Alkermes Medical Insurance

Well naive young person, I've lasted over 30 years and only need (want rather) another 2 so I think I'll be ok. You see, youngen, since it appears you live under a rock, it's not entitlement, it's an earning. a payback of sorts. for hard work, loyalty, performance, etc. there is a difference that many of your generation are unable to differentiate due to this entitlement society that has taken our nation (and mentality of you young folk) hostage. I'm not going to boast and post my record of success, but I will be damned first before I'm going to step back to three weeks vacation (what a 25 year old brand new rep is hired on with) when I have put the time in to reach executive level, done multiple home office stints, etc. that have earned me 6 weeks at this juncture. Of course, when you're like me, a new opportunity is an option vs. a need, so, I have that liberty to decline based on vacation, or anything else I don't like about a pending offer. You will never know the comfort in that unless you quickly change your attitude.

Totally correct!

People are misguided and distracted. Alkermes is hiring reps to launch a new product.
Focused reps "good reps", work at least 50 hours a week for the 1st year.
Good reps postpone vacations to be successful.
If you have a situation that gets in the way, be fair with yourself, your family and the company.

Been there, done that and have the many Presidents a Club, Chairman's Circle, Pinnacle Awards to prove the above quote is very true. And Mickey and Minnie were still there and had not changed from our original scheduled vacation!

Been there, done that and have the many Presidents a Club, Chairman's Circle, Pinnacle Awards to prove the above quote is very true. And Mickey and Minnie were still there and had not changed from our original scheduled vacation!

I too am an old timer in this industry, although starting right out of college with the now defunct Upjohn Company in 1982, I had to walk barefoot 5 miles uphill both ways carrying my JJWalker Dynomite! Good Times lunch box! 4 saltines pesnutbutter and a tangerine. My father started in Pharma in 1959 and I know more about this industry good and bad than most of you numb nuts giving stale advice and acting holier than thou over how successful you were or how hard you work! In this industry you run walk and jog! You ride the elevator to the top and back down again. Happenstance, circumstancè, hard work ,luck,it all gets you where you are today, Easter Sunday. 2015 and we are on CP bullshitting each other! This industry is limping along with thousands of employees kicked to the curb not just in sales but manufacturing, production, R&D etc. If you are in this career anytime you will get backed in the corner by a boss,buyout, or a sick child. You will take less money vacation and less respect to keep paying your bills and feeding your families! Your hair will turn gray, your voice will change tones and your arrogance will wain and fade away. No one cares next month whether you were in a territory 1 year or 35. Stick your finger in a glass of water and pull it out.can you even tell your finger was in the water? No
Work go home live your life and don't take this shit so serious! I promise you God won't ask how many RXs you sold last month, don't sweat the small stuff.

I too am an old timer in this industry, although starting right out of college with the now defunct Upjohn Company in 1982, I had to walk barefoot 5 miles uphill both ways carrying my JJWalker Dynomite! Good Times lunch box! 4 saltines pesnutbutter and a tangerine. My father started in Pharma in 1959 and I know more about this industry good and bad than most of you numb nuts giving stale advice and acting holier than thou over how successful you were or how hard you work! In this industry you run walk and jog! You ride the elevator to the top and back down again. Happenstance, circumstancè, hard work ,luck,it all gets you where you are today, Easter Sunday. 2015 and we are on CP bullshitting each other! This industry is limping along with thousands of employees kicked to the curb not just in sales but manufacturing, production, R&D etc. If you are in this career anytime you will get backed in the corner by a boss,buyout, or a sick child. You will take less money vacation and less respect to keep paying your bills and feeding your families! Your hair will turn gray, your voice will change tones and your arrogance will wain and fade away. No one cares next month whether you were in a territory 1 year or 35. Stick your finger in a glass of water and pull it out.can you even tell your finger was in the water? No
Work go home live your life and don't take this shit so serious! I promise you God won't ask how many RXs you sold last month, don't sweat the small stuff.


