ADG. Knife in the back by ADG only if you are Male and over 50 years of age and work directly for her.
It may take six months but count on the abuse. Oh yea ADG loves the bottle and I'm not talking beer.

Just males? What are you talking about? From her director days none of her managers are still with Lilly today. She removed each and every manager who were men that were number one in the nation that year and she also turned on the two older females, that were on her team. Her whole team is gone and this is unfortunate as they were all the best Lilly had. Good luck people in GB. Be sure to watch your back.

Just males? What are you talking about? From her director days none of her managers are still with Lilly today. She removed each and every manager who were men that were number one in the nation that year and she also turned on the two older females, that were on her team. Her whole team is gone and this is unfortunate as they were all the best Lilly had. Good luck people in GB. Be sure to watch your back.
. You know this person is correct, it was the whole damn team ADG did not support and they are all currently out on the street, with another company or retired. I am actually one of those individuals and she was terrible. Hope GB doesn't have to go thru the sh--, we went through.

. You know this person is correct, it was the whole damn team ADG did not support and they are all currently out on the street, with another company or retired. I am actually one of those individuals and she was terrible. Hope GB doesn't have to go thru the sh--, we went through.
where did ADG end up in GB, position wise. I miss her dearly, she isn't so bad. Just bad reps on this
Site that are jealous.

where did ADG end up in GB, position wise. I miss her dearly, she isn't so bad. Just bad reps on this
Site that are jealous.

Bad reps? We RAMS and Market managers are the ones who put up with her and no respect for her. And no, we are not jealous but just glad to be rid of her! Watch out GB and BM she will smile to your face while scheming how to take credit for all you do.

Honestly, the problem at Lilly is people like ADG who "look" the part and successfully "play" the part despite having little substance are consistently move along far beyond their abilities. Individuals likability factor seem to be the key criteria for advancement and in ADG's case, no one is better at making you feel like you are #1 in the world. It isn't until she has taken credit for others ideas and your lying under a bus with a knife in your back that you realize her true colors. Until Lilly stops promoting on the "likability" factor versus quantifiable results, Lilly will remain to be the mediocre organization it has become. As for people in GB, watch your back and know you have been warned.

The person that wrote the above message about ADG is spot on and knows her very well. I would
Be willing to bet the individual is Male. It is bad for all, men and women, but just saying it is doubly
Bad for men. She can't relate to older guys, i mentored her while she was a workin woman in Texas, and I don't feel i was able to make a difference, she still had issues with all the older males on the team, and I know it was not fun for her. I later had some of those managers on my team and they were
Not fond of ADG. Glad to be retired and away from her abusive style with a smile.

The person that wrote the above message about ADG is spot on and knows her very well. I would
Be willing to bet the individual is Male. It is bad for all, men and women, but just saying it is doubly
Bad for men. She can't relate to older guys, i mentored her while she was a workin woman in Texas, and I don't feel i was able to make a difference, she still had issues with all the older males on the team, and I know it was not fun for her. I later had some of those managers on my team and they were
Not fond of ADG. Glad to be retired and away from her abusive style with a smile.

ADG don't seem to discriminate between men and women and will take anybody down who gets in her way or she is threatened by on her way up as she climbs the ladder to get closer to the mighty scrotum on the next level above her. She might have screwed over some old, passed by men as a director in the past but it's a whole new world of shit throwing and back stabbing when you piss off up and coming female future Lilly leaders. Remember the old saying that hell hath no fiery like women.... ADG has advanced way to far beyond where she should and it is the reason why so many people in MHS have so little respect for her. Thank God she is out of MHS. Now it is time for GB employees and the DBU'S turn to experience her.

ADG don't seem to discriminate between men and women and will take anybody down who gets in her way or she is threatened by on her way up as she climbs the ladder to get closer to the mighty scrotum on the next level above her. She might have screwed over some old, passed by men as a director in the past but it's a whole new world of shit throwing and back stabbing when you piss off up and coming female future Lilly leaders. Remember the old saying that hell hath no fiery like women.... ADG has advanced way to far beyond where she should and it is the reason why so many people in MHS have so little respect for her. Thank God she is out of MHS. Now it is time for GB employees and the DBU'S turn to experience her.
. Who is ADG and would I as a female want her as a mentor and or boss

when she would visit Utah during the IHS pilot we all would roll our eyes in disbelief. Her inability to grasp and understand our systems left us speechless. We put up with her but overall did not trust or respect her. She has a big, overwhelming personality that gets her by for the short term and she is able to regurgitate others ideas but doesn't have a original idea of her own or ability to lead and sustain respect long term. By the time people realize she knows nothing she has moved onto a new position. Those in the west tolerated her and did not trust or respect her and just "yes'd" her to shut her up and keep her away. Until Lilly stops promoting on personality and likability it will continue to be the mediocre company it has become.

when she would visit Utah during the IHS pilot we all would roll our eyes in disbelief. Her inability to grasp and understand our systems left us speechless. We put up with her but overall did not trust or respect her. She has a big, overwhelming personality that gets her by for the short term and she is able to regurgitate others ideas but doesn't have a original idea of her own or ability to lead and sustain respect long term. By the time people realize she knows nothing she has moved onto a new position. Those in the west tolerated her and did not trust or respect her and just "yes'd" her to shut her up and keep her away. Until Lilly stops promoting on personality and likability it will continue to be the mediocre company it has become.
you had the same experience we did with ADG she drank way too much and the next day after you though you had bonded with her she would screw you

you had the same experience we did with ADG she drank way too much and the next day after you though you had bonded with her she would screw you
. This is to weird that I am on this crappy site again and again. This is all total BS and I know who you are that is saying this BS about me. Just stop please.

Like Trump, no matter how much propaganda you put out there you can't change the facts that you are incompetent, back stabbing, self serving who has made it where you are by climbing on all the backs of people you back stabbed and took credit for their accomplishments. Your brand and reputation is smile to the face and stab in the back while not understanding anything! Incompetent.

Like Trump, no matter how much propaganda you put out there you can't change the facts that you are incompetent, back stabbing, self serving who has made it where you are by climbing on all the backs of people you back stabbed and took credit for their accomplishments. Your brand and reputation is smile to the face and stab in the back while not understanding anything! Incompetent.
Bottom line ADG is terrible,terrible,terrible...