
Lynn R.Webster,MD, FACPM, FASAM
Medical Director
Lifetree Clinical Research® & Pain Clinic
Utah Academy of Pain Medicine
Chief of Anesthesiology
Health South Salt Lake Surgical Center
Salt Lake City, UT

Page 15-2008 Monograph
"Predict ing Dose Compliance
A positive UDT result does not provide enough information on
drug use to establish exposure time, dose, and frequency of drug
use, nor does it provide enough information to diagnose drug
addiction or current impairment. Algorithms are under
investigation to help determine whether patients are taking their
opioid medication as prescribed by comparing a patient’s UDT
value to an expected range. However, at this time there is
no scientifically validated relationship between the amount of
drug taken and the concentration of the drug in urine, and
attempts to calculate a normalized value are hampered by
a large degree of variability in opioid metabolism and
elimination. Even protocols that calculate a normalized value
based on patient characteristics and specimen properties (eg, pH,
specific gravity, creatinine level) cannot account for the numerous
other factors that may influence the absorption, distribution,
metabolism, and elimination of a drug. These include genetic
polymorphisms, renal and hepatic function, disease states, drugdrug
interactions, drug-food interactions, body surface area and
muscle mass, and age. However, developing methods to help
assess compliance with prescribed medications through UDT
is an area of intense research."
The reference cited is: 101. Webster LR,Medve R. Evaluation of a proprietary algorithm to provide a clinical adjunct to predicting dose compliance. Poster. 7th International
Conference on Pain and Chemical Dependency; 2007; New York, NY.

Sound familiar genius? Makes your sales piece dated in 2007 a pretty big SCAM? One drug does not predict all others you ignorant a-hole. The algorithm has not and cannot be proven. Stop the lies you don't know what you are talking about you.



I think it does!

I too, would be interested to hear what experience any of you have had with Ameritox. I was contacted by a recruiter and f2f is tomorrow. My brother is a pain specialist and anasthesiologist, I have asked his opinion on this as well.
Thanks for any info.

I worked for Ameritox in Little Rock, Ar. They r a nightmare company to work for. Too pushy, unethical, and to be honest their drug compliance testing cost twice as much as other companies and they are no better.

I too, would be interested to hear what experience any of you have had with Ameritox. I was contacted by a recruiter and f2f is tomorrow. My brother is a pain specialist and anasthesiologist, I have asked his opinion on this as well.
Thanks for any info.

I worked for Ameritox in Little Rock, Ar. They r a nightmare company to work for. Too pushy, unethical, and to be honest their drug compliance testing cost twice as much as other companies and they are no better.

I worked for Ameritox in Little Rock, Ar. They r a nightmare company to work for. Too pushy, unethical, and to be honest their drug compliance testing cost twice as much as other companies and they are no better.

Better call Martha. It's best you reach out to her first, rather than have her contact you.

I am glad that I did not accept the job offer with this company. Way too much turn over and I find it hard to believe there's big money in a urine service. Seemed like a glorified pharma job in way. Not to mention, the DM scratched his balls frequently during the interview. How professional.

I produced for numerous years for Ameritox and worked with many great people but I will say that the science behind the ranges themselves (core of RxGuardian) is bogus and Ameritox has never once published any data about where they have obtained the low and high levels from. Their real response is well Pepsi doesn't give the details of their product, why should Ameritox? That would be fine to say if Pepsi or anyone else for that matter was saying that they can help improve patient care. A UDS does not improve patient care, it might be able to inform physicians of who is possibly diverting or taking additional medications but it can not improve patient care. Sure the correlation between plasma and urine is there (someone has looked at Katz and Couto), but to try to persuade physicians that this person because he or she is 2-3X higher than the range Ameritox came up with should be tested more frequently is a joke and deprives the nation, its taxpayers, and insurance companies of necessary funds. It's a complete gimmick to bring in additional revenue to persuade physicians in testing more, and revenue that I might add does not meet the "medial necessity" threshold. 8 times out of 10 that person that the rep is pushing physicians to test more had both the parent and metabolites present and there is a strong chance the outside range is meaningless in terms of patient care. I could go on and on about patient care and the studies behind it but I will spare everyone.

