Accera and Axona.....

I dont think so, it has not gone retail in 3 and 1/2 years. Why would they bother creating a large sales force if that was there near term intention? Regardless, I feel more safe here wi then any other large pharma company right now.

Wow, what have I done?! People here seem nice, and a few even have talent, but I just don't see how this product is going to go ANYWHERE in the market.

It's not. Too many hurdles and Accera will expect results like there are no hurdles. This new Nestlé money will be wasted. It takes more than a rep and a product for it to be successful. Clinicals with enough patients that AA will notice. The company has to do more behind the scenes. 2009 all over again.

Nestle does not invest in anything unless they know it's is guaranteed to succeed. They are conservative in their investments. Also, everything they touch to turns to gold. I think this product just needed the right resources behind it. Now they have it I think it will take off.

They only hire people that they think they can scare and micromanage. the product has some good results but no coverage and doctors dont think they should have to rx this thing. its too complicated to take for patients who are already "not right in the head"

The deal is that Axona has definitely helped people in a disease state where there are no drugs that have proven efficacy. It is well tolerated and priced well below the cash price of AD medications. I am even seeing more managed care companies cover it.

I have seen first hand how it helped several patients. Granted it may not be a blockbuster but there are no blockbuster products in this disease state.

The company has flaws. What company doesn't? What is awesome is that you actually have a VOICE here. If you speak loud enough, you will be heard. We all need some sort of micro managing to keep us on our toes and to Nestlé and other investors happy.

the southeast director is a girl that never worked in pharma. she used to work with her dad in a property management comp. her management team are all ball busters and they don't pay well. they size you up and want to know your personal life. same bullshit as all corporate bullshit.

It's been a great place to work with a good culture. As long as you do your job, you won't be micro-managed

Really? Once you "think" I'm not doing my job and start micro managing, I will shut down, stop selling and start looking for another job. Leave me alone and I will do what I need to do to increase sales. Your over-coaching will never increase my sales. Now go crunch some numbers, review some metrics, ask for some success stories, reject some expense reports and find someone else to coach. Just because you were the one never picked for teams in school, ate lunch alone because no one could stand stand to be with you, and you now have been given some power for the first time in your life, don' t abuse too badly.

Let's put this together.... Suspect phase II data, no insurance coverage, BDH nightmare, 35% growth rate requirements, < 40% realistic response rate = a recipe for success. I think not. I'm sorry the corporates over promised investors on a non standard of care milkshake. But that's not my fault and it's not my sales ability 'JA' it's your rediculous expectations with a lack of understanding of your marketplace. Sure they can sell it in FLA, there are a bunch of rich retired patients not wanting to get old before there time but for the average marketplace I work damn hard to get my docs to write.

Heed this warning, 108 reps to 73 in less than a year. A few were fired but tops reps left, they cut their losses and moved forward before the hammer is dropped. Not to mention they aren't backfilling territories.