AbbVie PIP


I was just put on one of these by my DM. Any advice is greatly appropriated. Is there any realistic chance employees survive these here? My manager is being so vague about all my questions!

I was just put on one of these by my DM. Any advice is greatly appropriated. Is there any realistic chance employees survive these here? My manager is being so vague about all my questions!
I don't know about Abbvie, but a colleague of mine from another company (but still a big company) did manage to work through their PIP. However, at the next layoff, they were gone.

I was just put on one of these by my DM. Any advice is greatly appropriated. Is there any realistic chance employees survive these here? My manager is being so vague about all my questions!

Call your HR rep and tell them to explain what is happening because your DM is being extremely vague about the whole thing.

First and foremost I am sorry this is happening to you. I think ours is the only industry who does childish stuff like this. I know it can be stressful confusing and a huge blow to a person. You flat out do not treat employees this way.
To level with you, you are done. There is no coming back from this at this company. This is how they run people out. It’s most likely not even your fault. Someone probably made up some stuff on you and got in your bosses or their bosses ear and you are being shown the door. It’s an awful terrible thing to do but here we are. my advice? Check the boxes as much as you can but IMMEDIATELY start looking for a new gig. If you need time call HR (WHO IS NOT YOUR FRIEND) and say you are in a hostile work environment. Get a friendly Doctor to get you out on short term so they can’t touch you and find your new job.
Again, I’m sorry this is happening to you.

can you come back - yes

here is the plan. Take the steps for improvement laid out by the manager and break there down. if there needs to be a % of call number improvement, lay out first your plan to achieve by week., then send weekly summaries to your leader with copy to yourself on how you are trending to your plan. Have weekly call with yu leader about your results and then cc him/her on the summary (yes, another email ). continue this until you have run through the length of the pip and have demonstrated actions/guidance of your leader to be over and above

Said another way - you dug this hole, now fill it in. with every shovel of dirt back, tell someone how big the shovel was, where the dirt hit and where you plan on putting the next shovel of dirt.

Ensure all the items are measurable. you cannot measure enthusiasm, but I can measure mei programs, days worked, calls/day.

also, ensure this is an actual pip as that language is no longer used. ( which is a tip that this might be a home-cooked one ). those are the best, because they are not sanctioned by the company and insert lawsuit risk. ooohhh, that might be really juicy.

finally, this is a very high effort process. ehr is not getting involved with a dm/rsd combo to craft one of these unless there is evidence and already significant coaching. maybe you really really want to stay now that you see the pip. maybe you dont. now you know.

the steps, once again: craft a plan. manage results. over communicate. repeat.

can you come back - yes

here is the plan. Take the steps for improvement laid out by the manager and break there down. if there needs to be a % of call number improvement, lay out first your plan to achieve by week., then send weekly summaries to your leader with copy to yourself on how you are trending to your plan. Have weekly call with yu leader about your results and then cc him/her on the summary (yes, another email ). continue this until you have run through the length of the pip and have demonstrated actions/guidance of your leader to be over and above

Said another way - you dug this hole, now fill it in. with every shovel of dirt back, tell someone how big the shovel was, where the dirt hit and where you plan on putting the next shovel of dirt.

Ensure all the items are measurable. you cannot measure enthusiasm, but I can measure mei programs, days worked, calls/day.

also, ensure this is an actual pip as that language is no longer used. ( which is a tip that this might be a home-cooked one ). those are the best, because they are not sanctioned by the company and insert lawsuit risk. ooohhh, that might be really juicy.

finally, this is a very high effort process. ehr is not getting involved with a dm/rsd combo to craft one of these unless there is evidence and already significant coaching. maybe you really really want to stay now that you see the pip. maybe you dont. now you know.

the steps, once again: craft a plan. manage results. over communicate. repeat.
Bad advice and all laughable

First and foremost I am sorry this is happening to you. I think ours is the only industry who does childish stuff like this. I know it can be stressful confusing and a huge blow to a person. You flat out do not treat employees this way.
To level with you, you are done. There is no coming back from this at this company. This is how they run people out. It’s most likely not even your fault. Someone probably made up some stuff on you and got in your bosses or their bosses ear and you are being shown the door. It’s an awful terrible thing to do but here we are. my advice? Check the boxes as much as you can but IMMEDIATELY start looking for a new gig. If you need time call HR (WHO IS NOT YOUR FRIEND) and say you are in a hostile work environment. Get a friendly Doctor to get you out on short term so they can’t touch you and find your new job.
Again, I’m sorry this is happening to you.
Great post and truthful advice!

