Anne Sigouin (GM ArjoHuntleigh) willingness to hurt the business

Sigouin implemented a policy related to rep performance. If you don’t achieve your quota 2 years in a row you’ll end up in probation. It is not applied consistently as only those she hates get this treatment. Any words of this policy in respect to current COVID-19 situation?

Easy to find out. If Sigouin wants to get rid of you she will manipulate your quota. If you get a higher % increase than your colleagues, it means she’s after you. If your quota is fair than maybe she takes the right decision.

Since she joined Arjo, Sigouin implemented a new budgeting strategy. In order to save $ ( bonuses), she add a layer over real budget. Whatever target she gets from Sweden, she adds a given % ( typically 5 to 10%). Doing so she saves $ while still looking good. It explains why so few reps achieve targets. Good evil job Anne.