Interviewing here. Why is the process so laborious? 5 interviews for a job? Shouldn’t you know after 2. Huge red flag.
If you've got another option, take it. Trust me. Invest your time and energy in a company that has a better future. Not sure where you're interviewing but trust me there is a reason turnover has been high lately.
That's funny as I was picturing the side show carnnys hyping of their games to kids & down to the last try then talking into doing again. Yep ACS at its greatest .
It is the most P O S model scam that ever pieced together from a few psych books & seems like Gilead is the only stupid company in the entire industry to buy & pay shareholder good money for this swamp land.
Agree Phillip & any ERD who advocated for this should be fired for poor decision making.
So YES I am calling for the jobs of Phillip all the BU ERDs who pushed their VPs to sign off. I think our shareholders need to see the huge sum of money we paid this German car salesman who has Phillip in his back pocket.
Another example of WASTING Shareholder money
TOTALLY AGREE. We've wasted so much money and time on this! How in the hell have we not moved on from this? It's crazy. Someone needs to pull the plug. How are board of directors not taking notice how poorly run this company is? ACS is just one small example and it's an expensive one!
It's a laughing stock . Phillip manipulated this into Gilead taking big kickbacks in the process. He found gullible Kevin to sell and now we wasted more money for junk once again
ACS is once again an example of a complete useless POS thing Gilead wasted millions on.
To make money at Gilead, make up or revamp some primary care common sense principle & sell it to Gilead as they waste money on anything.
It’s not a bad premise. Say positive words. It’s good to have in the back of your mind. They are just taking it too far.
Be positive
Give doctor expert credit
Don't say any negative words
Write out a $1 million check to Foreign guy for the advise (w a 20% cut kickback to key Gilead brokers of this earth shattering state of the art increasing sales concept)
LMFAO all the way to the bank$$$
I think the Covid team now is the only one doing this common sense " ASC aka All Common Sense" model w phycological "modeling names"
Both LIVER teams have booted it.
Oncology kicked it to the curb
And just hear HIV is winging out if it.

But the Covid ERD is the one who bought the swamp land from Phillip and convinced VP Banks at the time to pay for it & roll it out as Kristi had her doubts & questioned the program from the beginning before Kevin talked her into it.
One of his many poor decisions making along w IC plan last yr, privately secretly realigning territories, and
hiring a couple questionable RDs whom had been fired from previous companies, with one being a walking HR nightmare!
O-Fer on those 4 decisions in your first 2yrs K!
VEK has some openings?????
Thankfully Liver kicked that pos BS into the garbage that it was. Harry saw through that ridiculous model & terminated it like Phillip should be.
ACS was just a big money grab for Phillip.
Phillip smiling all the way to the back whispering "Suckers" to Gilead brass that signed off on the check.
He has destroyed training since his arrival. It's is total Primary Care 101 BS
He spends more time coming up w models & acronyms that can't be remembered than actually having the reps trained.
Thankfully Liver kicked that pos BS into the garbage that it was. Harry saw through that ridiculous model & terminated it like Phillip should be.
ACS was just a big money grab for Phillip.
Seriously? COVID is the only one employing it at this point when we need to be doing anything BUT this ACS BS?! We sound like fools and we're not progressing as account managers. It's so sad. The new hires are all stunned at what a joke it is and I can bet you are probably worried they've made the wrong decision coming here. So sad.
Biggest con joke ever that sold Gilead a bundle BS concept of position dialog.
Total joke Phillip bought into this at AZ primary care & sold ELT on this joke.
Plain Ridiculous

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