Accera and Axona.....

So far, so good. Product is doing well, but higher ups thought this would sell itself, that is never the case in this disease state. Insurance coverage is not so good, but hopefully when ever we get a bonus check it will be worth it.

Some people have been let go. Because they where pharma, book a lunch now be back in 3 months, reps. We don't have the time or money as a company for that selling model. The ones who get it are doing well, even without having the main study to show anyone. Who knew.

And some people quit...were promised not to be micromanaged but that was not the case

Hi, there are only 3 sales positions posted on their site. Does that mean all the positions have been filled or are they going with a recruiter? If they are going with a recruiter, would anyone know a contact? Any help would truly be appreciated!

Expansion? No way...they just laid off 1/2 of the sales force...looks like those VCs must be runnin' out of $$.

No marketing, no coverage, no study, no patient when the product did not get off to a good start, they blamed us...3 weeks severance and a kick in the ass...not even a thank you for trying with your poor excuse for a drug...oh I forgot, it wasn't a drug...

I got contacted yesterday by recruiter. Sounded pretty good actually. Base not what I expected but they get paid commission on every rx written. Good benefits. $650/month car allowance, gas card, etc. Initial interview is phone interview with hiring manager. Final interview is a round robin type thing. they are hiring 65 reps nationally. "Nestle" is partnering with them with hopes of buying them if drug does really well. The Nestle thing entices me. Solid, stable company with money. I'm excited about it. I am in the Southeast by the way.