Alabama and Washington State = No sampling till further notice

The saga continues light at the end of the tunnel for the Reps based in Washington.... simple fact. The folks at Sales Ops or Commercial Ops have no sense of urgency addressing this, 1. Their comp plan isn’t affected and 2. They do not interact with customers..... so they don’t care - it’s as simple as that!




those were allegations my friend

Give us a break. Abhay made a settlement to avoid jail time and to minimize further embarrassment to Dilip and Sun.
Wrong is wrong.

all that aside, what has Abhay done to help patients, physicians, payers or employees.

not one fricking thing. He just takes up space.

This is an issue the idiot who dropped the ball doesn’t want Abhay to know about.
This happened way back in June, it’s almost November and this fiasco still isn’t resolved - just shows the incompetence at the top.

The worst part is that it generated two news articles. the state even knows where the samples are — careful Washington reps.

This is from - If you do not have a 24-hour phone available to respond to inquiries regarding drug sample distribution, complete the Legend Drug Sample Distributors Report (form DOH 690-077). On that form, you must list the addresses for the sites in Washington at which drug samples are stored. The listing must include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all persons who are responsible for the distribution of such samples.

Violations of chapter—Manufacturer's liability—Penalty—Seizure of drug samples.
(1) The manufacturer is responsible for the actions and conduct of its representatives with regard to drug samples.
(2) The commission may hold a public hearing to examine a possible violation and may require a designated representative of the manufacturer to attend.
(3) If a manufacturer fails to comply with this chapter following notification by the commission, the commission may impose a civil penalty of up to five thousand dollars. The commission shall take no action to impose any civil penalty except pursuant to a hearing held in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW.
(4) Specific drug samples which are distributed in this state in violation of this chapter, following notification by the commission, shall be subject to seizure following the procedures set out in RCW 69.41.060.

This is an issue the idiot who dropped the ball doesn’t want Abhay to know about.
This happened way back in June, it’s almost November and this fiasco still isn’t resolved - just shows the incompetence at the top.

Be sure Abhay knows about it, as he trolls CP every day.
He’s impotent, his head has been spinning since the day he landed here, still unable to get his arms around the market and how to work in the US.
What’s most interesting is that Dilip has left him here to flounder. I suppose one day it’ll become clear as to why. That’s probably when the skeletons will literally start falling out of the closets.

Back in June 20 they said it would take 4-6 weeks for this to be resolved.
Today marks week #12 - still no resolution - incompetence at it’s finest
4 months since the sample restriction was announced - and the Commercial Ops Director is passing the torch to Compliance and Legal saying it’s in their court now. No one wants to take accountability for this mess. Time to send an anonymous email to Abhay - I bet he doesn’t know about this.

4 months since the sample restriction was announced - and the Commercial Ops Director is passing the torch to Compliance and Legal saying it’s in their court now. No one wants to take accountability for this mess. Time to send an anonymous email to Abhay - I bet he doesn’t know about this.

That makes total sense ! Pass it along to a vacant position. it’s all much more clearer for me now.

Perhaps Charlene knew it was a powder keg and that’s why she bailed, or said another way, it was her responsibility and that’s why she got fired.

4 months since the sample restriction was announced - and the Commercial Ops Director is passing the torch to Compliance and Legal saying it’s in their court now. No one wants to take accountability for this mess. Time to send an anonymous email to Abhay - I bet he doesn’t know about this.

Abhay knows, he just chooses to ignore it.