Ameritox as a company is not employee oriented and they demand numerous reports in less than a days notice, not to mention have no idea how to streamline communications, and actually run a company that did close to 1 million samples. They rip off their own employees and demand that they sign ridiculous TandE policies since they had to shell out 16 million in legal fees for inducement. This is NOT a place where you grow and stay with them for years as only 1 rep has gone from SSR to DM in close to its entirety. This is a company that demands extreme growth and doesn't pay jack for it, but they will pay a person who walks into a big territory numerous amounts of cash from day 1. It's so backwards there. Not to mention they are moving to become more pharma based and track everything you do in a day (micro management at its finest). They are way too heavy from a DM perspective, and I wonder why they think added feet and management equals huge success. It means increased cost and less Net Income, but that would be right up their alley as they love to waste the nation's funds on unnecessary testing. The way they treat their employees is ridiculous. I implore you to not work for this company as it's a mess. Half of their own employees have their resume out there and are actively pursuing other jobs.

Why did you leave? Gosh I am so bumbed ... Ok others who currently work here please respond about how this company is

I worked for this company for nearly 3 years in one of the best regions in the countty. This company cares nothing about you as a person or personally.You will be upper managements best friend if your numbers are over the top but if you go a few months with a slight decrease, they dont even know your name and will replace you in a heartbeat. The only people that stay are the ones who brown nose corporate. Compensation has gotten decreasingly worse year to year. They even "dock" your commission considerably by what they call "missing information" which is information a specific doctors office didn't collect at the time of collection. You also get docked 50%%%%%%% of your commission if you don't hit 70% of your goal, even though the company gets paid on all the samples that were collected. Nothing but a FRAUD company that I GUARANTEE will not be around in a few years!!!

Re: Ameritox Interviewing

I always thought that people who post remarks on cafe pharma and companies in general did this out of spite. I was wrong. I interviewed with Ameritox corporate recently and was not impressed with these amateurs. None of them had the credentialing that I have in pain medicine. in fact at best, they may have worked a couple of years in healthcare - period. Yet, they are placed in positions of decision-making and strategy in the pain medication space? forget it. Quite unprofessional, mis-directed and delusional. good riddance.

Re: Ameritox Interviewing

I always thought that people who post remarks on cafe pharma and companies in general did this out of spite. I was wrong. I interviewed with Ameritox corporate recently and was not impressed with these amateurs. None of them had the credentialing that I have in pain medicine. in fact at best, they may have worked a couple of years in healthcare - period. Yet, they are placed in positions of decision-making and strategy in the pain medication space? forget it. Quite unprofessional, mis-directed and delusional. good riddance.

That is the majority of these so called "labs" in this business. Through AIT, Calloway and Millenium all in that same bucket. They all talk about the PhD's but that means nothing as though people stay in the lab. These sales teams are ran by a bunch of ass clowns.

Ameritox lab case shows why health system bleeds money
January 23, 2011|By Jay HancockWhy does American health care cost so much and deliver so little? We have another, partial answer courtesy of a Baltimore company called Ameritox, the U.S. Justice Department and a courageous whistleblower named Debra Maul.

A few weeks ago Ameritox agreed to pay $16.3 million to settle allegations that it bribed doctors to prescribe drug tests that were paid for by Medicare, the taxpayer-financed program for the elderly and disabled.

Federal authorities alleged that Ameritox gave cash to doctors at pain-management practices in return for drug-test business. Ameritox employees also lodged themselves in physicians' offices and sent patient urine samples to be tested by the company without regard for whether the physician thought it was medically necessary, according to a lawsuit filed against the company by Maul, a former Ameritox sales rep.

From within, this is the most dysfunctional, disorganized company I have ever seen in my life. The employee abuse is beyond belief. Sexing the analytical results is common. Violations are countless, to the point that I don't trust any clinical results that has the name of this company on it.

From within, this is the most dysfunctional, disorganized company I have ever seen in my life. The employee abuse is beyond belief. Sexing the analytical results is common. Violations are countless, to the point that I don't trust any clinical results that has the name of this company on it.

When Ron Backer and Mark Pace ran the show, it was a decent lab, though a bit misguided. Put way too much validity and stress on the Rx Guardian, which is at best is completely sketchy. The Rx "technology" was patented back in 1994, ask yourself the simple question why in all that time can it NOT BE VALIDATED? And essentially EVERY peer review piece discredits the technology as being even remotely accurate. Its OK not to drink the coolaid. Just sell on the necessity of performing urine drug monitoring/confirmations and stop selling on the snake oil.

I submitted an application with my resume and cover letter attached on the Ameritox website for a position in the Patient Financial Dept. and haven't received a response. I fit all of the requirements for the position. Is there a long time span before a response or should I assume they aren't interested?