Accu Reference NY/NJ Lab Owner Sentenced to 1 year and 1 Day in federal prison

You are hoping, praying, and lying your way through this. I hope you are able too sleep at night. By the time you get the knock, it's too late. I don't get why you continue, I am giving you good advice. Be quiet.

Please review my previous post regarding the use of “to” and “too”. That is my good advice for you.


I sleep like a recently breastfed baby. Oops, sorry. Still a sore point for you?

Hope this helps.

What I take from this is that someone or some have heard "Knock, knock on their door from individuals investigation shiel/fresenius. Folks, this is real, if you ask around physicians and reps have been spoken too.
Can't figure out the denials, they woukd be better served if quiet. But, I guess they know better.

All true. All former employees know this to be the truth. So, what is inside your head? Got worry ? I know you do, how would it be possible not too? You need to ask yourself, what did I do, and who knows?
Uh oh, that is the problem. Everyone involved knows. Oh well, I guess your...

All true. All former employees know this to be the truth. So, what is inside your head? Got worry ? I know you do, how would it be possible not too? You need to ask yourself, what did I do, and who knows?
Uh oh, that is the problem. Everyone involved knows. Oh well, I guess your...

I fell down, down to the bottom of the cold sea
Heard church bells ringing in the middle of a gunfight
I walked like a ghost among the living and the born free
I'm coming, Yes, I’m coming for you

Hope this helps

I do not believe all got the KNOCK KNOCK

The facts are the facts

Who does give a shit?

Not me!

Dinner was great

Go ask the Irish man who Quit and the drug rehab Queen.
Try the Ecl boys.
maybe the accuracy crew?