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Another Lawsuit vs. Eisai

Contact Liane Katzenstein with Kingsley & kingsley out of California, they along with another firm out of NJ handling Novartis.
818 990 8300

I called them on this. I made over 100k with Eisai so that creates problems.

Somebody in primary care that does not make over 100k yearly is the perfect person.


There are cases against MOST ALL major pharm co's.....


Contact Liane Katzenstein with Kingsley & kingsley out of California, they along with another firm out of NJ handling Novartis.
818 990 8300

I called them on this. I made over 100k with Eisai so that creates problems.

Somebody in primary care that does not make over 100k yearly is the perfect person.


There are cases against MOST ALL major pharm co's.....


Thank you for the info, but why was making 100k a problem?

In a stunning decision, Judge Rueben Castillo of the Northern District of Illinois granted plaintiff’s motion for summary judgement on both the sales and administrative exemptions. This ruling comes on the heels of two unfavorable rulings from the 3rd Cir Court of Appeals (one published, on unpublished) affirming on the administrative exemption. Judge Castillo distinguished the published case (Smith v. Johnson & Johnson) from the 3rd Cir. and adopted the Department of Labor line of reasoning on this case.

What is important about this case is the fact that it is the first case that has rendered a decision completely on the liability question. Judge Castillo determined that the only remaining issue left to be determined is damages. The trial is currently scheduled for September 13, 2010 in Chicago.

This is an astonding victory that stops any momentum that Big Pharma may have had in defeating these cases. The ruling on the 2nd Cir. is still forthcoming and there are two other 9th Cir. cases that are waiting on argument.

It takes a lot longer than 1 year to go through a lawsuit people. Mike is letting you think he won something. He can't even get the EEOC to look at it for months because there are so many people going after pharma companies. Nice try Mike making us think you won. Keep the jokes coming so we have something to read on here.

It takes a lot longer than 1 year to go through a lawsuit people. Mike is letting you think he won something. He can't even get the EEOC to look at it for months because there are so many people going after pharma companies. Nice try Mike making us think you won. Keep the jokes coming so we have something to read on here.

The posting sounds like from an incompetent Eisai manager.

As a matter of fact, Mike did win something. I read the Complaint, it is not an EEOC lawsuit, rather it is a retailation after blowing the off-label issue.

Eisai not only lost something, it also looks stupid. The lawsuit was filed in May 2010 and only took six months to settle. Not a bad one for Mike. On the other hand, Eisai spent a $250,000 in legal fees in addtion to the amount it agreed to pay Mike. Eisai should have settled the case when Mike's lawyer contacted Eisai year ago. The in house counsel should be fired.

I believe it! Believe me when I say that my idiot manager has sent plenty of "offlable" e-mails, studies to our group, etc...I have also been collecting alot of evidence.

I believe it! Believe me when I say that my idiot manager has sent plenty of "offlable" e-mails, studies to our group, etc...I have also been collecting alot of evidence.

Well alright! They are so stupid that they do make it easy for employees to fuck them back. You should have to learn from those that have done it successfully before you. Go kick their asses!

You're an idiot. If you have something to say, say it asshole.

I guess the previous poster wanted to say is: Money is needed to settle lawsuits. If Eisai goes down to the drain, it won't have much money to settle. After all, Aricept is gone and there are not much revenue to make up for the void. Before Eisai is running out of the money earned from Aricept, file lawsuits....

I guess the previous poster wanted to say is: Money is needed to settle lawsuits. If Eisai goes down to the drain, it won't have much money to settle. After all, Aricept is gone and there are not much revenue to make up for the void. Before Eisai is running out of the money earned from Aricept, file lawsuits....

Have none of you gone to business school? These lawsuits are paid via insurance riders that all pharma companies have. Also Eisai has billions of tangible assets around the world so they are not going to run out of money…God this place is filled with State School’ers. Read an f’ing book!

Have none of you gone to business school? These lawsuits are paid via insurance riders that all pharma companies have. Also Eisai has billions of tangible assets around the world so they are not going to run out of money…God this place is filled with State School’ers. Read an f’ing book!

filled with State School’ers. Read an f’ing book![/QUOTE]

including you--AN fing book?

Have none of you gone to business school? These lawsuits are paid via insurance riders that all pharma companies have. Also Eisai has billions of tangible assets around the world so they are not going to run out of money…God this place is filled with State School’ers. Read an f’ing book!

Thanks. Agree that lawsuits will not impact revenue line. However, employees should file lawsuits asap anyway. There are statutes of limitations on some complaints, i.e. EEOC.

Have none of you gone to business school? These lawsuits are paid via insurance riders that all pharma companies have. Also Eisai has billions of tangible assets around the world so they are not going to run out of money…God this place is filled with State School’ers. Read an f’ing book!

check again. The settlement is not paid by insurance. I bet you never seen an insurance policy.