alot of new things happening, stay focused, keep working Im sick of it!

I hope all of you had a successful and challenging week! Enjoy your families and kids, take time for yourself, and rest up. Let's hit it hard next week and we will win BIG!!!

Why would anyone stay here? As a former employee I had worked with these clowns for years and realized they are clueless. They think you should be happy just to have a job and now they are not paying anyone. FIY for management the people that are staying are miserable and they are not working. Need to clean house in management and get someone in there who knows something about the lab business.

Why would anyone stay here? As a former employee I had worked with these clowns for years and realized they are clueless. They think you should be happy just to have a job and now they are not paying anyone. FIY for management the people that are staying are miserable and they are not working. Need to clean house in management and get someone in there who knows something about the lab business.

You left, and that was your decision.....everyone has a one is forced to work here or anywhere. I am very glad to have a job in this economy. I am THANKFUL!

You left, and that was your decision.....everyone has a one is forced to work here or anywhere. I am very glad to have a job in this economy. I am THANKFUL!

You should be thankful. You have no idea of how to manage a sales team and you have a job. You should have been fired along time ago...

Guys as I sit here in my home surrounded by all the nice things my hard work has earned me, I wanted to pass along some wisdom and motivation. Those words are simple: work hard, sell hard, close hard. It really is that simple. If you will do those 3 things, nothing and no one can stop you. Not TC/PC (which will go away pretty soon and no longer be an obstacle), or managed care, and certainly not our comeptition. They can't hold a candle to us and our quality. And just becuase they are buying up the business today, won't help them tomorrow when SH goes away as you and I both know it will soon. Listen to me guys, we are close to hitting our numbers if we just work a little harder and make a few extra calls. You can do it! And one day, it could be you on the other end typing this note. Good luck! Make us proud!

Guys as I sit here in my home surrounded by all the nice things my hard work has earned me, I wanted to pass along some wisdom and motivation. Those words are simple: work hard, sell hard, close hard. It really is that simple. If you will do those 3 things, nothing and no one can stop you. Not TC/PC (which will go away pretty soon and no longer be an obstacle), or managed care, and certainly not our comeptition. They can't hold a candle to us and our quality. And just becuase they are buying up the business today, won't help them tomorrow when SH goes away as you and I both know it will soon. Listen to me guys, we are close to hitting our numbers if we just work a little harder and make a few extra calls. You can do it! And one day, it could be you on the other end typing this note. Good luck! Make us proud!

Don't you have anything else to do you loser! Pay Your Reps and they will close business! You guys have NO idea how to motivate people. Do you think we are just out of college and believe everything you tell us. You Suck!

Guys as I sit here in my home surrounded by all the nice things my hard work has earned me, I wanted to pass along some wisdom and motivation. Those words are simple: work hard, sell hard, close hard. It really is that simple. If you will do those 3 things, nothing and no one can stop you. Not TC/PC (which will go away pretty soon and no longer be an obstacle), or managed care, and certainly not our comeptition. They can't hold a candle to us and our quality. And just becuase they are buying up the business today, won't help them tomorrow when SH goes away as you and I both know it will soon. Listen to me guys, we are close to hitting our numbers if we just work a little harder and make a few extra calls. You can do it! And one day, it could be you on the other end typing this note. Good luck! Make us proud!
It's nice that you sit there with your brandy snifter on a Sun evening imparting your wisdom to the minions. I would like to make a few comments; you may call it a rebuttal, to your missive. I'll go in the order that they appear. Managed care------marginal at best. Competition------beating our brains in on a daily basis. Quality------come on, really? Buying the business-----isn't that what the registry was set up for? Hitting the numbers-----FAR FROM IT. Just sell the damn company and get it over with!!!

This is freaking hilarious. reading all these threads and trying to imagine someone from senior mgt of any company posting on this wall these bulls*t motivation messages. this is soooo funny.
go team go.

thats how bad it is here. mgt chases you down on message boards to get their point across.

Yeh, because they're to embarrassed to actually have this company B.S. attached to their name. They know they're all going to be looking for a job soon and their going to want our connections so they can land on their feet. Would you refer a Caris worker who speaks this kool aid?

Yeh, because they're to embarrassed to actually have this company B.S. attached to their name. They know they're all going to be looking for a job soon and their going to want our connections so they can land on their feet. Would you refer a Caris worker who speaks this kool aid?
It's NOT Kool-Aid. We ARE heading in a good direction, and we ARE winning. Just because there are a few bad apples that do all of the complaining doesn't mean we aren't. WE ARE! The message stays the same: work hard, sell hard, close hard.......... and win.......BIG. Why would it need to change? Today is another day for you win..... go do it! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

It's NOT Kool-Aid. We ARE heading in a good direction, and we ARE winning. Just because there are a few bad apples that do all of the complaining doesn't mean we aren't. WE ARE! The message stays the same: work hard, sell hard, close hard.......... and win.......BIG. Why would it need to change? Today is another day for you win..... go do it! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!
Hey Charlie Sheen - please tell us how we're Winning

It's NOT Kool-Aid. We ARE heading in a good direction, and we ARE winning. Just because there are a few bad apples that do all of the complaining doesn't mean we aren't. WE ARE! The message stays the same: work hard, sell hard, close hard.......... and win.......BIG. Why would it need to change? Today is another day for you win..... go do it! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

Guys we are nearing a BIG point in our company's future. Keep working hard, keep pushing our world class quality that NO ONE else has, and keep pushing our biggest asset....... our brand and name. We are doing some great things in the market. Let's capitalize on this thing and reap the benefits in the end. We as a team cannot be stopped when we work together and work hard. This can be a GREAT year if you just try hard enough! We are here for you!

Guys we are nearing a BIG point in our company's future. Keep working hard, keep pushing our world class quality that NO ONE else has, and keep pushing our biggest asset....... our brand and name. We are doing some great things in the market. Let's capitalize on this thing and reap the benefits in the end. We as a team cannot be stopped when we work together and work hard. This can be a GREAT year if you just try hard enough! We are here for you!

Caris brand sucks. DH sucks. Corporate asskisser keeps posting, but no one is believin' This site sucks too. Suck.