How are those 5th level choice drops going for you. Lot a pencil whipping fake calls.
I must go!! This is a joke
Tom W from Aerie found his perfect job at Alcon. Boozing & Schmoozing with docs. That’s all he’s good at. District manager? Useless! Regional Business Director? Ask him about his soccer ball. He only cares about himself. And that makes him a lowlife loser. Perfect for Alcon. The dumb dope never realized that docs saw through his BS. Maybe her doesn’t care. But eventually, that catches up with you. And it will not be good for him.
I can’t do it anymore. This is garbage
This is not sustainable. This is a cluster chase for attention at Alcon and we have average products here. This is a show. A face ri investors.
just do what every other rep does. Fake your calls and find other things in life to do that make you happy. Play the game and cash your checks
Look around and. See a tbe pretenders and fakes. Place is full of fat regards who are lazy pos fools. When they get cut it will be hard for them to get another job because no skill no game and no work ethic.
Tip to Alcon—watch Wajda’s activities they are unethical and wasteful. He turns docs off trying to be high and mighty. Watch how they look at him when he disrespects them. Small man syndrome can be a toxic thing and in his little case it is!