Every post contradicts the last. And makes ridiculous claims. Ammon is racist ? But it sounds like all the people you are blaming are not even white. FBI in the parking lot? Really? What exactly did Ammon do to all these angry bitter ex employees ? The entire world went into a financial crisis including Ammon and they downsized to survive. The entire tox world was ravaged when NJ changed the reimbursement rules. When they had money they employed any one and everyone regardless of their ability (or color) and over paid them and gave them stupid titles they did not deserve. That was the downfall. And All these posts admit that.They played big shots and over spent. Now that the world has changed and they could no longer sign the checks they wrote and were forced to lay everyone off ummm like the entire rest of the country, what exact evil did Ammon bestow? Oh are you upset that a family business took care of the family first ? Grow up. Ok your upset you lost you job. But to make personal false cruel accusations against others and the fact that you clearly have no idea of the inner workings at Ammon or business in general even though you were employed there is probably the evidence you need why you are no longer employed there and can’t find work. Please find peace within yourself, stop trying to personally hurt others and move on.
Let us start off with your first sentence, I love how you are implying the company is not racist, who was on the second floor with the executives? Was it, not the whites..? Ammon Labs (The Haupts) are known for their racist acts in the lab industry. YOU trying to defend Ammon is NOT going to work out, it will be refuted so easily by many people. You go off by saying "...it sounds like all the people you are blaming are not even white." We are blaming the Haupts on the high point. If you read you would understand.
Anyways next point, you then go off by saying "What exactly did Ammon do to all these angry bitter ex-employees? What did Ammon do....? Did you seriously ask that question...? Maybe it's the fact that they cut our pay in half several times until we were forced to leave...Maybe it's the fact that we now can't get a job because of the scheme that Ammon played...Maybe it is the fact that Ammon Labs ruined our reputation... There are so many points that could be made it's not even a joke.
Another Point you made is, "The entire world went into a financial crisis including Ammon and they downsized to survive. The entire tox world was ravaged when NJ changed the reimbursement rules." You are implying that the lab had to lay off people because of the Covid-19 pandemic... you are saying it was not because of the bribing Ammon was doing with the foundation. Many labs are still striving, what happened to Ammon? During the pandemic what happen to our check? We never got them? That's right it was the money that was pocketed. The Haupts are filthy rich, but yet they can't take that money and pull themselves out for what, prestige?
Again another point you made that could easily be refuted, "the world has changed and they could no longer sign the checks they wrote and were forced to lay everyone off ummm like the entire rest of the country,"
"Like umm" as you love to say, the entire rest of the country yada yada, why are you blaming this event on the world? It's not adding up.
Why are you implying that the world is to be blamed for what happened? It's as if you are saying that is Ammon who caused the pandemic. Ammon was laying people off for a long time even before the "world changed". Again Ammon is to be blamed for this. The Haupts knew what they were doing, EH who doesn't know anything about the lab industry is running the lab. Ammon Labs is the laughingstock of the industry
Again, "what exact evil did Ammon bestow? Oh are you upset that a family business took care of the family first ?" What evil did Ammon bestow? Wow, vocabulary! Impressive! Ammon Labs... is it an evil lab why? They are evil and it is because of what they did to people, there are many explanations as to why Ammon and the Haupts are evil.
SH "The Founder of Ammon" called us "family"! We were the "Ammon Family"! What happened to us? Hmm? Remember when SH made that stupid statement that Ammon would be here for another 20 years? You should listen to it; it's all over the web. What happened to that statement, go on YT and check it out! You made me chuckle with that. When you call someone family it means that they are going to be there for you Ammon wasn't there for any of us. Ammon left us to sink as they lived lavishly with their fancy homes, farms, etc.
Last point that you made "Grow up. Ok your upset you lost you job. But to make personal false cruel accusations against others and the fact that you clearly have no idea of the inner workings at Ammon or business in general even though you were employed there is probably the evidence you need why you are no longer employed there and can’t find work. No, we aren't upset we want the world to know what Ammon Labs is. You're telling us to grow up, but yet you are making useless and weak points that could and easily be refuted. We aren't making false accusations against others we are just stating facts just as how EH doesn't have a degree in anything that contains laboratory work. EH is CEO cause it was daddy dearest's position! "We have a clear idea of the inner workings at Ammon", I'm not sure what you mean by this. You just called us ex-employees. Yes, there is evidence! That the Haupts screwed everyone over. The paper trail that was left is immaculate, and it was left for everyone to see.
Now your final point "Please find peace within yourself, stop trying to personally hurt others and move on."
Haha! We have peace when we see Ammon go down for all their crimes, trust me. Ammon taught us to never trust a family-owned business. We want the whole world to know who the Haupts are and what Ammon Labs is.
Now thank you for the easily refuted arguments that were made, next time work on your grammar and make sure SH sends in a word of sentiment too.
Quick Tip:
Also when trying to say "you are" it is not "your" its "you're".
Have a great day whoever you are.
This is just the beginning of ammon and the haupts downfall.