
The ENT Space (cadets)

Relieva Circa is going to change the game for Acclarent and the ENT space. The world has been waiting for an Ethmoid punch and now we have one. Thank you Acclarent. You put the Dumb in Team.

The managers are why the company is falling apart. Heather Wozniack is one of the most unprofessional, amateur people I've ever dealt with.

The company is falling apart because they are being crushed by their competition and still trying to sell, in the office, an overcomplicated balloon developed for the OR. It is sad to watch this company still try and compete. Its like watching an old dog with bad hips mope around the house pissing on itself until it finally dies. Someone take this company behind the woodshed and put it out of its misery.

I am a successful acclarent rep., and I am still in business because of the relationships that I have built. I spend most of my days reminding my accounts that they can't start using Entellus because my kids will starve. Then I try and make them feel afraid to stick a scary seeker into a patients nose. My soft wire is safe, and flexibility matters. They seem to be buying it for now. The deeply discounted product and free lunch doesn't hurt either. See you next week Dr. Dumb Dumb

Re: ??

That doesn't even make any sense. The size of a payout has nothing to do with the validity of a qui tam it's about guilt. Think we know that answer to that one.

The DOJ is continuing to experience budget and personnel restraints. This suit is small potatoes and has been pushed to the sidelines. JNJ wins due to a "no show" .

Re: ??

The DOJ is continuing to experience budget and personnel restraints. This suit is small potatoes and has been pushed to the sidelines. JNJ wins due to a "no show"
Please tell me you're not trying to sound intelligent or remotely aware of what's going on because it's transparent you have no idea what you're talking about but trying to convince people otherwise.

Re: ??

The DOJ is continuing to experience budget and personnel restraints. This suit is small potatoes and has been pushed to the sidelines. JNJ wins due to a "no show"
Please tell me you're not trying to sound intelligent or remotely aware of what's going on because it's transparent you have no idea what you're talking about but trying to convince people otherwise.

Wishful thinking your QT suit will settle and you will be paid.
Last I heard the potential payout is minimal. You would be surprised who cruises this board.
Welcome to the tea party...

Re: ??

Wishful thinking your QT suit will settle and you will be paid.
Last I heard the potential payout is minimal. You would be surprised who cruises this board.
Welcome to the tea party...

Heard the same info. Small potatoes. The Medicare fraud with Stratus was minimal and most of the relators dropped out! Sounds like we have a pipe dreamer. Get a job, ass clown.