can you come back - yes

here is the plan. Take the steps for improvement laid out by the manager and break there down. if there needs to be a % of call number improvement, lay out first your plan to achieve by week., then send weekly summaries to your leader with copy to yourself on how you are trending to your plan. Have weekly call with yu leader about your results and then cc him/her on the summary (yes, another email ). continue this until you have run through the length of the pip and have demonstrated actions/guidance of your leader to be over and above

Said another way - you dug this hole, now fill it in. with every shovel of dirt back, tell someone how big the shovel was, where the dirt hit and where you plan on putting the next shovel of dirt.

Ensure all the items are measurable. you cannot measure enthusiasm, but I can measure mei programs, days worked, calls/day.

also, ensure this is an actual pip as that language is no longer used. ( which is a tip that this might be a home-cooked one ). those are the best, because they are not sanctioned by the company and insert lawsuit risk. ooohhh, that might be really juicy.

finally, this is a very high effort process. ehr is not getting involved with a dm/rsd combo to craft one of these unless there is evidence and already significant coaching. maybe you really really want to stay now that you see the pip. maybe you dont. now you know.

the steps, once again: craft a plan. manage results. over communicate. repeat.

if you feel like you just had your soul sucked out of you reading this, you’re not alone. This is why PIP or whatever they call them now are for weak cowardly managers. “See? I tried to coach this rep but they were not open to coaching. They failed to properly execute phrase 2 of Suvsection B in the third paragraph of page 8. “

Can you come back? No. There’s no way. This is what spineless DM’s use to push Reps out, period.

if you feel like you just had your soul sucked out of you reading this, you’re not alone. This is why PIP or whatever they call them now are for weak cowardly managers. “See? I tried to coach this rep but they were not open to coaching. They failed to properly execute phrase 2 of Suvsection B in the third paragraph of page 8. “

Can you come back? No. There’s no way. This is what spineless DM’s use to push Reps out, period.

This is the only way HR will usually let you terminate employees. Many times they hope that this “warning shot” causes said employee to either retire or jump ship to another company. Finding a new position would certainly be in your best interest as you won’t be in much of a bargaining position after you are terminated.

1. Act committed to completing the pip
2. Go on st disability.
2. Spend 100% time finding another job.
3. Don’t tell anyone you found other employment.
4. Ghost the pip job (double dip)
5. Collect severance FTW.

Absolutely agree! You don’t survive with Abbott when you’re on PIP. Your Manager wants you out and has the blessing of his/her boss. Start looking, or, if you have a legal case (ex. age, religion, etc.,), get a lawyer. This could buy you time while still getting paid and get management off your back.

OP please don’t listen to any of these well meaning but reps who frankly don’t know what’s up. I’m a DM and first take these as facts:

1. you are done nothing you do will help you keep the job.
2. don’t get a lawyer as Abbvie has Teams of lawyers and will bury yours under paper work.
3. You will NOT get severance this is NOT a layoff.
4. HR is NOT your friend.
5. Work 1-2 hours per day on your PIP but look for a new job as if your life depends on it, which it does.

good luck!

OP please don’t listen to any of these well meaning but reps who frankly don’t know what’s up. I’m a DM and first take these as facts:

1. you are done nothing you do will help you keep the job.
2. don’t get a lawyer as Abbvie has Teams of lawyers and will bury yours under paper work.
3. You will NOT get severance this is NOT a layoff.
4. HR is NOT your friend.
5. Work 1-2 hours per day on your PIP but look for a new job as if your life depends on it, which it does.

good luck!

Only #4 is correct

Absolutely agree! You don’t survive with Abbott when you’re on PIP. Your Manager wants you out and has the blessing of his/her boss. Start looking, or, if you have a legal case (ex. age, religion, etc.,), get a lawyer. This could buy you time while still getting paid and get management off your back.

Times have changed my friend. It is not as easy to get rid of employees as it used to be. Perhaps it could take months or years- your manager will need to build a strong case against you in order to fire you.