Any info on Gary Stark?

Nice, professional language. A Salient manager, I presume.

All this is not a Salient manager, how would a Salient Manager know about Garys failures as a Regional Manager and then get "promoted" inhouse and fail, along with having a reputation of not being liked by anyone who had to report to him.

There are plenty of us former Covidien people who remember. You dont like it don't read it.

All this is not a Salient manager, how would a Salient Manager know about Garys failures as a Regional Manager and then get "promoted" inhouse and fail, along with having a reputation of not being liked by anyone who had to report to him.

There are plenty of us former Covidien people who remember. You dont like it don't read it.

You're right. I was responding to this poster questioning the validity of these posts and his subsequent language, read 18,19,20 and then 22.

I remember Stark and how awful he was!

Stark is great and I love him and I think he is the greatest thing to ever happen to Sailent.

He will clean house if need be, and with all the negative threads about him, he will just bring in whomever he wants. People should think before they type.

Stark is great and I love him and I think he is the greatest thing to ever happen to Sailent.

He will clean house if need be, and with all the negative threads about him, he will just bring in whomever he wants. People should think before they type.

Yes, Gary that's all very nice. Good to know you're such a good maid because you are a lousy manager. However, given the management at Salient, you will fit right in.

Stark is great and I love him and I think he is the greatest thing to ever happen to Sailent.

He will clean house if need be, and with all the negative threads about him, he will just bring in whomever he wants. People should think before they type.

Hey Gary, already making friends? Perhaps you should post this over on the Salient thread.

As bad a RM as Gary was (on the suture side, he supposedly suggested using an absorbable suture for valve replacement), he was worse inside. His handling of compensation brought Surgical to its knees. Not to defend Gary but for all the praise David Brown got (some deserved, most not), DB validated all of Gary's decisions, which made them equally culpable. On top of that, Alan Panzer approved those decisions. So it was layers of ineptitude.

As bad a RM as Gary was (on the suture side, he supposedly suggested using an absorbable suture for valve replacement), he was worse inside. His handling of compensation brought Surgical to its knees. Not to defend Gary but for all the praise David Brown got (some deserved, most not), DB validated all of Gary's decisions, which made them equally culpable. On top of that, Alan Panzer approved those decisions. So it was layers of ineptitude.

I heard that suture story as well and it is priceless! And, sad to say from what I saw, I believe it. As to the rest of the post that is sadly true as well. It really went all the way to the top and it sounds as if the same is going on over at Salient.

As bad a RM as Gary was (on the suture side, he supposedly suggested using an absorbable suture for valve replacement), he was worse inside. His handling of compensation brought Surgical to its knees. Not to defend Gary but for all the praise David Brown got (some deserved, most not), DB validated all of Gary's decisions, which made them equally culpable. On top of that, Alan Panzer approved those decisions. So it was layers of ineptitude.

That really was DB, he was trying to gain some ground politically and brought Gary in , I just remember all of us in the field thought the worst move he ever made. Gary commanded no respect, the people who reported to him were as demotivated as anyone could be.

Gary is one of those type of managers that you have to apologize later for bringing him into an account. He is definitely not an asset, but a huge liability. I remember when Gary as the manager in Chicago/Indiana was pumping up the IN rep in a sales contest as the "greatest achievement ever" only to find out the rep sent out all of the product w/o PO's, just to win the contest, get paid, and then left the company. Then busted everyone elses balls who actually sold the product. Mr. scrub PO himself. If I had to say so myself, Gary was (and probably still is) in need of a serious a$$ kicking.

Gary is one of those type of managers that you have to apologize later for bringing him into an account. He is definitely not an asset, but a huge liability. I remember when Gary as the manager in Chicago/Indiana was pumping up the IN rep in a sales contest as the "greatest achievement ever" only to find out the rep sent out all of the product w/o PO's, just to win the contest, get paid, and then left the company. Then busted everyone elses balls who actually sold the product. Mr. scrub PO himself. If I had to say so myself, Gary was (and probably still is) in need of a serious a$$ kicking.

that sounds like Gary what a bad manager

The worst! Apologize to your customers? How about, beg forgiveness and promise not to bring him back. Why do you think they brought him in-house? God, Now I'm going to have nightmares about those days.

The worst! Apologize to your customers? How about, beg forgiveness and promise not to bring him back. Why do you think they brought him in-house? God, Now I'm going to have nightmares about those days.

Think about the people inhouse that had to work for that moron, from what I remember they left , or moved to other areas. When he was an RM no one liked him. Yet DB hired him and gave him a promotion. Salient has a winner . LOL

Think about the people inhouse that had to work for that moron, from what I remember they left , or moved to other areas. When he was an RM no one liked him. Yet DB hired him and gave him a promotion. Salient has a winner . LOL

Well, it certainly is a great benefit for Salient's competitor's in the NE but, god do I feel for those poor people who have to work for him. I'm guessing we'll see alot of turnover there rather soon.

Everything on this site is negative. Everything - do you really think it can be trusted or good information if everything is negative?

Gary was a great asset at USSC. You all do not have a clue?

This is a haven for negative losers!

Everything on this site is negative. Everything - do you really think it can be trusted or good information if everything is negative?

Gary was a great asset at USSC. You all do not have a clue?

This is a haven for negative losers!

It's all negative, although someone may have said he was a nice guy, because everything about him WAS negative. Everything on here is accurate. Sorry.