Alcon Pharma - it’s all about putting in fake calls

listen the good ole boys still and always run the show at ManAlcon!

so the little short fat and tall lanky women with title’s here know they are push brooms vs the Good Ole Boys.

so they lie and deceive the lower tiers to help themselves feel important.

This is fact.

Do you see who woman leaders hire here at Alcon? They hire projects and philanthropy. They hire D/I quotas. They hire minions!

this is how a Texas company creates their version of fair balance.

what’s the new tall lanky one like?

Absolutely put in fake calls!
Alcon Pharma GM is a complete tool! She is a narcissist who only cares about herself! So play the game and enjoy the vacation!
She is one complete dumb @&$! And deserves none of your energy!

Alcon pharma have always been deadbeat lazy bustards. We know you barely leave you house to drive around for a few hours a day. I’d fire all
Of you and give bigger discounts to docs. Ya do t do shit. Most docs can’t stand you dropping in and breaking flow of office. Stop pretending to be a real sales professional.

I don’t get it? I’m interested in an open role here but how are you making quota by making fake calls? Does anyone get pip’d?

What’s a reasonable salary range here?