And the TRACKING begins - welcome 3G


Come on, do you guys really think they'd hire an entire division to track 5000 plus reps? Just work and you shouldn't worry.

No, I don't. BUT, I can think of at least 10 new "exercises" that a struggling DSM in fear of their job could impose on their reps.

"Hey, look at me boss. All of my people are particularly miserable, therefore I must be doing my job. I wonder why my numbers are still trending down towards the center of the Earth?"

Come on, do you guys really think they'd hire an entire division to track 5000 plus reps? Just work and you shouldn't worry.

You seriously are buying the 5000 reps still? With all the reps that have been targets of the "witch hunt" going on this can no longer be accurate. I would bet by March this number is half.

Actually, one of the biggest problems we have is DSMs who spend less than half days with reps. This is being used to track them.

Don't agree with that for 1 second! My DM is a micromanaging nightmare! Try just once, just once, to think out of the box and watch what happens! They want robots and quite frankly, it allows us to keep our boxes checked.

Revenues in the U.S. dropped again in the latest earning report, but they continue their stifling management model. Now with Crestor facing Lipitor's $4 co-pay, and soon-to-be generic version; Vimovo DOA and maybe even Brilinta;compliance/ISI handcuffing us; you think it would dawn on them that "their way" is broken.

Our future is just what happened to Abbott the last couple of days. DM's were slashed to the bone, outstanding reps with great records were let go, and for what? All because of inept management, NOT Obamacare!

It's all coming down in 2012, and maybe even sooner if Brilinta runs into more trouble. Take the few months we have in 2011 and prepare yourself as best you can for another career.

yes i do! Its AZ for christ sakes. why have it then? You tell me. Hope they track the DSMs

You guys seem to be bit as stupid as you think that people think you are.

3 g is an ops thing to get you to be able to handle your night time shit during the day.

It was sold inside as improving productivity and helping work life balance.

Just fcking enjoy it and stop the stupid fcking conspiracy theories.

How it's sold to the company and how it is used are 2 different things. The only reason they care recently about work life balance is due to the overtime lawsuits won by reps from a couple of other companies.

Actually, one of the biggest problems we have is DSMs who spend less than half days with reps. This is being used to track them.

thats a gift. If your dsm has less than 8 years exp. he/she are morons.Ask your DSM what their total years of sales are? I bet not much they are ass kissing dikes/homo/nigs. that is how they got the job.

How it's sold to the company and how it is used are 2 different things. The only reason they care recently about work life balance is due to the overtime lawsuits won by reps from a couple of other companies.

don't be an idiot. They've reduced so much headcount in the HQ they can't track the mail from one office to another.

They couldn't track returned computers either. They thought there was a 48 hour turn around. You know the truth in that.

What I'm telling you is that they don't have the imagination, nor the resource to do what you think they can.

Half the leasdership in there are excited when someone gives them a black berry. Then they have to schedule resource to help them turn it on.

thats a gift. If your dsm has less than 8 years exp. he/she are morons.Ask your DSM what their total years of sales are? I bet not much they are ass kissing dikes/homo/nigs. that is how they got the job.

Your little tirade/opinion is such an insult on so many levels. Nothing much else to say except for keep your ignorance to yourself.

...I bet you're so dense that you still think the reason they kept passing you over for promotion was because of them. Nah, it's because you're an asswipe and nobody likes you. Everyone around you knows you're a bigot and we just refuse to allow you to progress any further.

You're failing at life because you refuse to take responsibility for your behavior. If you change the way you think, you'll change your life.

Actually, one of the biggest problems we have is DSMs who spend less than half days with reps. This is being used to track them.

I hope the OP is right. My DSM works half days and most times so if the DSM had back to back field days with a rep makes it looks like was with the rep for 2 field days when barely one. Tell me that's not misrepresenting!

Don't agree with that for 1 second! My DM is a micromanaging nightmare! Try just once, just once, to think out of the box and watch what happens! They want robots and quite frankly, it allows us to keep our boxes checked.

Revenues in the U.S. dropped again in the latest earning report, but they continue their stifling management model. Now with Crestor facing Lipitor's $4 co-pay, and soon-to-be generic version; Vimovo DOA and maybe even Brilinta;compliance/ISI handcuffing us; you think it would dawn on them that "their way" is broken.

Our future is just what happened to Abbott the last couple of days. DM's were slashed to the bone, outstanding reps with great records were let go, and for what? All because of inept management, NOT Obamacare!

It's all coming down in 2012, and maybe even sooner if Brilinta runs into more trouble. Take the few months we have in 2011 and prepare yourself as best you can for another career.

Good advice and totally accurate. The headwinds are strong for the good ole' USS AZ. DM's are becoming more oppressive and psycho than ever. They are scared to death. Abbott slashed the hell out of their DM ranks last week, and it will happen at AZ too. The hourglass has been turned over. Our time grows short. Be ready!

Good advice and totally accurate. The headwinds are strong for the good ole' USS AZ. DM's are becoming more oppressive and psycho than ever. They are scared to death. Abbott slashed the hell out of their DM ranks last week, and it will happen at AZ too. The hourglass has been turned over. Our time grows short. Be ready!
You bet your sweet ass that these cuts are coming to AZ. Unless you have been living under a rock of denial you should have seen this one coming a long time ago.
Merck, GSK, Pfizer, Lilly, Abbott and soon coming to a theatre near you. 50% cuts in DSMs, RSDs, ASDs, and MC PSSs spread over a period of 12 to 18 months. And when it happens, don't say you weren't warned.

Good advice and totally accurate. The headwinds are strong for the good ole' USS AZ. DM's are becoming more oppressive and psycho than ever. They are scared to death. Abbott slashed the hell out of their DM ranks last week, and it will happen at AZ too. The hourglass has been turned over. Our time grows short. Be ready!

Just looked at Sanofi's board.. and it sounds exactly like this one.. fear of down sizing, products going belly up etc... maybe the two companies can merge, misery loves company.