No issues currently she has been very good and seems to be listening, I believe the You don't know what your talking about as ADG is like super woman. We like her and she likes the UK.

Honestly, the problem at Lilly is people like ADG who "look" the part and successfully "play" the part despite having little substance are consistently move along far beyond their abilities. Individuals likability factor seem to be the key criteria for advancement and in ADG's case, no one is better at making you feel like you are #1 in the world. It isn't until she has taken credit for others ideas and your lying under a bus with a knife in your back that you realize her true colors. Until Lilly stops promoting on the "likability" factor versus quantifiable results, Lilly will remain to be the mediocre organization it has become. As for people in GB, watch your back and know you have been warned.

Does she ever shut up? Listening to,her speak today was unbearable. Can you say annoying? So much talking with so little said. She and Cov make a great duo. This is going to be an interesting if not crazy ride.

ADG....blah blah blah, blah, blah!

ADG will fit right in as she is a proponent for Diversity. She is our girl and we love her like they loved her in Texas when she was number uno. Just ask her how she did it and then how she was able to get rid of all but 2 managers. Only 2 of 13 are still with Lillys. She cares and it shows. I enjoyed having her as my leader. So shut up all you all.

when she would visit Utah during the IHS pilot we all would roll our eyes in disbelief. Her inability to grasp and understand our systems left us speechless. We put up with her but overall did not trust or respect her. She has a big, overwhelming personality that gets her by for the short term and she is able to regurgitate others ideas but doesn't have a original idea of her own or ability to lead and sustain respect long term. By the time people realize she knows nothing she has moved onto a new position. Those in the west tolerated her and did not trust or respect her and just "yes'd" her to shut her up and keep her away. Until Lilly stops promoting on personality and likability it will continue to be the mediocre company it has become.

so well said and so true....