AETNA denies Levulan treatment on Suns own health care policy


Just the beginning. With all the changes coming down from accountable care... physicians have to manage cases based on cost. Otherwise, they will be penalized financially.
But keep on raising your prices Sun...your arrogance is beyond mind blowing. I feel sorry for the people that came into this awful company. Sold a bill of goods!

Forget ACA, this is about Dilip and HR choosing a plan (I have the premium plan, highest payment per pay period), choosing a health plan option that doesn't even include coverage for our own outrageously priced product.

This is shameful and reflective of how this company just doesn't give a crap about its employees.


surprised ? Kind of.

Shocked? Nah ... typical Sun $ savings.

I guess the strategy is to get to profitability by not covering their own pre-cancerous treatment for employees and their families.

Now that's a message to take to Levulan and Odomzo prescribers.

That's just the beginning! With Ameluz now providing a more efficient and cost-effective alternative, insurers need to react now.

The last weeks were a bang in the PDT. It's only a matter of time until the headwind is so strong that Ameluz is number one. I work hard for it every day.