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Advertisers are Aborting Fat Limbaugh


Of course, that leaves more spots for fatty to try and sell that disgusting conservative poison brew he has the nerve to call 'tea'.
Also, the fat one can sell his overstock of really ugly ties that only a dumb ass conservative detail man would wear. Like several of the retarded name calling rp's do here daily.


My God man, the hate just spurts out of you nonstop doesn't it.

You nailed it. He was able to to contain it for a while after the mods slapped his hand, but it would appear that Limbaugh staying on the air despite their best efforts to get him off has caused him to come completely unhinged.

So you're one of those poor saps with a bad rush necktie? And you drink that piss swill he calls tea? To help choke down your eclairs? You really do deserve pity.

So you're one of those poor saps with a bad rush necktie? And you drink that piss swill he calls tea? To help choke down your eclairs? You really do deserve pity.

Nope never ordered one of the ties, but the tea is the best I have ever had.
Of course it is odd that you would judge it when you have never tried it. Seems kind of bigoted to me. But whatever gets you through the day.

Hey, Rush is on in 20 minutes. Tune in. Day 11 of you libs trying to get him off the air and he is still going :D


Nope never ordered one of the ties, but the tea is the best I have ever had.
Of course it is odd that you would judge it when you have never tried it. Seems kind of bigoted to me. But whatever gets you through the day.

Hey, Rush is on in 20 minutes. Tune in. Day 11 of you libs trying to get him off the air and he is still going :D


Anybody care to bet that in real life he looks like Chris Christie? He sure has this thing about calling people fat.

Of course, that leaves more spots for fatty to try and sell that disgusting conservative poison brew he has the nerve to call 'tea'.
Also, the fat one can sell his overstock of really ugly ties that only a dumb ass conservative detail man would wear. Like several of the retarded name calling rp's do here daily.


It is funny to read the response from the cons here - At least one of them, who Hates America, admits that he gets his daily talking points from the radio comedian Limbaugh.

I hope that Rushbo stays on the air to remind the voters just how out of touch the GOP really is. Here on CP, we have the conclowns who serve as useful idiots to show the readers of this forum how demented the 'right' is with each inane thread that they post.

Anybody care to bet that in real life he looks like Chris Christie? He sure has this thing about calling people fat.

This is from a failed mensa who posts in many colors to remind himself of his crayons and coloring book.
And besides, it always fun to point out the differences between our slim, in- shape athletic president, and the 'others'.
Besides, like a foul-mouthed bigot of poster once said, I do it because I know it pisses you off". PBAAB

This is from a failed mensa who posts in many colors to remind himself of his crayons and coloring book.
And besides, it always fun to point out the differences between our slim, in- shape athletic president, and the 'others'.
Besides, like a foul-mouthed bigot of poster once said, I do it because I know it pisses you off". PBAAB

Slim and in shape, but incompetent. Yeah, that was Bush too.

Of course, that leaves more spots for fatty to try and sell that disgusting conservative poison brew he has the nerve to call 'tea'.
Also, the fat one can sell his overstock of really ugly ties that only a dumb ass conservative detail man would wear. Like several of the retarded name calling rp's do here daily.


couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.:D Looks like the backlash is continuing.

From reading the articles where it implies that Rush will be exterminated from the airway because advertisers are pulling out.....doesn't read that way to me. The advertisers are NOT pulling out from advertising with Premiere Radio Networks which Rush IS a part of; they are just requesting to have a different time slot. SO…not a lot of money lost with that decision for Premiere Radio Networks . It is the advertiser’s way to be sneaky and “appear” they are taking a stand when in fact they really are NOT.

Kind of like if I were to boycott buying anything from Best Buy but I sent my daughter into Best Buy with MY money to purchase a TV I really want. And around the mulberry bush we go.

Good points. The fact remains that Rush's audience isn't going anywhere. With his audience, if you want to sell something it only makes sense to go to him. He will be just fine in the long run. A few cowardly politically correct companies pulling their advertising won't make any difference. As we know, one company has already asked to come back and others probably would have by now, had Rush not told the company wanting to come crawling back, thanks but no thanks!:D

It is funny to read the response from the cons here - At least one of them, who Hates America, admits that he gets his daily talking points from the radio comedian Limbaugh.

I hope that Rushbo stays on the air to remind the voters just how out of touch the GOP really is. Here on CP, we have the conclowns who serve as useful idiots to show the readers of this forum how demented the 'right' is with each inane thread that they post.

Show me one post where ANYONE says they get their talking points from Rush. I want to see the exact quotes. Not your liberal "interpretation".

If you find a quote of me saying that, then I will leave CP for good. If you don't, then you leave CP for good.

Ready? Go!

You are really sucking at this.