Guys as I sit here in my home surrounded by all the nice things my hard work has earned me, I wanted to pass along some wisdom and motivation. Those words are simple: work hard, sell hard, close hard. It really is that simple. If you will do those 3 things, nothing and no one can stop you. Not TC/PC (which will go away pretty soon and no longer be an obstacle), or managed care, and certainly not our comeptition. They can't hold a candle to us and our quality. And just becuase they are buying up the business today, won't help them tomorrow when SH goes away as you and I both know it will soon. Listen to me guys, we are close to hitting our numbers if we just work a little harder and make a few extra calls. You can do it! And one day, it could be you on the other end typing this note. Good luck! Make us proud!