ADHD Contract

Who starts a company thinking insurance isn't going to be everything? Christ, I could run this thing with my BA degree. It takes AT LEAST 8 Months to even had a chance. We did our part and they didn't. No coverage. Time to dust off resume.

There’s no micromanagement here

My manager is one if the very best I've had in 23yrs as a pharma rep. He is very real world and beleives completely in allowing us to manage out own business. He is always available for support, but is the opposite of a micromanager. Same for the Regional Director and even the COO - the company doesn't care about things like reach & frequency, they trust the experienced reps they hired to know how to get business and manage their own territory.

Whoever is complaining about being micro managed is either a troll or someone who isn't doing their job. If you haven't gotten but s couple scripts by now you clearly need to be micromanaged or find a new career.

Anyone who was on Scottsdale know this company is very laid back and easygoing. But they do expect us to actually earn our checks

Who starts a company thinking insurance isn't going to be everything? Christ, I could run this thing with my BA degree. It takes AT LEAST 8 Months to even had a chance. We did our part and they didn't. No coverage. Time to dust off resume.

Would you like some cheese with your whine?? Making excuses for your lack of sales ability? My state has about 85% coverage, which is awesome for a new product. And providers do a PA for almost every branded drug in this class, that excuse won't cut it either. Maybe look in the mirror rather than blaming the company for your shoddy numbers.

I do agree, its going to take some time to get the numbers where they wanted be by July. New product with a novel delivery system that we have to really educate the providers on a few times to help them understand its not a me too

If you think they are going to keep all of us with no sales you're delusional. I like the drug too. It's the providers who could care less and all the salesmanship in the world ain't gonna change that.

Too many reps, cut them in half and double the size of the geography— treat this like a specialty product not a primary care product. Oh, and pay those remaining like specialty reps.

Would you like some cheese with your whine?? Making excuses for your lack of sales ability? My state has about 85% coverage, which is awesome for a new product. And providers do a PA for almost every branded drug in this class, that excuse won't cut it either. Maybe look in the mirror rather than blaming the company for your shoddy numbers.

I do agree, its going to take some time to get the numbers where they wanted be by July. New product with a novel delivery system that we have to really educate the providers on a few times to help them understand its not a me too

GFY (good for you)