindictive person trying to slander someone. This guy was a low level administrator for APanzer... no reason for all these threads -- just 1 angry person trying to smear someone - what a shame. He hasn't even worked here for 5 years???

To have this many messages about one guy is an indication that this is purely one vindictive person trying to slander someone. This guy was a low level administrator for APanzer... no reason for all these threads -- just 1 angry person trying to smear someone - what a shame. He hasn't even worked here for 5 years???

Gary was not low level he was a RM then a Director.

To have this many messages about one guy is an indication that this is purely one vindictive person trying to slander someone. This guy was a low level administrator for APanzer... no reason for all these threads -- just 1 angry person trying to smear someone - what a shame. He hasn't even worked here for 5 years???

Wow, this post is totally wrong. One person trying to smear Gary? Give me a break. Gary was an a$$ and he has to deal with his past actions.

You are an idiot if you think this is one person.

Here's a thought, why not check in with all the poor bastards that have to work for him now at Salient? They'll confirm everything on here. They all think he's incompetent and useless.