Albert’s Email 10/13

This guidance down-revision was much expected but the magnitude of weaker demand ($4.8B below prior guide) will likely surprise investors.

In addition, US Govt giving back $4.2B worth of Paxlovid is also a surprise. We see $5-$6B downside to
consensus COVID sales for 2024 and beyond and do not think cost cuts of $1B in 2023 and $2.5B in 2024 would be enough to offset that.

What are you babbling about? Your post makes no sense. Nobody wants the vax or the booster (except for you apparently) hence the issue.

his new covid strain is spreading across America like a wild fire, we can't get back to normal if so many fools decide they don't want the vaccine..

I have my 2 shots and the booster, and I am just fine, no issues, can't get sick from covid and won't get fired from a job..

Stop being selfless and get your vaccine so we can get back to normal

Its free and safe.

Well, no one could have seen this coming. The moment it was announced over the summer in June that vaccines division was hiring over 120 new reps to "help handle the extensive workload," it was clear that a downsizing would be imminent. Four months to realize an expansion was a mistake that might be a new record. Here's to being quick and agile! Obviously, the whole company will be impacted, but the vaccines expansion was just plain stupid.

Well, no one could have seen this coming. The moment it was announced over the summer in June that vaccines division was hiring over 120 new reps to "help handle the extensive workload," it was clear that a downsizing would be imminent. Four months to realize an expansion was a mistake that might be a new record. Here's to being quick and agile! Obviously, the whole company will be impacted, but the vaccines expansion was just plain stupid.

Agree. Crazy to hire all those new reps in Vaccines. Everyone was hired within 2 weeks. Also, the most experienced reps stayed on the Adult side (smaller territory) which have tougher access. Also, interesting that the Florida POA only has the Pediatric side of things going….not Adult with the experience. May not be good for those of us in Adult with experience! It is going to be rough….

his new covid strain is spreading across America like a wild fire, we can't get back to normal if so many fools decide they don't want the vaccine..

I have my 2 shots and the booster, and I am just fine, no issues, can't get sick from covid and won't get fired from a job..

Stop being selfless and get your vaccine so we can get back to normal

Its free and safe.

Talentless, visionless, woke assholes who couldn’t think their way thru a pre-K test.

this bloated regime should be purged from the top down. Albert’s only real talent is swindling governments out of money and then crying when the people grow tired of the grift.

he’ll continue to take his fat cat salary while cutting heads AGAIN- all the while thinking he’s made another bold decision.

what a complete moron

Have you done your research?They also now have sickle cell.Look at the writing on the wall.Everybody is making moves from primary care to Rare disease and Oncology.Cv and Vaccines are doomed

I wouldn’t be so confident about Oncology. The same people with the same mindset run that part of the business as well. Spending virtually all of the covid windfall on a relatively small company will not fix the numerous challenges oncology faces in the short and medium term.

his new covid strain is spreading across America like a wild fire, we can't get back to normal if so many fools decide they don't want the vaccine..

I have my 2 shots and the booster, and I am just fine, no issues, can't get sick from covid and won't get fired from a job..

Stop being selfless and get your vaccine so we can get back to normal

Its free and safe.

How dumb are you? Vaccine does prevent transmission . And the PI has updated side effects INCLUDING Pericarditis and myocarditis.
read the fucking p.i.

Pfizer was incredibly selfish and greedy. You don’t know shit about virology clearly because respiratory viruses never go away. Mutations are amplified, becaus viruses are literally smarter than you.

the covid vaccine is equivalent to a flu vaccine.

plus your job may be threatened because Pfizer made too much money on the vax that hard to grow and need to collect as much net as possible,

More like700 down to 350. They come cheap so maybe they are safe

These things are never about how much salary the rep makes. Even getting rid of 1000 reps that made 150k a piece only saves Pfizer 150 million a year. ..Think about it..That is chump-change. Pfizers gross profit was 9.479 BILLION in the quarter ending June..ONE FREAKING QUARTER! These layoffs are about getting investors to buy in and the stock price going up.