Another Lawsuit

Get over myself, really? Have you been treated badly, pushed around, lied to, talked about, all just because you are a woman? You are probably one of the pig headed managers pushing people around!

Well, why don't you talk w/ the wonderful upper manager that said I was a "...bully bitch". And it was said more than one post. I'll find the exact posts. I'm laughing b/c I'm sure you will be treated like sh*t as you stated above.

Not a manager. A woman. Not been treated like shit.

Sounds like you're either one of the few token females allowed to associate with upper management in an effort to blur their behavior or you're not very competent. The competent people have generally not been treated very well under the current management team which feels safer surrounding itself with incompetence.

Sounds like you're either one of the few token females allowed to associate with upper management in an effort to blur their behavior or you're not very competent. The competent people have generally not been treated very well under the current management team which feels safer surrounding itself with incompetence.


When faced w an ethical dilemma - ALWAYS take a STAND! Male or female - Manager or rep. - CEO, etc. examine the dilemma. It is impossible to be honest w higher ups on the command chain b/c you will be sent out the door/"canned". I believe STRONGLY that no matter what the high cost, I will be ethical. I don't work for companies that don't see value in that type of leadership! You will be harassed for your stance. I don't give a sh*t. $ means nothing if I can't look at myself w/o respect. Always another job but you lose respect and self worth then you'll never be happy!!!! Good luck to all who are ethical.

Hey Bully bitch stop crying already nobody cares. You sound like a little kid in school, whah someone is calling me names

I could care less what you call me. You just fell for the oldest trick in the book. How do you think Quest employees now view you Mr/Ms Upper Manager/whatever.

Your favorite bully b*tch

When it comes down to it, the real reason they what those managerial jobs, and everyone knows this, the middle managers don't do anything. Its a pretty sweet gig. You don't have to do much, and if you fall in line, and don't try to make things better, it is a perfect no show job.

All you have to do is suck up appropriately at your regional meeting, make some funny jokes and you are all good. If you really suck up maybe they will cut your territory goal so you have a chance to hit it. If you rat out a dissenter in the ranks that will give you some first class swag and get you lots of love. Or they could just string you along and name you interim manager, or not let you manage the state you actually live in. The bottom line it sucks for a lot of people, reps and managers. But that style comes from the top.

The fact remains when we see the numbers this week, and we are asked to give more, because all of us really like making no money, we will see how bad it looks. How many years in a row do we have to miss to get a fresh start at the top.

Who wants to bet $10,000 dollars on who will ask about the law suit during our Q&A.....

When it comes down to it, the real reason they what those managerial jobs, and everyone knows this, the middle managers don't do anything. Its a pretty sweet gig. You don't have to do much, and if you fall in line, and don't try to make things better, it is a perfect no show job.

All you have to do is suck up appropriately at your regional meeting, make some funny jokes and you are all good. If you really suck up maybe they will cut your territory goal so you have a chance to hit it. If you rat out a dissenter in the ranks that will give you some first class swag and get you lots of love. Or they could just string you along and name you interim manager, or not let you manage the state you actually live in. The bottom line it sucks for a lot of people, reps and managers. But that style comes from the top.

The fact remains when we see the numbers this week, and we are asked to give more, because all of us really like making no money, we will see how bad it looks. How many years in a row do we have to miss to get a fresh start at the top.

Who wants to bet $10,000 dollars on who will ask about the law suit during our Q&A.....

How many reps have either quit or been fired in the last 2 months in AP. They are dropping
Like flies. NE, St Louis, KC, TN..... any more?
Whats going on in Atlanta, rep posting? Did MV finally get frustrated and decided to leave? Or did they name him Sales Director. It's been a year, really... Figure it out already

It's obvious that they aren't doing the job either. Look at the numbers, they speak for themselves. Honoring those who kiss ass with token awards, just to keep them quiet.

The brave and strong will roll on her and all the BS. It'll be soon, if not already.....

Nobody can meet their numbers because instead of working, they are more concerned with trying to figure out how to be part of and stay in the queen bee's inner circle. That's a full time job. As long as you're liked, who cares about working? You'll get rewards anyway. And if you're not liked, no matter how hard you work, you will never be liked. So what's the point?