AbbVie PIP

Absolutely agree! You don’t survive with Abbott when you’re on PIP. Your Manager wants you out and has the blessing of his/her boss. Start looking, or, if you have a legal case (ex. age, religion, etc.,), get a lawyer. This could buy you time while still getting paid and get management off your back.

Abbott? You must be confused my friend. AbbVie hasn’t been part of Abbott for almost a decade.

I remember well when I got one of these several years back with AbbVie. I got a note from my doc and got 3 months leave, went on a 2 week Caribbean vacation, got a job offer a with another pharma company a month after I got back, and collected 2 salaries for the duration of the leave/pip! Once the leave was up, I put in my notice with AbbVie and told my dm where he could stick the pip! It was one of the greatest times of my life. That is the strategy I suggest. I know Mgmt here can be vile, but trust me, you will be so happy when you are out of AbbVie!!

I did the same thing in the mid 90’s with Abbott. Took medical leave for 90 days, signed up for a short military tour with the reserves and collected two paychecks. During the tour I was offered another pharma job and resumed my career in the industry. When I returned I called the regional manager from downstairs and told him to stick his PIP and the company car was downstairs with the key under the floor mat.
It was filthy being driven to New Mexico and had a nice roof dent from my mountain bike fork .
I was PIP’d after an account manager lost formulary at Kaiser and I became the scapegoat.
It was fun to sell opposite Biaxin and steal market share.

I was just put on one of these by my DM. Any advice is greatly appropriated. Is there any realistic chance employees survive these here? My manager is being so vague about all my questions!

Truthfully speaking, when Abbvie wants to exit you (to save headcount dollars, lean-out teh department, or whatever), they dont just fire you - because then, you coudl sue them for big $$$ and they would be liable. So instead they put you on a PIP and make it impossible for you to meet their highly subjective expectations - if you do meet them (by working extra and taking on huge task-loads), they will just keep raising the bar.

I was just put on one of these by my DM. Any advice is greatly appropriated. Is there any realistic chance employees survive these here? My manager is being so vague about all my questions!

My friend, start looking for your next job - this PIP is Abbvie's legal way to terminate you - there is no way out of this. If you are under a federally protected category (age, race, gender, etc), see if you can negotiate a decent severance.

1. Act committed to completing the pip
2. Go on st disability.
2. Spend 100% time finding another job.
3. Don’t tell anyone you found other employment.
4. Ghost the pip job (double dip)
5. Collect severance FTW.

I agree with one exception. Act like you have genuine interest in working through the PIP. Assuming it’s a 90 day, “work” until about day 82 then go on disability. Now you can drag them along for about six months total which gives you more time to look for a better job. If you really want to screw your manager and HR, apply for FMLA at the end of the short term disability. True, FMLA is unpaid leave but they cannot backfill or even post your position. Until the additional 12 weeks is up. That’s federal law right there.

I’m telling you this as someone who sat on the HR side of the table at another organization. I’ve advised a number of people in your position to do exactly what I described above. With one exception, it worked like a charm no matter where they were employed.

Abbvie is kicking you out the door. Might as well get paid and make it as difficult as possible for them.

Good luck to you.

Yes - agree with most of the postings above.Make new plans immediately. Went through this with Abbvie. First PIp they make it sound like it’s fixable (it’s not), then I went out on medical leave and FMLA, came back and put me on PIP #2 which was vague and no feedback given. HR told me after 2 months it was over and I’d survived it, 2 weeks later manager brings up vague reference to it and says there are performance issues, I ask for clarifications and almost quit, he pulls me back and says let’s work on our communication. 2 weeks later I’m terminated and told as I know I did not succeed on the PIP (of course these are lies). My mistake was not leaving immediately at PiP #2.

Especially pay attention to post #4. I am sorry. Most likely you did nothing to deserve this, but it’s over. This is how they get rid of people, and if it’s vague, that’s purposeful too. No metrics means no way to improve. Can ask for metrics, may not get them, plan your exit strategy. At some point this way of hurting people will catch up to all the Tech and Biotechs using this to trim employees.