Ameritox Layoffs

There were very very few people structured out. One DM and a few SCs, in markets that were not lucrative. They weren't even bringing their salary in as revenue, there is no reason to keep them on the payroll. Sorry to those that left. But this was "the big ball dropping."

Haters gonna hate, but a majority of people are very happy working for this company. A few grunts and grumbles with things like sick leave but as Mike said he wants a smaller sales force, and to pay them really well. This paycheck will be my highest one since being at the company.

For those breeding negativity: get out of tox if you hate it so much.
OBVIOUSLY you dont know shit about what happened yesterday, nor were you part of it. Keep drinking that koolaid they feed you. It was more like 20-30 positions, jackhole. And RG was DEFINITELY pulling in more revenue than just about anyone still here. That had nothing to do with it. Some of the DMs had top regions and there were top SCs too. More than a few. Get over yourself and use that little brain of yours before you speak again.

There were very very few people structured out. One DM and a few SCs, in markets that were not lucrative. They weren't even bringing their salary in as revenue, there is no reason to keep them on the payroll. Sorry to those that left. But this was "the big ball dropping."

Haters gonna hate, but a majority of people are very happy working for this company. A few grunts and grumbles with things like sick leave but as Mike said he wants a smaller sales force, and to pay them really well. This paycheck will be my highest one since being at the company.

For those breeding negativity: get out of tox if you hate it so much.

Thanks for joining the conversation Mike.

Thanks for joining the conversation Mike.
I've told you all along that Mike Ziegler is a nut case and a narcissist. He is ruining this company. He has ran away so many great reps and managers. He only keeps his teachers pets who kisses his ass. MZ lies to the Executive Board and is unethical in every since of the word. He has been fired or ran away from EVERY job he has had. Ameritox is the only company stupid enough to keep him because he talks a good game.

Trust me another layoff is coming in 6 months from what I've heard from my inside sources. That is the only way Ameritox saves money. They are no longer profitable. If you decide to stay in this sinking ship with just a 1 month package good luck. The check isn't very big. The government and insurance companies have stopped the cash flow and doctors are not using it like they once did. The glory days of toxicology are over!

I was part of the layoffs and asked this question. I was told around 40. Either way, that speaks for itself
Well I'm sorry to hear that. You will land on your feet and Ameritox did you a favor. They are going down fast. They are doing layoffs every 6 months so eventually everyone will be gone at some point, either by choice or by force. The decision is yours, if you stay around for the punishment. With Mike Ziegler in leadership, this company is doomed, he can't even properly lead his family! Anyone else who thinks otherwise is either MZ himself or just one of his staff to kiss his ass to keep their "job". I'm not sticking around for this circus.

There were very very few people structured out. One DM and a few SCs, in markets that were not lucrative. They weren't even bringing their salary in as revenue, there is no reason to keep them on the payroll. Sorry to those that left. But this was "the big ball dropping."

Haters gonna hate, but a majority of people are very happy working for this company. A few grunts and grumbles with things like sick leave but as Mike said he wants a smaller sales force, and to pay them really well. This paycheck will be my highest one since being at the company.

For those breeding negativity: get out of tox if you hate it so much.

Mike, thanks so much for joining the conversation! Perhaps if you would spend more time actually leading your team and providing actual valuable insight into how to market a shit product like Toxicology, rather than by using intimidation and spending your time trolling on Cafepharma you might actually accomplish something. I saw the light over 2 years ago. I left Ameritox because Ameritox is a one trick pony. Toxicology is a dying breed. Medicare has cut reimbursements by 70%. Payers of any significance don't recognize half the codes that Ameritox and other tox labs provide. LabCorp and Quest dominate and have exclusive deals with payors. Calloway closed up shop. Ameritox and others are on their way. The problem is that they can't find buyers! Labcorp and Quest already have their own toxicology companies. The investment capital groups are trying desperately to find a buyer. In the interim, you lay-off people in order to free up cash flow and give the "appearance" of a financially stable organization with the hope and intent to attract a potential buyer. I've seen this happen many times. There will be more layoffs and more and more markets that Ameritox will exit. Once they let the lower level minions go you will start to see the big boys get the ax. Mike Z, better get that brown suit pressed and those suits polished. They're coming for you next!

