All this talk about November


Many threads here on CP refer to upcoming cuts in November. Is this just a guess, or does anyone have credible information on this timetable?

Primary Care just got "reorganized" so are they still on chopping block? Why would they shuffle people now, only to shuffle them again in 2 months?

Any HQ friends out there with info to share?


Not in HQ but been around a long time. I know corps can do things that make no sense whatsoever such as making cuts and announcing layoffs to a group just after they got "reorganized" as one who personally went through it but I managed to survive the cuts. It seems every November brings rumors of big announcements so I don't place much credence in all the chatter here. Could it happen? Sure. It could happen in September. Nothing has changed except we all feel like Merck will soon drop the ax on many of us. That feeling has become the norm around here.

Many threads here on CP refer to upcoming cuts in November. Is this just a guess, or does anyone have credible information on this timetable?

Primary Care just got "reorganized" so are they still on chopping block? Why would they shuffle people now, only to shuffle them again in 2 months?

Any HQ friends out there with info to share?

The reorgs are management's opportunity to move their lapdog managers into groups where the previous manager didn't get people to quit. The lapdog managers move in, select their targets for removal (usually predetermined) and then get about the business of making those people's lives as bad as possible until they quit. A couple of years (or less) later, there's another reorg and those managers are reassigned and they do it again. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Talk to the people who have left. Their stories are all virtually identical.

The reorgs are management's opportunity to move their lapdog managers into groups where the previous manager didn't get people to quit. The lapdog managers move in, select their targets for removal (usually predetermined) and then get about the business of making those people's lives as bad as possible until they quit. A couple of years (or less) later, there's another reorg and those managers are reassigned and they do it again. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Talk to the people who have left. Their stories are all virtually identical.

this is so true...I went through it...

I'm not in HQ but my bro (from the same fraternity) is. He is credible. I asked him about what the deal is in November. All he could tell me is this: some families will have good reasons for thanksgiving. Other families will have sorrow and tears at the thanksgiving table...

I'm not in HQ but my bro (from the same fraternity) is. He is credible. I asked him about what the deal is in November. All he could tell me is this: some families will have good reasons for thanksgiving. Other families will have sorrow and tears at the thanksgiving table...

Thanks for the info, and please let us know if he says anything else about which division will be involved. Your reply seems sincere.

Safe to say nobody works at Merck anymore unless they absolutely have to for lack of a better opportunity or they're just too invested at Merck to be able to afford to leave. What a shithole.

The reorgs are management's opportunity to move their lapdog managers into groups where the previous manager didn't get people to quit. The lapdog managers move in, select their targets for removal (usually predetermined) and then get about the business of making those people's lives as bad as possible until they quit. A couple of years (or less) later, there's another reorg and those managers are reassigned and they do it again. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Talk to the people who have left. Their stories are all virtually identical.

THIS x2.

The specialty group has a list of people that the managers are supposed to put on plans and make the reps lives miserable to get them to quit.

Why are reps getting so many manager days? Our manager and other managers. Seems strange and it sure makes everyone nervous. Are they weeding out?

All I can say is enough.

All I know is the last time around, the contract reps stayed and the mrk reps gone

Isn't that the end point objective of using cso in so many companies?

Get 'em up and running. A little time to know the products, the offices and wham bam a new, cheaper rep can easily take over...Clever....and distressing.

Seems the more prepared, educated and trained you are the lower your chances of landing a job today. If cso is the wave of the future, the AA degree is the most valuable degree to get!

Isn't that the end point objective of using cso in so many companies?

Get 'em up and running. A little time to know the products, the offices and wham bam a new, cheaper rep can easily take over...Clever....and distressing.

Seems the more prepared, educated and trained you are the lower your chances of landing a job today. If cso is the wave of the future, the AA degree is the most valuable degree to get!

A cso rep requires a 4 year degree, not a AA degree. Most contract reps are from big pharma that were down sized or just wanted possible less stress.
Most pharma comp are going contract, it makes good business sense.

A cso rep requires a 4 year degree, not a AA degree. Most contract reps are from big pharma that were down sized or just wanted possible less stress.
Most pharma comp are going contract, it makes good business sense.

Local cso ads asking for AA, others BA or BS, max. Think a lot of reps here are overqualified..

All CSO's require 4 year degrees and selling experience. Maybe if you guys did your job you wouldn't be hiring CSO's. The only difference between Merck reps & contract reps ... you do catering lunches on the side.

All CSO's require 4 year degrees and selling experience. Maybe if you guys did your job you wouldn't be hiring CSO's. The only difference between Merck reps & contract reps ... you do catering lunches on the side.

That is correct. I am with a CSO and everyone on my team has a four year degree and at least 10 years of pharma experience. It is funny that some reps think they are above us just because they work directly for the company. We do the same jobs you guys do, and sometimes better. There is not a single CSO that will hire with only a two year degree. Qualified reps are a dime a dozen these days.