This week Abbvie announces 3rd quarter numbers. Look for a big number and the stock will respond accordingly. It is funny how Abbvie is now the darling of Wall Street. The Amgen deal sealed another 5-6 years of growth. Wouldn't be surprised if the stock doubles in the next 2-3 years

This week Merck announced they were dropping out of the Hep C market. This will increase shares by another 2-$3. My source tells me the stock should be $102 a share by January. 4th quarter numbers will be huge and we will see the next spike then. I told you 6 months ago the stock would be $90 and you all laughed. Hold on......this is going to be fun.

Are you dillusional? JnJ announced their purchase of Nektar with an early phase 3 showing complete remission after 1 dose of a 75 ml injection. The drug HCt1326 is fast tracked. This is going to be over before it starts. If JnJ can muster a sales force (competent) we might be toast.

Wait until the lower corporate tax rate of 21% kicks in.You'll see Rick do what other CEOS will do. They won't create jobs or invest in R&D, they'll simply buy back thier own stock and FK the middle class. Little to no job growth from this. In 2004 Bush passed similar corporate tax cut. As Trump would say "It was a disaster" It grew into a massive giveaway that added to the complexity of the tax system and end up rewarding multinational companies that move jobs overseas. Love POTUS but he's greasing pockets of the greedy ones. Should have kept corporate tax where it was and gave that portion to lower and middle class folks. In a way, ( hate to admit) the looney dems are right. Follow the money trail ! ! !

YUGE tax corporate profits and low interest rates show clearly that it isn’t corporations profitability or insufficient available savings holding back investment. Corporations are sitting on plenty of cash but have used that money to boost shareholder returns, NOT investment ! ! This will be great for ABBV investors and shareholders by NOT middle class. Cutting corporate taxes solves no problem currently facing the American economy. Tax cuts for corporations are just tax cuts for the rich by another name. The gains from cutting corporate taxes will disproportionately accrue to the rich, since the top 1 percent holds 41% of stock wealth.

Agree! Let's hope there isn't anymore serious adverse events with Upadacitinib (ABT 494).Y'all had (2) patients who died in trials on a low dose. Technically, if and when when Abbv launches this, it wont only be competing with Enbrel and Xeljanz, it would also be up against your own Humira. WTF ?

Agree! Let's hope there isn't anymore serious adverse events with Upadacitinib (ABT 494).Y'all had (2) patients who died in trials on a low dose. Technically, if and when when Abbv launches this, it wont only be competing with Enbrel and Xeljanz, it would also be up against your own Humira. WTF ?

We will destroy Enbrel and Xeljanz.

Funny thing is in 60 months im up over 300% from IPO. Strong dividends make it even sweeter.The sweetest part is it cost me NOTHING , as a result of the Distribution of Abbott common shares at an aggregate tax basis.I never worked a day for Abbvie and reaped big bucks. How Sweet It Is !!! My Abbott stock did tank slightly after branded pharm was spun to AbbVie but I made substantial gains and now ABT is back headed north like ABBV.....EVERY Abbott shareholder got a piece of the pie and current and former C suite Abbott folks like me holds 10% of your stocks total value. BIG LEAGUE

That would be wonderful, but you betttter find a new broker. Impossible feat. I'd settle for $115 by Q3 and be damn happy. Maybe I'll buy CP if they want to sell site. I'd offer couple mill cash deal and rid this site of the liars and posers.