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Amgen Onc RML's


Promoting and selling drugs off label is illegal! Your managers should be held accountable and sent off to jail for not standing up for their personnel and for not doing the right thing. Aren't there anymore Amgen managers with integrity and principles? or is it just about money?

Oncology RML in Houston is Beverly Abbott. The Amgen organization sucks. They are a bunch of scoundrels... no work life at all. They want to suck the blood out of your soul.

Promoting and selling drugs off label is illegal! Your managers should be held accountable and sent off to jail for not standing up for their personnel and for not doing the right thing. Aren't there anymore Amgen managers with integrity and principles? or is it just about money?

RML's neither promote or sell drugs - this is why they can discuss data the feild sales reps cannot touch. They are not incentivized on sales attainment and are therefore legally allowed to speak off label. Just wanted to clarify. This is the same at any pharma or biotech out there and not just an Amgen phenomenon.

Is it legal for the OBU VP of Sales to be reviewing and approving the RML Directors plans and initiatives for the oncology RMLs? Is it legal for the RML Directors to be reviewing sales figures of individual accounts and allocating resources based on this data? Sounds like off label selling and promotion to me. Here's some advice: RESIGN NOW, before you all get thrown in the slammer!

Bill Aurora, Matt Youseffi along with the other RML managers should be all fired for allowing for off label selling by oncology RMLs and driving our department into a chaotic, unproductive state. Forums are okay, but where are the changes in our POA? Do they even have any authority over the RML department or is it just one big sham?

EF is on an administrative leave and BA & MY are currently in charge. Let's hope that they make some real, substantive changes for the good of the RML department and the company.

The problem is that from TM forward the leadership team in the RML group has focused upon creating a "military-like" organization where operating and communicating via the "chain of command" has been more important than anything else. They wonder why we don't ask questions anymore at meetings, it's because we have learned that to ask questions = punishment. Additionally, lots of effort has been put in place to have the field-based "directors" as near total lap-dogs for BA as possible. Looking for big changes...

I think the chain of command stuff is mostly driven by the field directors and maybe some hang over from the MS year of hell. The managers seem too insecure to raise any field issues and are more concerned with cramming low value POAs down our throats, kissing up to TO and sales and asking for the same damn info in a different spreadsheet.

At least TM had the PLC (which MS considered a union - LOL) although he didn't have the willingness to tackle any real issues.

Ah, the old days of the PLC! When Bill became director the very first thing he did was put a silver bullet into the PLC. The last thing he was interested in was hearing anything from a group with "Leadership Council" in their moniker. What's happened to most of the PLC former team members...

According to the last salary survey conducted by Amgen HR, the onclogy RMLs are paid on avearge 3 % below what other companies are paying while we are assigned to cover 7 products. Most companies ask their MSLs to cover 1 to 3 products.

Ah, the old days of the PLC! When Bill became director the very first thing he did was put a silver bullet into the PLC. The last thing he was interested in was hearing anything from a group with "Leadership Council" in their moniker. What's happened to most of the PLC former team members...

What do you mean "what's happened to most of the PLC former team members...?" 3 of the 4 oncology PLC members are still with the RML group. Only DH has left and that was back in the TM days. TM wouldn't counter the offer from another company so DH followed the $ and left.

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