Alcami /AAI Pharma

Teaches? Hahahaha!!! Nobody teaches nobody. You go to AAI to learn what NOT to do in pharma. Thats why turnover is so high. People go there just to pad the resume and say they had a job doing pharma and then go somewhere else to learn how to do things the right way.

Is the new leadership team making it any better or worse? Can't be as bad as everyone says

It is much worse.

The formulations group has gone way down. When James Swarbrick was leading that group they actually did some interesting work, but that was many years ago. The current team is just doing basic stuff, nothing creative or anything close to cutting edge. There is almost no biopharmaceutical work being done, it is all solid dosage formulation. People join the group to get a little experience and then leave.

Even in the "good" days the formulations group was crap. The old Expo building was so bad that we would put trash cans on our desks to catch the leaks when it rained. I came into work one morning after a hard rain and the ceiling had collapsed, there was a dead possum in the trash can full of water. A real high class operation. The solids manufacturing was just as bad, old equipment, crappy quality and it has not improved with time. The Hall street labs were even worse.

It is much worse.

The formulations group has gone way down. When James Swarbrick was leading that group they actually did some interesting work, but that was many years ago. The current team is just doing basic stuff, nothing creative or anything close to cutting edge. There is almost no biopharmaceutical work being done, it is all solid dosage formulation. People join the group to get a little experience and then leave.

Are the current formulation scientists talented and experienced? Are they from big pharma ?

Even in the "good" days the formulations group was crap. The old Expo building was so bad that we would put trash cans on our desks to catch the leaks when it rained. I came into work one morning after a hard rain and the ceiling had collapsed, there was a dead possum in the trash can full of water. A real high class operation. The solids manufacturing was just as bad, old equipment, crappy quality and it has not improved with time. The Hall street labs were even worse.

They're saying tons of cash is being investited in new facilities, equipment and people

Are the current formulation scientists talented and experienced? Are they from big pharma ?

No. Talented and experienced people work elsewhere once they find out how bad things are. Why would someone with talent and experience waste time working on copycat drugs? AAI is for fresh grads to get experience or people in between companies to earn a paycheck.

Your comp is off - but hey, it's the internet, feel free to be wrong!

Yeah it is low by a couple of bucks, but is not off by much. Entry level people get paid entry level wages. Alcami is not one of the top CROs/CMOs; the pay is commensurate. Most of what they do is pretty basic. It is a good place to get some experience and then people move on to bigger and better things. The only ones that stay are people who are tied to the area or have no other options.

The holding company that owns Alcami, American Capital, has been acquired by ARES. They said:

"While significant progress was made with the American Capital portfolio after the merger agreement was signed, we expect a continued repositioning of its legacy investments to enhance earnings at the combined company and further improve our company’s outlook.”

A lot of senior people have left from formulations, contracts, the biopharmaceuticals group is only a couple of people, turnover in analytical is really high. "Repositioning of legacy investments" , that is a nice way to say selling off the turds that don't make money. I wonder how long before the bloodletting begins?

Yeah it is low by a couple of bucks, but is not off by much. Entry level people get paid entry level wages. Alcami is not one of the top CROs/CMOs; the pay is commensurate. Most of what they do is pretty basic. It is a good place to get some experience and then people move on to bigger and better things. The only ones that stay are people who are tied to the area or have no other options.

We hired Alcami to do our synthesis, they never did get it right. We then went with a company out of China who got it right the first time and for less. So much for American know how and quality.

The number that have left is just the tip of the iceberg.

Management is eager to push the old timers out as a cost saving measure, this is a shortsighted attempt to salvage a dying business. Either they simply do not understand that when you lose the experienced people you have damaged the business both in quality and capability, or they have no other options. Thanks to Pat Walsh AAI gambled on becoming a small molecule CMO with analytical capabilities, that has failed. The potential growth areas of Biotechnology and Cell Biology were abandoned in favor of a commodity business. Fred's vision of being a first in class CRO faded long ago. The current crop of fools mismanaging the company will leave with bonuses and will continue to lie about how well they have done.

This place is a JOKE. The "executive leadership team" as they refer to themselves, are a bunch of assholes. They "rule" the roost with fear, intimidation, and threatening behavior. We all notice who is getting fired, who is quitting, and they all seem to be the people that could help bring this company to its knees. The ones who aren't scared to talk to the FDA and EU when they come through. We see who is getting promoted too. If you "get on Teds bus" and be sneaky, do illegal things, rewrite deviations, reassign CAPAs to someone who will "do it your way", brush deviations under the rug, or say they aren't deviations all of a sudden, you will get promoted. Maybe even become MANAGER of the quality dept. You are a joke too. Yes! YOU! Brandy. You and your sneaky BFF Brooks. What a piece of work she is. Inappropriate behavior (putting it mildly) with Ted has proven quite fruitful for her. Dean and Natasha?? Keep on keeping on you two. Keep treating your GOOD employees like trash. Oh wait, are there any good ones left?? Or just employees that are so job scared they'll do anything for you two. Even illegal stuff. Your day is coming. Both of you. Matthew is the biggest snake out here. His ass licker Travis isn't far behind him....and him a lead tech?? How he even got tech 3 before he could cap, compound, clean equipment etc, is a mystery to those that can do all that. And he's a lead tech. <SMDH> And country boy Kelton.....all soft spoken and nice acting to your face then stabs you in the back before you know what happens. It's comical. We all feel sorry for Ross. The only supervisor out there worth a damn. And he'll be conforming 100% to their way of thinking or he'll be out. Piss poor place to work. Management is the worst possible. And HR? HA?!?! Pam just sits in an office all day making up shit to put in people's write ups, disciplinary things, termination letters. "Building a case" so to speak. So a firing looks legitimate. But that's okay. People have been documenting stuff too. Tape recordings, notes and pictures. We can't wait till the shit hits the fan. Personally, I salivate at the thought.