Mike, thanks so much for joining the conversation! Perhaps if you would spend more time actually leading your team and providing actual valuable insight into how to market a shit product like Toxicology, rather than by using intimidation and spending your time trolling on Cafepharma you might actually accomplish something. I saw the light over 2 years ago. I left Ameritox because Ameritox is a one trick pony. Toxicology is a dying breed. Medicare has cut reimbursements by 70%. Payers of any significance don't recognize half the codes that Ameritox and other tox labs provide. LabCorp and Quest dominate and have exclusive deals with payors. Calloway closed up shop. Ameritox and others are on their way. The problem is that they can't find buyers! Labcorp and Quest already have their own toxicology companies. The investment capital groups are trying desperately to find a buyer. In the interim, you lay-off people in order to free up cash flow and give the "appearance" of a financially stable organization with the hope and intent to attract a potential buyer. I've seen this happen many times. There will be more layoffs and more and more markets that Ameritox will exit. Once they let the lower level minions go you will start to see the big boys get the ax. Mike Z, better get that brown suit pressed and those suits polished. They're coming for you next!
It is just a matter of time before Mike Z. is fired. He was fired from his last position.

Ziggy puts on a good show but is light on substance. Every time the man spoke, I thought- here goes 10 minutes of speech for a 30 second take-away.
Mike Z. is an empty suit just like the majority of management. It is a joke just like BK and SW. How are you CEO, SVP or a RD and you are incompetent to run a sales team?? Any other company wouldn't hire these clowns so we're stuck with them. They know it so they do whatever it takes to stay at Ameritox b/c after this no one will give them a position or pay that they are getting here. This is the end of the road for them and they know it. They will lie, cheat or steal to keep it. Before Ameritox, no one would ever give them a position like this. There all empty suits from MZ, SW, BK and the rest of management that they hire or promote.

There were very very few people structured out. One DM and a few SCs, in markets that were not lucrative. They weren't even bringing their salary in as revenue, there is no reason to keep them on the payroll. Sorry to those that left. But this was "the big ball dropping."

Haters gonna hate, but a majority of people are very happy working for this company. A few grunts and grumbles with things like sick leave but as Mike said he wants a smaller sales force, and to pay them really well. This paycheck will be my highest one since being at the company.

For those breeding negativity: get out of tox if you hate it so much.

Thanks for the commentary, BK. Hard to believe you had time to type that with both hands on MZ's shaft all the time.

What was his last position? why do you think he was fired or forced to leave at EVERY job that he's had?
Mike Z. and BK, get your ass off of cafepharma and do your damn job for once! and Btw....CBLPath didn't want MZ anymore b/c he destroyed their company so Ameritox is now stuck with this empty suit!!

Serious Question: Is Ameritox going out of business? If so how soon? Love the company but gotta start looking elsewhere if the rumors are true.
Yes. Ameritox just like other toxicology labs is definitely closing. Sterling is the name of the equity capital group that owns Ameritox. They are looking for a buyer. In order to make the company look attractive to a potential buyer they have invoked a series of corporate layoffs and have initiated other cost cutting measures in order to free up revenue and make the company's balance sheet appear to now have more cash flow. This is a common practice. Ameritox will not be replacing any of the people that have been layed off as this would negate the aforementioned. You will continue to see more and more layoffs. You will continue to see spending freezes, i.e. no more national sales meetings, etc. The original target to sell Ameritox was end of Q1 2016. This has now been delayed because the original buyer - Black Diamond Equity Group decided to rescind its offer. Sterling is now looking for a new buyer. The new target is end of Q4. I strongly encourage you to seek another job and get out of the lab business, (unless there's an opportunity with Quest or LabCorp).