ACell in the news!!!!

i think the previous poster was being as real as it gets. if you claim to be 'lied to', you were asleep at training and/or nsm. and if you were actually still employed by acell, you'd know what the company's position was on the letter, because you would've attended nsm.

I wish I was at the NSM so I could laugh at the companies position about the FDA warning. Im sure that was a doozy.

i think the previous poster was being as real as it gets. if you claim to be 'lied to', you were asleep at training and/or nsm. and if you were actually still employed by acell, you'd know what the company's position was on the letter, because you would've attended nsm.

Training? Oh yeah where I was taught how to mix powder into an injectable. Where I was told put this shit on everything. Is that the training your talking about? The one where we learned to sell matristem to grow cartilage? Or are you talking about bladder matters? You know I could go on and on, so like I said before, get real.

You didn't answer my question, which is typical. What is each product indicated for? It's a simple question. Don't give me some link where all the products are listed together. Just tell me what each product is indicated for. Can you do that?

the IFUs are all there in the link. you didn't do your homework (which is why you couldn't sell), i'm not gonna do it for you.

Training? Oh yeah where I was taught how to mix powder into an injectable. Where I was told put this shit on everything. Is that the training your talking about? The one where we learned to sell matristem to grow cartilage? Or are you talking about bladder matters? You know I could go on and on, so like I said before, get real.

that must have been some secret training in your mind. i've been with the company for over a year, been to my initial training and two nsms, and i have no idea what you're talking about.

This company is a joke! They can't even get their story straight when it comes to reimbursement. Revolving door of sales reps. At best it's a wound care product that insurance sometimes will cover. LifeCell is kicking your ass. The only way sales will grow is if they spread some of that magic powder on the sales team.

that must have been some secret training in your mind. i've been with the company for over a year, been to my initial training and two nsms, and i have no idea what you're talking about.

Yeah thats it, a secret training or something. Good comeback corporate tool.

You don't like to use capital letters in any of your thousands of responses throughout acell threads do you. Not at the beginning of sentences or for the letter i. Anyone can see that its the same person from acell responding because of your pattern. The pattern is a lack of capital letters, the use of (parentheses) and your phrases are unique. For example, you have used the phrase "sour grapes" too many times and "snazy" was a odd choice as well as other uncommon words. You also like to talk about the bad economy. Go back and read all your posts and you'll see what I mean.

Ok let me guess your response to me.

"in this bad economy you are pathetic (arousing pity, esp. through vulnerability or sadness) because you spend all your spare time trolling acell threads (because you can't sell) i think it sounds like sour grapes to me (because you can't sell). we better have a secret meeting or something to get rid of "whiners" and their "lot in life" and their "unbecoming" anger (because you can't sell)"

Yeah thats it, a secret training or something. Good comeback corporate tool.

You don't like to use capital letters in any of your thousands of responses throughout acell threads do you. Not at the beginning of sentences or for the letter i. Anyone can see that its the same person from acell responding because of your pattern. The pattern is a lack of capital letters, the use of (parentheses) and your phrases are unique. For example, you have used the phrase "sour grapes" too many times and "snazy" was a odd choice as well as other uncommon words. You also like to talk about the bad economy. Go back and read all your posts and you'll see what I mean.

Ok let me guess your response to me.

"in this bad economy you are pathetic (arousing pity, esp. through vulnerability or sadness) because you spend all your spare time trolling acell threads (because you can't sell) i think it sounds like sour grapes to me (because you can't sell). we better have a secret meeting or something to get rid of "whiners" and their "lot in life" and their "unbecoming" anger (because you can't sell)"

i never use caps either. 9/10 times i'm doing this on my phone on the crapper. punctuation is not a way to figure out who is writing what. i can tell you though that both sides of these silly arguments sound the same. your summary above isn't too far off on one side of the coin. the other is summarized with "texas!" "powdah!" "douche!" "you lied!" "waaaaaahhhhhhh!"

what i still can't figure out though is that if all the folks on the "anti acell" side are ex reps that are upset about one thing or another, why spend all day on this website? like one poster said above, if you're truly happy to be done with acell, move on with your life! its like your an ex stalking your former lover on facebook or something. get over it, people. move on with your lives. some of us are looking for good information here, not a spat between ex lovers.

So let me get this straight. We not only have ex Acell Reps who couldn't sell on this site, but Lifecell reps who can't sell also? Pathetic. Is this how you're trained? It makes you look desperate and unprofessional. If you want us to air out your laundry list, we will be more than happy. Been in this industry way too long. You will lose that fight in a bad way.

So let me get this straight. We not only have ex Acell Reps who couldn't sell on this site, but Lifecell reps who can't sell also? Pathetic. Is this how you're trained? It makes you look desperate and unprofessional. If you want us to air out your laundry list, we will be more than happy. Been in this industry way too long. You will lose that fight in a bad way.

Jesus, now I'm really confused. Are there LifeCellers on here too? How do you know?

name me one pharma or device company that doesn't have one of these bad boys. i think its evidence the company has grown out of 'start up' phase and is officially on the radar. not to mention warning letters are being issued at the highest rate in the last decade.

Idiots like this give everyone in the industry a bad name. Stick to wound care losers!....oh!...that's reimbursement!