And I always thought he was just stupid...

Right, he's taking money right out of my pocket. YOU KNOW bn YOU ARE JUST DUMBER THAN A TURD.

I'm serious here now, are you Huggy?

Thanks for confirming that you are one of the clueless drones who listen to Limbaugh. You are clearly too dense to understand how the drug addled radio comedian, who delivers your daily taking points, takes money out of your pocket.

I wil mark you down for yet another WRONG answer.

I've sadly come to realize that Rushbo Limpballs is like Kenny from South Park. He will be around forever. You can't kill him.

I for one do not want him off the air. He represents the Judeo republican party well. The more folks hear and see him the more they will see what the judeo repubs are all about.

They want to limit voters rights by injecting a voter ID system to counter voter fraud, the kind that does not exist. They for some reason have it in for women's health care. They seem to want to force their brand of religion on America. Yes I want Limpballs to stay on the air. Nothing could be better for the Dems.

I for one do not want him off the air. He represents the Judeo republican party well. The more folks hear and see him the more they will see what the judeo repubs are all about.

They want to limit voters rights by injecting a voter ID system to counter voter fraud, the kind that does not exist. They for some reason have it in for women's health care. They seem to want to force their brand of religion on America. Yes I want Limpballs to stay on the air. Nothing could be better for the Dems.

I agree. He drags GOP leadership around by their balls and make them come groveling to him if they ever exert any independence to step out of line with a thought on their own. He is truly the embodiment of Jabba the EVERY WAY.

But in the meantime, I will enjoy the box he put the GOP during this election year. Don't think the public hasnt notice the dance being done by the GOP in congress, and those running in 2012, and the right wing noise machine either ignoring this story or only covering it from the standpoint where they can "subtly" attack this woman.

I agree. He drags GOP leadership around by their balls and make them come groveling to him if they ever exert any independence to step out of line with a thought on their own. He is truly the embodiment of Jabba the EVERY WAY.

But in the meantime, I will enjoy the box he put the GOP during this election year. Don't think the public hasnt notice the dance being done by the GOP in congress, and those running in 2012, and the right wing noise machine either ignoring this story or only covering it from the standpoint where they can "subtly" attack this woman.

I have not yet heard one Judeo republican condemn Limpballs remarks. So telling of the good old boys.

I have not yet heard one Judeo republican condemn Limpballs remarks. So telling of the good old boys.

And therein lies the problem. Some mystical right wing religious source has power over the GOP and the moderates are terrified to speak out. The sad thing is no Republican WOMAN has yet to be heard from on this - (I haven't heard of anyone yet, if you have, I would love a link).

I have not yet heard one Judeo republican condemn Limpballs remarks. So telling of the good old boys.

In fact, after ignoring the story for several days, the wingnut tea-liban noise machine huddled and got together to come up with the strategy to "protect Rush" and rally to his defense by attacking this woman. You can see it from the posts here as well as their sites and Fux News. It.Will.Backfire.

Than you just aren't paying attention.

“It doesn’t help,” said Carly Fiorina, National Republican Senatorial Committee vice chairman, Friday on "CBS This Morning." “That language is insulting, in my opinion. It’s incendiary and most of all, it’s a distraction.”

Also Scott Brown, and even a weak comment by Santorum.

There's plenty more but I don't want to go back and find them.

Hmmmm....interesting... as weak as those "condemnations" they all hail from blue states.....what does that say about the values of red staters?.......NOPE....havent heard a peep out of them....yet. :eek:

In fact, after ignoring the story for several days, the wingnut tea-liban noise machine huddled and got together to come up with the strategy to "protect Rush" and rally to his defense by attacking this woman. You can see it from the posts here as well as their sites and Fux News. It.Will.Backfire.

Keep sucking your thumbs, libtards.

Once again Rush rocks your little demented worlds by refusing to play the game of political correctness.

Any criticism of Rush on this matter is like firing BBs at a battleship. :D

Yep, because they have their values and priorities in order. Once again the Blue Staters embarrass themselves and fall prey to political correctness.

Is that why Michelle Bachmann demanded an apology from NBC and Jimmy Fallon when his house band played an instrumental version of "Lying Ass Bitch" when she was coming out as a guest?

So political correctness is demanded from the GOP...I see.....


^ Fluke can also demand an apology from NBC and Jimmy Fallon if she goes on his show and his house band plays an instrumental version of Led Zeppelin's "Hey Hey What Can I Do" when she comes out as a guest. Happy now?

Sadly, I agree with the right-wingers on here. This may actually make him MORE popular among his listeners. The man knows how to keep his name in the news, I will give him that. Obviously he doesn't care that he is beneath scum level.

Agree, he's probably more popular with his core now but in the bigger picture, (women voters) he's losing ground. This is just as stupid as Gingrich and Santorum now battling for Bible votes. The greed of all of these idiots is not helping the Republican goal folks. If they keep it up, people like Limbaugh, Gingrich and Santorum are goingt to be reponsible for Obama getting re-elected. I somnetimes think that's what they want - so the can have something to continue screaming about - that's how they make their living. But as far as practicality?

The bottom line is that Rush Limbaugh is one powerful voice. He may have been tippin the bottle the day he called this woman a slut and there's a small..very small chance it may be his undoing..BUT..I doubt it. Highly doubt it in fact. Remember..he's like Kenny. Or like the bird said above,"Any criticism of Rush on this matter is like firing BBs at a battleship." He's that powerful.

Anyhow, he'll suck up the attention this controvery brings (as will clear channel) and bring it all back around to his core message of the issue and forget he ever made the offensive remarks which in turn most listeners will forget as well. It's the rush way. He said the issue is not about contraception anyhow but about intrusive government (which to a degree I agree). But I can't stand this fat fuck so much that if by some miracle he goes off the air for his remarks, I'll consider it another Easter miracle.


Why dont you explain why hers is not a case of "political correctness", and why shouldnt the same be afforded to this woman who testified at a govt hearing?

And try not to trip over yourself.


It's simple, but beyond the capacity of your simple mind to grasp.

What was said about Fluke is true. What was said about Bachmann was a lie and a smear. See it's really that simple. Now proceed to illustrate how you are still too dense to understand the simple truth.

Agree, he's probably more popular with his core now but in the bigger picture, (women voters) he's losing ground. This is just as stupid as Gingrich and Santorum now battling for Bible votes. The greed of all of these idiots is not helping the Republican goal folks. If they keep it up, people like Limbaugh, Gingrich and Santorum are goingt to be reponsible for Obama getting re-elected. I somnetimes think that's what they want - so the can have something to continue screaming about - that's how they make their living. But as far as practicality?

As far as practicality, you don't have the first clue.

Far more people are aligned with those you mention, than are turned off by them. You really need to get outside of yourself.

And therein lies the problem. Some mystical right wing religious source has power over the GOP and the moderates are terrified to speak out. The sad thing is no Republican WOMAN has yet to be heard from on this - (I haven't heard of anyone yet, if you have, I would love a link).

In private conversations they are - and they will in the polls when no one can see what they're doing.