Amarin to go to 1 SP per territory. Metabolic reps gone

Let's be real here.... Some territories were split up from being a large solo or mirror territory into multiple mirror territories. Chances are they will simply downsize to where they were a year ago today. ASD's, Zone VP's and RBMS will probably be downsized as well as some SP's and all CMSP's.

The CMSP's were hired with higher salaries than the SP's in this wave. Prime target to chop costs. We all know that Amarin paid low salaries to all the people coming in as SP's and specifically went for people with little to no pharma experience. They will keep the cheap labor.

How many reps do we have in large cities? Expect that to be cut deep. They will focus only on the highest decile targets and spread it thin. I assume the layoffs will happen in the next week or so since no one is working anyway. If the appeal is won, they'll just find a few more cheap bodies to fill those spaces.

I spent the morning filling out applications and emailing recruiters. You would all be wise to do the same.

Your response is a logical one. But all said and done only 200 to 300 reps are needed, and that might even be too high.

Yes 25 RBM’s to start selling ASAP. The other 25 to get back out in field with the cardio metabolic reps into the institutional/hospital ICU’s by Easter.

Nobody is getting in the filed by Easter. In case you don't read the news, there is a national shut down until April 30. I predict that the earliest physician offices will be open is May and even then they aren't going to allow reps in the office.

Your response is a logical one. But all said and done only 200 to 300 reps are needed, and that might even be too high.

Oh, they will cut some of new SP's. I was more starting the CMSP's will be first cut, then SP's will be chopped. RBMs, Zone VPs and ASDs will be pruned down to fit. It's the middle managers that really need to worry.

My resume is on fire today, I'm not fiddling while Rome burns. Theres jobs posted so get to it! I'd advise everyone to do the same. We have a lot of time before we are in the field again and these calls dont take up a whole day.

Oh, they will cut some of new SP's. I was more starting the CMSP's will be first cut, then SP's will be chopped. RBMs, Zone VPs and ASDs will be pruned down to fit. It's the middle managers that really need to worry.

My resume is on fire today, I'm not fiddling while Rome burns. Theres jobs posted so get to it! I'd advise everyone to do the same. We have a lot of time before we are in the field again and these calls dont take up a whole day.