Acthar Price Increase $23K a Vial

Questcors CEO said, "We are not in the pharmacy business - we are in the sales business." This is partially true, they sell an orphan drug put out in the 1940s to a small group of desperate people with very sick children. Questcor is really in the EXTORTION business. They do no R&D and have no other viable product.
Looking at this board, it is obvious that when Questcor employees / supporters are confronted with the reality of what a sleazy immoral operation this is, they change the subject to recent profits or how well their stock options are doing. This is not a real drug company, it's a Mickey Mouse operation designed to pump up stock prices by charging outrageous prices on a very old drug to families with sick children. This company empitomizes the absolute worst of the industry.

Questcors CEO said, "We are not in the pharmacy business - we are in the sales business." This is partially true, they sell an orphan drug put out in the 1940s to a small group of desperate people with very sick children. Questcor is really in the EXTORTION business. They do no R&D and have no other viable product.
Looking at this board, it is obvious that when Questcor employees / supporters are confronted with the reality of what a sleazy immoral operation this is, they change the subject to recent profits or how well their stock options are doing. This is not a real drug company, it's a Mickey Mouse operation designed to pump up stock prices by charging outrageous prices on a very old drug to families with sick children. This company empitomizes the absolute worst of the industry.

How much does a course of therapy run in Infantile spasms?

Usually zero for patients and their parents. Insurance picks up the tab or they get it free. 100% coverage of any copayments (if there even are any) is also available for most patients/parents.

Zero cost to the patient, what is the cost to the insurance company? How many vials is usually needed to treat a child with infantile spasms?

Zero cost to the patient, what is the cost to the insurance company? How many vials is usually needed to treat a child with infantile spasms?

It is nice that you care so much about maximizing insurance company profits. This will help ensure another $1 billion bonus for the United Healthcare CEO, like he got a couple years back.

Children and parents pay nothing for this drug. Check the facts on this company, or do you like to purposely spread misinformation on message boards?

It is nice that you care so much about maximizing insurance company profits. This will help ensure another $1 billion bonus for the United Healthcare CEO, like he got a couple years back.

Children and parents pay nothing for this drug. Check the facts on this company, or do you like to purposely spread misinformation on message boards?

Really nothing? How much does medicare and private insurance pay for this product? How much does it cost to manufacture?

More totally inaccurate information. You might want to see a psychiatrist since you clearly have mental health issues.

Each vial is billed 25k to the insurance company, the actual cost to manufacture the 50 year old drug, so called biologic = 200.00 per vial. Thank you for the clarification, perhaps you need to have your meds checked?

Each vial is billed 25k to the insurance company, the actual cost to manufacture the 50 year old drug, so called biologic = 200.00 per vial. Thank you for the clarification, perhaps you need to have your meds checked?

Perhaps or managment team could address this price increase, oh, it's about the babies, right?

Bunch of immoral people that work here!! They have a hard time dealing with the truth.

Move to China and let the government decide if your infant should be treated. That is your one infant as you would be forced to abort your second. Without capitalism, and ability to generate a profit, this product would not be available, and your infant would have to make do with a less than 30% chance for treatment success with (inexpensive) steroids.

Shut the f up and be thankful you live in a country that has people willing to risk tens of millions on new therapies without the guarantee of approval. Be thankful there are people that see an opportunity to keep a drug available and make money, rather than lose money and shoot down production

I am so thankful to be living in a country that lets you rape healthcare for an unethical amount of money......which basically increases my cost and everyone in this country. You need to read up on economics dumb ass! I can also tell the people at this company are not too bright!!!

What an angry liberal jackass you sound like. Let's complain about a successful company meeing a need no one else can fill. Did you get fired from Questcor or are just too lazy to make a success of yourself? You call people immoral that you don't know - the people here are anything but that. If you are such an economic genius tell me where Questcor is going wrong. Try to have a good day.

Move to China and let the government decide if your infant should be treated. That is your one infant as you would be forced to abort your second. Without capitalism, and ability to generate a profit, this product would not be available, and your infant would have to make do with a less than 30% chance for treatment success with (inexpensive) steroids.

Shut the f up and be thankful you live in a country that has people willing to risk tens of millions on new therapies without the guarantee of approval. Be thankful there are people that see an opportunity to keep a drug available and make money, rather than lose money and shoot down production

The great thing about living in this country, is that you have the opportunity to voice public concern of how a company like Questcor can manipulate the truth, to justify a 25k price increase.