I too am an old timer in this industry, although starting right out of college with the now defunct Upjohn Company in 1982, I had to walk barefoot 5 miles uphill both ways carrying my JJWalker Dynomite! Good Times lunch box! 4 saltines pesnutbutter and a tangerine. My father started in Pharma in 1959 and I know more about this industry good and bad than most of you numb nuts giving stale advice and acting holier than thou over how successful you were or how hard you work! In this industry you run walk and jog! You ride the elevator to the top and back down again. Happenstance, circumstancè, hard work ,luck,it all gets you where you are today, Easter Sunday. 2015 and we are on CP bullshitting each other! This industry is limping along with thousands of employees kicked to the curb not just in sales but manufacturing, production, R&D etc. If you are in this career anytime you will get backed in the corner by a boss,buyout, or a sick child. You will take less money vacation and less respect to keep paying your bills and feeding your families! Your hair will turn gray, your voice will change tones and your arrogance will wain and fade away. No one cares next month whether you were in a territory 1 year or 35. Stick your finger in a glass of water and pull it out.can you even tell your finger was in the water? No
Work go home live your life and don't take this shit so serious! I promise you God won't ask how many RXs you sold last month, don't sweat the small stuff.
You are so right! Too many reps young and old get one managed care win and sail to the top and then they become the resident expert in all things Pharma !

I am shocked by how nasty and unsympathetic some are and then refreshed by how generous and helpful others are. Imagine you are considering a job change and you're glad to know you made it far in the process and you simultaneously find out your child is ill and needs a surgery. I don't know about you, next week would seem far away, actually. And, I also would feel awkward reaching out to the hiring manager at this point. First of all, it could damage your chances of getting the job - oh, hey, is this person with the family illness going to be able to fulfill their duties? Second, it removes you from being the 100% professional person you want to convey - all advice sites tell you to not discuss this stuff before you have an offer in hand.

Best of luck to you and your child. I don't know you but I am a mother and I will tell you, at the end of the day, nothing else matters.

I am shocked by how nasty and unsympathetic some are and then refreshed by how generous and helpful others are. Imagine you are considering a job change and you're glad to know you made it far in the process and you simultaneously find out your child is ill and needs a surgery. I don't know about you, next week would seem far away, actually. And, I also would feel awkward reaching out to the hiring manager at this point. First of all, it could damage your chances of getting the job - oh, hey, is this person with the family illness going to be able to fulfill their duties? Second, it removes you from being the 100% professional person you want to convey - all advice sites tell you to not discuss this stuff before you have an offer in hand.

Best of luck to you and your child. I don't know you but I am a mother and I will tell you, at the end of the day, nothing else matters.
So true. I am a Dad and feel the same way you do to protect my family and totally agree with your thoughts. I believe that anyone who does not agree has not had true life experiences to agree with MANY OF US!

Original OP here,

I've gotten several laughs at the direction this thread went in based on a simple and legitimate question. (like a bad accident, I had to keep looking!) I'm not very experienced with Cafepharma, but bottom line is that I did get an accurate response. Unfortunately I had to see a dark side of humanity along the way.

To those who "get it" (9:44 post yesterday 12:01 AM today and some others), thanks for the support. And for those with concern, my child does not have a horrible illness, it's a somewhat common surgery, however, quite expensive as are most surgeries, so yes, paying out of pocket 0-80% vs full coverage is relevant enough to add to the pro or con list AND salary/sign on bonus negotiation. Obviously I am currently employed and being thorough in my due diligence before making a huge move which impacts my family.

This is what we smart folks do :). Apparently a lot of folks on cafepharma don't fall into the "smart" category, which is embarrassing for the industry. Good luck to all!

Original OP here,

I've gotten several laughs at the direction this thread went in based on a simple and legitimate question. (like a bad accident, I had to keep looking!) I'm not very experienced with Cafepharma, but bottom line is that I did get an accurate response. Unfortunately I had to see a dark side of humanity along the way.

To those who "get it" (9:44 post yesterday 12:01 AM today and some others), thanks for the support. And for those with concern, my child does not have a horrible illness, it's a somewhat common surgery, however, quite expensive as are most surgeries, so yes, paying out of pocket 0-80% vs full coverage is relevant enough to add to the pro or con list AND salary/sign on bonus negotiation. Obviously I am currently employed and being thorough in my due diligence before making a huge move which impacts my family.

This is what we smart folks do :). Apparently a lot of folks on cafepharma don't fall into the "smart" category, which is embarrassing for the industry. Good luck to all!

Then stay with your current job and stop wasting our time with interviews.

