
ACS is once again an example of a complete useless POS thing Gilead wasted millions on.
To make money at Gilead, make up or revamp some primary care common sense principle & sell it to Gilead as they waste money on anything.

Gilead loves to buy "swamp land" thinking its the next best thing. Phillip in training probably got a huge kick back from the foreign developer of ACS whom he has known for yrs.
ACS is a crock of #$%^
Never has a model been so over-inflated and misaligned to drive sales.
It's an absolute joke. HCV reps & RDs have been hammering it since it was rolled out.
Flat out stupid & those rare few who believe in it, probably couldn't five away steak dinner to a starving homeless person in San Fran.
We need to blow up this waste of time & resources asap & just write off on accounting yet another bad debt investment under the Onc & Kite blunders

ACS is a bad take btwn psychological hypnosis you see daily on TikTok & Barney Fife trying to talk Andy into something.
It is just so flawed in sales.
It might work with psychiatrists & psychologist talking go a patient.

Gilead loves to buy "swamp land" thinking its the next best thing. Phillip in training probably got a huge kick back from the foreign developer of ACS whom he has known for yrs.
ACS is a crock of #$%^
Never has a model been so over-inflated and misaligned to drive sales.
It's an absolute joke. HCV reps & RDs have been hammering it since it was rolled out.
Flat out stupid & those rare few who believe in it, probably couldn't five away steak dinner to a starving homeless person in San Fran.
We need to blow up this waste of time & resources asap & just write off on accounting yet another bad debt investment under the Onc & Kite blunders
We're still wasting money on it the more time we spend on it. The people at the top who make the worse decisions keep getting promoted. SMDH

ACS is a bad take btwn psychological hypnosis you see daily on TikTok & Barney Fife trying to talk Andy into something.
It is just so flawed in sales.
It might work with psychiatrists & psychologist talking go a patient.
Most agree RING is a good model but most agree ACS is so elementary that it is comical.
It is a classical spin on BS into a sales model they made the psychologist founder a multi millionaire and put a good chuck of kick back referral dollars into Trainer Phillip's pocket to bring from AZ & sell to upper mgt at Gilead.
2 Of 4 division ERDs & VPs have already canned it to the dumpster, pissed on it & lit on fire! Onc & Liver.
Covid Einstiens ERD & ED still thinks it is the next coming of Jesus and will double sales.
Reality is seasoned veterans across the organization would not say it is TRASH if it had any benefit. ( We respect RING)
Someone said Gilead always buys swamp land more than one way.... well this is swamp land w quicksand under the swampy waters!

Agree with all comments. In the West and came over from another company last year. This ACS is the biggest P O S sales model that I have seen in my career. The big dogs on the industry would laugh at such a elementary sales model that big pharma primary care would not even use.
My question is how much kickback money did this German founder give Phillip to have Gilead pay for such crappy BS. That's the big question ad Phillip & this founder go way back to his AZ days, and Phillip pushed it to Gilead sales leadership to buy it.
100% he was paid something but question is was it 5 or 6 figures????????

Agree with all comments. In the West and came over from another company last year. This ACS is the biggest P O S sales model that I have seen in my career. The big dogs on the industry would laugh at such a elementary sales model that big pharma primary care would not even use.
My question is how much kickback money did this German founder give Phillip to have Gilead pay for such crappy BS. That's the big question ad Phillip & this founder go way back to his AZ days, and Phillip pushed it to Gilead sales leadership to buy it.
100% he was paid something but question is was it 5 or 6 figures????????
100% Phillip got bank for pushing this primary care new hire total BS.
Shame on the VPs who bought off on it and Sandrine for approving the budget on something that does nothing to move sales but takes up alot of important time not to mention the dog & pony show during field visits.

Agree with all comments. In the West and came over from another company last year. This ACS is the biggest P O S sales model that I have seen in my career. The big dogs on the industry would laugh at such a elementary sales model that big pharma primary care would not even use.
My question is how much kickback money did this German founder give Phillip to have Gilead pay for such crappy BS. That's the big question ad Phillip & this founder go way back to his AZ days, and Phillip pushed it to Gilead sales leadership to buy it.
100% he was paid something but question is was it 5 or 6 figures????????
Well he's been given a promotion to a Global position now so Execs rewarded him for it not to mention the kick-back he very likely received. Meanwhile the reps get to look like fools stumbling around it in the field figuring out the best ACS phrase instead of just focusing on the real sales call and clinical data. I've never seen a more miserable group of leadership just patting each other on the back and playing politics. This company has turned into nothing but a big sham. Even HIV which is the best place to be for sure is even wasting valuable time on stupid things like this.

ACS is a laughing stock of philosophical swamp land BS that makes reps sound like a TikTok influencer trying to sell homemade onion-cucumber-beets facial cream to look 20 yrs old. It is the biggest laughable topic among all reps in all BU. Even the ERDs & RD think it's trash & looks fake.

ACS is the most screwed up sales model ever developed. It make RING look phenomenal!
Must have been major $$$ under the table given for Gilead to buy this shell concept.
I am in HIV where ACS is the only BU it makes sense given we office sell but even for us it is a complete laughing joke

This BS model is a total F up at its very core.
Makes us reps not sound genuine or sensire. We sound fake and manipulative.
Ring is OK
ACS is a crock of S
Using ACS in most situations makes you sound like “big guy” Jo last night in the debate - completely moronic, out of touch, and in over your head

Joe spent all week with 19 people practicing ACS & look what happened. Donald was just himself which people (& doctors) can relate to. If they was to be showered with praise, they will go to the circus side shows.

That's funny as I was picturing the side show carnnys hyping of their games to kids & down to the last try then talking into doing again. Yep ACS at its greatest .
It is the most P O S model scam that ever pieced together from a few psych books & seems like Gilead is the only stupid company in the entire industry to buy & pay shareholder good money for this swamp land.
Agree Phillip & any ERD who advocated for this should be fired for poor decision making.
So YES I am calling for the jobs of Phillip all the BU ERDs who pushed their VPs to sign off. I think our shareholders need to see the huge sum of money we paid this German car salesman who has Phillip in his back pocket.
Another example of WASTING Shareholder money