Abbvie paying new hires $110-115k

Are legacy allergan representatives getting screwed?

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Exactly! Why didn’t you take this issue up with Allergan, or better yet, why did you accept a low offer???
If you're selling a biologic and not making 145k base at minimum you are being duped. Get out. Lots of great jobs with way better companies than this micromanaged company. Worst company ever.

Minority and women will be paid more. It’s the trend in the business Horrible

quit or organize a strike
Dont quit, reassign your gender and your race. i do it all the time on interviews. i used to be a white male. thats all gone now. Got an instant raise once i informed human resources. they even gave me a rimjob

So did anyone hear about an internal management email accidentally sent out discussing the ability to pay new hires the max of $115k starting? Allergan legacy reps were told the starting was $80k. From the email it’s states it’s $110-115k. I know two new hires with Abbvie in same division of company with little to no experience that got the $115k starting salary…The gist is Abbvie is severely underpaying the allergan legacy reps…So is Abbvie going to raise legacy salaries or try to sweep under the rug?

They don’t need to raise salaries because the Allergan reps have no leverage.

Don’t like your pay, fine. Get a different job.

Abbvie is in cost cutting mode for at least 2 years, and even after that, the pipeline is barren. Last thing on their mind is some old Botox or eye care rep.

They don’t want experience so they can teach you how to be illegal and promote off label. PHDs have no clue how clinical practice of medicine works but they want them to talk about the blah blah blah scientific data which doctors are NOT scientists unless you have a MD PHD but you can’t get in there. PHDs have won the lottery if they get a job in Pharma. All they want. , including psycho Milazzo, is to get primary care to write write write

They don’t want experience so they can teach you how to be illegal and promote off label. PHDs have no clue how clinical practice of medicine works but they want them to talk about the blah blah blah scientific data which doctors are NOT scientists unless you have a MD PHD but you can’t get in there. PHDs have won the lottery if they get a job in Pharma. All they want. , including psycho Milazzo, is to get primary care to write write write

Is that you CF? Still getting worked up from way over there? :rolleyes:

16 years here still a level 3. Minorities with no pharma experience coming at level 3 and 4. Go work somewhere else! LOL. Team cohesion is shot when this happens. I have a go fuck yourself attitude now. Thanks Senior leadership for being exclusive of non-minority loyal employees. I’ll go back in my hole now.

Oh yeah. Be at max the younger people smart enough to get a higher salary. Your fault for staying 16 years . Get mad at YOURSELF for having no ambition to drive to switch companies after 8 years and jump salary and levels.
Be mad at YOURSELF dumb fuck dinosaur