dont worry it is all going to change next quarter, massive restructure with pending lex patent expiry. no more pods and annoying specialty with pc reps hounding offices in the same day or week for signatures to save their jobs! it is going to change for good. jockeying has already started with the bus throwing and pointing out calls and sig's to Dm's during ride alongs. watch out for those glorified pc reps known as specialty, which we all know does not mean shit except they kissed the most ass and drank the most kook aid. i had 3 offices write letters to corporate voicing their concern and problem with getting hit with so many reps with same product and it taking away from their protocol even though the reps have been warned "1 VISIT PER PRODUCT PER QUARTER! AND THE NO DM SIGNS ARE IN EVERY ONE OF MY OFFICES, NO ENTRY, SINGLE REP ENTRY ONLY! THIS IS OVER, PODS AND WOLFPACKS ARE DONE AND GOOD COMPANIES UNLIKE FOREST CUT THE LOOSE BAIT AND PODS YRS AGO, FOREST IS FINALLY CATCHING ON AFTER WASTING ALL THAT MONEY ON SAMPLE DROPPING PODS! WHAT A JOKE!