
He isn’t here. Heard his son or someone in his family is in hospital with covid. But Avion people are pretty upset. Everyone is pissed. Feel disrespected. Even spouses feel their families put themselves on the line traveling. They are all starting to see what Art is all about.

He isn’t here. Heard his son or someone in his family is in hospital with covid. But Avion people are pretty upset. Everyone is pissed. Feel disrespected. Even spouses feel their families put themselves on the line traveling. They are all starting to see what Art is all about.

Art is about Sanofi. Go look at his LinkedIn profile. He was barely at Sanofi. I’m hearing more stuff at this trip about what’s going on and it’s not good. Looks like Art is not what we thought. He pissed of a lot of us here.

Maybe AH can get her docs back that MD took from her to give MC a territory, now that she left. Only fair.

MD took her doctors? Too funny. You mean those doctors AH never called on? Ever. AH trying to get doctors back now that Madison got them writing our products. AH should not even be here. Oh yea didn’t she tell all of us she was leaving. Until they did a background check and found out she didn’t have a college degree.

MD took her doctors? Too funny. You mean those doctors AH never called on? Ever. AH trying to get doctors back now that Madison got them writing our products. AH should not even be here. Oh yea didn’t she tell all of us she was leaving. Until they did a background check and found out she didn’t have a college degree.
Sounds like HR has a big mouth if that information is true? And out? I wonder how MD’s spouse feels being on club trip so close to EP? Mistress...

He isn’t here. Heard his son or someone in his family is in hospital with covid. But Avion people are pretty upset. Everyone is pissed. Feel disrespected. Even spouses feel their families put themselves on the line traveling. They are all starting to see what Art is all about.

Art pissed all over us and our spouses. He knew what he was doing. All your new Sanofi friends have done nothing. Have fun with them and see how much money they make for you.

Couldn’t believe our CEO dis’d us. He’s not the CEO I thought he was. We get it Art you like the other teams and you don’t like Avion.

Spencer who creeps on us gets promoted. HR ignores all the messages and he gets promoted after being here for a short time. What is going on? Don’t we have work place policy against harassment.

Spencer who creeps on us gets promoted. HR ignores all the messages and he gets promoted after being here for a short time. What is going on? Don’t we have work place policy against harassment.
You need to add AF’s team members being promoted. That’s insane after all the fda problems. And promotions to Sanofi team people only. Explains AD’s rumored speech at club. Screw Avion!

Who is running the Human Resources at the company? It seems non existent for a long time. No answers, no replies, no help. Can someone maybe tell us minions who we contact when we need help and maybe can’t go to certain people?