Albert’s Email 10/13

his new covid strain is spreading across America like a wild fire, we can't get back to normal if so many fools decide they don't want the vaccine..

I have my 2 shots and the booster, and I am just fine, no issues, can't get sick from covid and won't get fired from a job..

Stop being selfless and get your vaccine so we can get back to normal

Its free and safe.

When the CFO said a couple of months ago that he "had a plan" if Covid revenue was less than expected...this was his plan? Layoffs, and cutting personnel, doesn't really take much's not BOLD at all.
Also a reason Wall Street keeps PFE in the 30’s. No leadership, no solutions, no strategy. Can’t cut your way to success.

You don’t know what the FMDs do? That’s strange… they are doctorate level employees that convey the science behind everything. Pretty much the smartest people in the company are medical. What in the world are you talking about. KAMS are way more bloated and are glorified project managers.

Let’s cut some of the bloated medical staff. I still don’t know what the FMD’s do, but there are a lot of them.

You don’t know what the FMDs do? That’s strange… they are doctorate level employees that convey the science behind everything. Pretty much the smartest people in the company are medical. What in the world are you talking about?. KAMS are way more bloated and are glorified project managers.

In a recent Reuters article, Pfizer quoted as saying 3.5 Billion in cost cutting planned…guess where 75-80% of the company’s cost comes from…you guess it, salaries

The fact that the company is relying on a Rare Disease drug like Vyndamax to be the lead should tell you how mismanaged we really are
Pfizer claims all sorts of humanitarian aid initiatives including disaster areas, war torn countries and vaccine projects. Yet they also target the sickest people with rare disease for the most outrageous pricing schemes. The US healthcare system can’t continue to pay for the rest of the world or to underwrite the social do-good endeavors of AB and sycophantic ELT. Investors know and go elsewhere. Entire thread about it.

You must not work here. V has a contract sales force hired. Old semi retired billies and betties along with newbies with nose rings will be promoting it till it goes generic in a year. Of course rare disease will be cut.
Have you done your research?They also now have sickle cell.Look at the writing on the wall.Everybody is making moves from primary care to Rare disease and Oncology.Cv and Vaccines are doomed

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