Then stay with your current job and stop wasting our time with interviews.
Poster 31, your an idiot! Plain and simple.
Your day will come when you are in our shoes a responsible parent and care giver and then, maybe not.
Life will throw you a curve someday and the topic of this thread will hit you in the gut.
When it does I home you remember your reply post and what an ass YOU are.
Karma is a bitch!
You'll see someday, I will bet on it!

OP here again, LOL, (yes, I am so fascinated!)

Thanks poster 32. I'm quite sure poster 31 is the same ass from earlier in the thread who watches this minute by minute, waiting for a chance to strike. Don't let him rile you :) I asked a great question, I got an accurate answer within a day or two, I'm smart to discern and ignore the BS. I'm awaiting an offer, didn't waste anyone's time due to the kind person who promptly provided accurate info and UNDERSTOOD why I wasn't comfortable asking the DM. Many children on here. apparently many unhappy one's. I'm happy to see those of us who have been around awhile are doing okay and providing relevant intel vial cafepharma. Very cool. Alkermes covers my kids's surgery......YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS, I can take their offer if it comes next week or 2.

Its unfortunate you aren't as honest with your hiring manager as you are here.

Poster #32!
Again you show what an ass, immature butt you are.
I hope you do not work at Alkermes.
Those of us who have been through work experiences before know OP is correct in not asking her DM or interviewer a question like this during the hiring process.
If you read interviewing tips in publications like The Wall Sreet Journal, or Harvard Business Review and The New York Times it is strongly recommended you would only address a benefit question to a H R representative who has no say in you being chosen as the finalist.
But then again these publications are probably way over your head and you are still reading in depth mags like Boys Life, Rolling Stone and maybe Hustler under the covers.

With your tremendous amount of genuine compassion for your fellow man or woman, you have no business being a drug rep and for sure not an Alkermes rep selling a drug that will help many people with worse problems than OP.
Like I said before "Karma is a Bitch" or better yet " what goes around comes around" and it is going to kick you in the ass one day.
I double down on my earler bet.
Hope you don't learn your lesson at the expense of a loved one in need.

One last thing, when you hear the rumble of thunder when you get that kick in the ass, you might listen for a voice in the sky tell you " YOU WEAR WARNED"

OP here again, LOL, (yes, I am so fascinated!)

Thanks poster 32. I'm quite sure poster 31 is the same ass from earlier in the thread who watches this minute by minute, waiting for a chance to strike. Don't let him rile you :) I asked a great question, I got an accurate answer within a day or two, I'm smart to discern and ignore the BS. I'm awaiting an offer, didn't waste anyone's time due to the kind person who promptly provided accurate info and UNDERSTOOD why I wasn't comfortable asking the DM. Many children on here. apparently many unhappy one's. I'm happy to see those of us who have been around awhile are doing okay and providing relevant intel vial cafepharma. Very cool. Alkermes covers my kids's surgery......YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS, I can take their offer if it comes next week or 2.

Lucky us

Poster #32!
Again you show what an ass, immature butt you are.
I hope you do not work at Alkermes.
Those of us who have been through work experiences before know OP is correct in not asking her DM or interviewer a question like this during the hiring process.
If you read interviewing tips in publications like The Wall Sreet Journal, or Harvard Business Review and The New York Times it is strongly recommended you would only address a benefit question to a H R representative who has no say in you being chosen as the finalist.
But then again these publications are probably way over your head and you are still reading in depth mags like Boys Life, Rolling Stone and maybe Hustler under the covers.

With your tremendous amount of genuine compassion for your fellow man or woman, you have no business being a drug rep and for sure not an Alkermes rep selling a drug that will help many people with worse problems than OP.
Like I said before "Karma is a Bitch" or better yet " what goes around comes around" and it is going to kick you in the ass one day.
I double down on my earler bet.
Hope you don't learn your lesson at the expense of a loved one in need.

One last thing, when you hear the rumble of thunder when you get that kick in the ass, you might listen for a voice in the sky tell you " YOU WEAR WARNED"

Quality candidate.

Christ almighty the plan is thru BCBS and you have two PPO options. Very standard type of plan you get from other pharma/bio companies. Contribute to the additional plan options to help offset the cost of your kids surgery. These are "benefits" folks and they are not free- you professionals should all know how plans work since its a major part of your job and if you don't this job will kill you because it is very very important to understand payers!